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I can't dislike it

This game is fun to play only because it is just so easy. All you really have to do to go to the screen any time you want to anybody and eventually you will get everything you wanted. I guess I wish this had medals like the next game had. The graphics were alright, but you guys were not seeking to make a masterpiece out here, I think. The music can get a bit annoying but in general it is not too bad. This game is just so basic in talking to other characters, you could consider it an RPG, albeit a very short and easy one.


Of course, the main reason this is so addicting is because you want medals and they seem so easy to get at first! This was a good effort overall and at least it lived up to its name. Now, no one can have that as the name of a game because they would be accused of ripping you off. It probably would have been a bit more addicting if they had made it more fun. I suggest including things like being able to jump on the early levels. Nonetheless, it is a pretty stylistic game that moves fluidly.

It is different

It is strange that you are expected to get ahead so far in a game that is entirely luck. At least you could always get that easy medal by simply memorizing the stuff on the first level. I assume that all the arrangements are in fact the same whenever you play it? There were actually some really good designs for the monsters in here, especially how they all managed to be cute even if their slight scary appearances. I think some has been playing "Pokemon" too much. While it later got frustating, it was pretty fun to play.

It's cute

I liked playing this because it had just what you would want to have from a game with no point at all. You could technically "win" it by going into the van and waiting until the fish came out of the truck. The music is quite precious and sets the tone well. I could not help but be reminded of that one cartoon about a little cat in a box too. While that one was better, this was interesting because it had a truly different use of graphics. I would suggest turning this into a full fledged game as it would be more fun.

Got that right

This game is definitley simple and addicting and probably owes a lot of its greatness to how sweet the music is. This definitley made me feel tense and built up the drama. While there was not a lot of detail, it was still good in its simplicity. It is quite fast moving so the suspense really builds up after awhile. I am surprised this did not get more popular, but your sequel is better and it did get some good popularity. It was cool how the tips had those lines on them to make it easier to kill you.

Good, but hard

One weak point is that there is no sound and a lot of people look for that when they play a game. It was also just too dang hard at times. I just wish there was some way that when it reached the edge, it could fall down and go on to a lower level. The graphics are actually quite good, and I like the design of everything. It seemed like there were little tiny balls floating around the gyroball perhaps representing gravity or magnetism? This game takes a lot of patience to get ahead, but brace yourself.

Very fun!

This game was great to play because it really just cut all the bullcrap it could have had to look flashy. I enjoyed doing nothing by pressing my mouse over and over to blow up the enemies. It seems like it could have been released around the 4th of July. While not that detailed, the graphics are really good and so is the overall setting. It gets harder as it goes on, of course, so you can not be preoccupied for a moment if you want to get all the way through. This is only when I played in "soft" mode!

Standard Pong game

It would normally be hard to like something like this, as there is not much you can do with Pong. I did, however, feel that you actually did show off more of a creative side than most people who make games like this. It was funny to see the little ball just bounce off the side of the screen. I was certainly not expecting the computer to start splitting out fire. The graphics were nice (not that that is difficult in a Pong game). The music and sound effects were fine and everything was authentic to the original game.


While there is not a lot going on in this game, I admit that it is pretty fun. I guess it really helps if you are a true dork and enjoy learning things about numbers. My record here is 5.something seconds. It almost seems like something that would be featured in a "Sesame Street" game as it is fairly simple. This is not an insult, but the main point is that it has everything you could possibly want in a game like this. The music was pretty good, and I think its only flaw was that it was a little too soft.

Does its job well

I am going to admit right now that I am not and never was a fan of "Crank Yankers". I think I heard some comedian come up with the "Special Ed" joke. Anyway, I can not spend this review bashing the show and can at least appreciate what you have done. You have made a fairly clear and concise way to show off things Special Ed said. If you used this as an actual prank call, then it would be a sort of recursive thing as it is already one! If nothing else, I can press a bunch of these buttons at one time and made it sound the silliest it can.

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