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Right in the mouth!

I have no idea why there are all these Daffy Duck references going around, when this has nothing to do with "Looney Tunes". Given the fact that the entire game is nonsensical, this actually fits in kind of well. I really like how there are those guys you can just "absorb" for more points. I do wish there was some way I could attack the knights. "Smurf Mode" has got to be one of the most random things in this game. It does have the theme of a castle, so I guess it makes some sense and I think Castle Cat is the best character you ever made.

It gets better

As the first installment, I think this probably is the weakest entry in the "Classroom" series. This is not to say it is enjoyable in its own right. It was interesting to choose something mundane, even though I myself can not associate myself with cheating in any way. The characters move around well despite being nothing but dots. This game is a lot harder than its regular features give it and it deserves credit for that. As I am not good at this game, I understand why I never cheat in real life.

When is the sequel?

This game deserves its status as a classic flash game! Seeing as how everything about religion on the Internet is negative, this is probably the most positive thing we will see about religion in awhile. It was very hard to hit those zombies in the first level, so I just have to use the cheat codes for that. If anyone is having trouble on the final boss, you have to jump over the red things he sends after you. I think it is weird how I can not just shoot them, but whatever. It is also funny when the possessed priests just move around when they get shot.

Great tribute

This game is awesome because it perfectly catches the true spirit of "The Matrix" movies. While it is not that detailed, the strongest point is that you are simply able to move around so much. It is of course more fun when you put on the different modes, bullet especially. I was thinking this was trying to imitate stick figures, but it seemed too original in its own right. It is even funny to just watch these little guys get tossed around. It is also a pity that you are not submitting stuff here recently.

So cute

I just think that Indiana Jones himself looks so cute in this, almost exactly like Toon Link, which I would know about. The really cool thing is that it has a "Star Wars" theme on the next level. This actually makes sense because both George Lucas and Harrison Ford worked on both movie series. It is so funny to just see him get happy as he gets the key. The animation is really good, and it was a great idea to abandon sprites. It has a wonderful feeling of classic games and the movies it references!


This game is fun to play because it has such cool graphics to it. I like how the archer is CGI, and he has to fight against the other two dimensional balloons (well, not fight, I guess). The music is also fairly pleasant and it gives you a relaxing tone. You definitley have to keep up with this game. My biggest suggestion is that you should wait for the balloons to come right up from the start and power your strength when they are gone. I guess this might be appropriate for me given my icon.

That crazy bunny!

This is your most famous submission and it certainly deserves that title. If there was any flaw, it would be that it is a bit annoying with how it takes to progress to the next part. Still, this has some very impressive CGI, which I am so surprised you do not see more of on Newgrounds. All the weapons are really cool to use, especially when you get to see the mouse robots just blow up. I knew that tiny fishing bears would not be the main threat! It also love how it is easy to get the powerups.

The most popular one ever!

Of all the soundboards ever made, I think this is in fact the most popular soundboard on the entire Internet. I hear Jack Black swearing all the time using these sounds. I still have no idea what crazy movie this is from! I really find it funny that he talks about wanting a Coke that if half Diet and half regular. Coke actually did in fact release a product that was exactly that a few years ago! He is a great actor and while this may not be his most famous role, it certainly captures his essence.

The year of soundboards

More soundboards were made this year than really any other year. It is too bad that these things seemed to simply die out in addition to the prank phone calls used with them. While I never saw the movie "Phone Booth" my brother did. This is good at capturing the best moments as presented in the movie, at least to my knowledge. Some of the dialogue is not that descriptive and a bit too short, but overall it is loyal to the feel of the game. You are a true credit to all fans of this movie.

It does look old

The saddest thing is that this game has simply been imitated so many times, it really has lost some of its edge. It is still enjoyable to play as a monument to Newgrounds as well as defense games in general. I am not sure if this was the first defense game, but it was definitly the first that got really popular. The only irritating thing is that this game just goes on and on and on. It is of course always entertaining to kill those annoying little stick men. I admire you guys for making this significant.

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