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I guess this game was harmless. I guess I was just turned off by how strange it was. I mean, I'm going around collecting cheese. It just seemed so random. Is it the name Jesus? It does kind of sound like "cheeses".

I'm not very good at this game either. I guess it is pretty unique. It just isn't for me. I only got ten cheeses because I fell down while getting hit by a brick. Those are some pretty big bricks too.

DBuck-Eye responds:

I, for one, appreciate your stream of consciousness review style. This game is definitely strange, but you could probably say that for most of my games. I guess it's just my style, so to each his own :)

Yeah, I ended up really enjoying this! I admit that it got pretty difficult sometimes. That didn't matter, because it was so much fun! My only complaint is that there should have been enemies. I guess I wanted more of a Mario feel to it. I love the usage of sprites.

I could have sworn I saw this before. Maybe it was just the thumbnail? It was almost certainly before 2016. The music was great too. The water level was murder though.

AdventureIslands responds:

This game's a complete remake of Dangerous Dungeons I released in 2011. This version is build from scratch with new art, improved controls and level design, and completely new 4th dungeon. The original game is still playable here: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/583201

Dang, I must have a really big ego today. I just want to excel at every game I play. This game isn't that good. It's just nice how easy it is! Hey, it's been awhile since I've reviewed something while it was under judgement. Those are a lot of bullets on screen.

You really need to have more detail. The aliens all looked the same. They didn't even seem to be advancing onto you. You just stopped when you were exhausted. It's cool when they all line up at once.

Wow, I guess I am just in a mood to complete everything I play. This was wonderful! It did get confusing at times, but it was all worth it. There was only one boss. I appreciate how creative it is. My favorite level was the first one.

It just seems like it gave you the most freedom. You really can go anywhere you want with that power. It's great how you just discover how to beat the levels as you go along. It's pretty hard to die, now that I think about it. Maybe I'm just that good!

Wow, that was really weird. Here I was thinking this was some massive video game, but it was just one level. At least the boss had four forms. Four is death, you know. The graphics are great! I so wish there was more to this game.

It should have been more of a standard platformer. I am still glad it was unique. Tom had a pretty small penis compared to his balls. I'm glad there's a game I could beat. The graphics were just gorgeous and I'm glad you had so much mobility, hee hee.

PestoForce responds:

Glad you enjoyed it and it left you wanting MORE! :-)

I ended up really liking this. Granted, it would have been more enjoyable if I was better at it. It's still a very nice game. This is seriously the first time I've played a game with an anthropomorphic basketball. I'm always glad to try something new. The music is really nice as well.

I got Melodramatic while I go through the hoop after the time ran out. I guess that's how you get it! You certainly come up with some creative traps. It's great to see how a basketball game can escalate like that. It was pretty unique.

That was pretty enjoyable, but I did have one major complaint. Nothing was in English! It would have been a lot better if you wrote down the controls in the author comments. I still don't quite know how to go down. This did make me feel rather nostalgic. I like the title.

It seemed to be just like the game. I don't even know how to get past that bridge. You know how to create tension. The sounds were quite authentic. I didn't even know the game was Japanese.

I am so glad I managed to get this game through. I'm just not into RPGs that much. After awhile, they can drive me pretty insane. I do appreciate how good the artwork is, as always. It's weird, seeing as how I was looking for the token this time. The game just went on too damn long I gave up and flipped through the rest.

As I didn't complete the last one, I guess I'm backed up story wise. This is quite nice, whatever it is. The sounds are as good as ever. It's nice to have a game that's so unpredictable.

I loved this game, if only because of how motivated I was to complete the first level! Seriously, that very last jump was complete murder on me. I probably die hundreds of times playing this! I love how massive it is. I'd love to see a map of an entire level. It would probably be miles long!

It's so complicated. Timing is EVERYTHING in this game. I'm glad I didn't go insane playing this. People really should check this out. It's freaking amazing.

VascoF responds:

Yes the levels are pretty long :) Thanks!

This is a nice game, but I was just never into point and click adventure games. I guess it's mostly because I don't know where to start. It's pretty boring. Anyway, this was very nicely detailed, though. I truly appreciated the use of photographs. It gives it a great genuine feeling.

I like how you can go to various places and stuff. You have good mobility. The sounds are nice. It just isn't interesting enough for me to truly get through. I wish you had a walkthrough.

axoona responds:

thank's for giving the game a chance and giving it a fair review even though you seem to not like adventure point & click games :)
I didn't want to make a walkthrough because I find that it spoils all the fun, people generally want to discover the solution by themselves. But I added spoiler free help section (click on the "?" button in right botomm corner) which will give you a hint about what to do based on current game position. Did you try it?

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