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Yep, this was pretty fun. Granted, it's mostly because I got so many medals. You really just have to experiment with everything here. The music is nice too. The drawings are pretty cool. It's good to see these shades.

It just wasn't great. It's just something short and sweet. I guess other games are just too hard for me. It was maybe too easy. Hey, for a lot of medals, I'm down with that!

Galbert responds:

Yeah, that was pretty much the intention. It was for school, so deadlines limited me a bit. Plus, I just learned medals so of course medals everywhere! Thanks for the feed back.

Well, I couldn't beat this game. It was annoying how one hit took me out. I do still genuinely enjoy this. It's nice to have a game that's easy to understand. I died on Thursday. This was certainly something different for you and I appreciated it.

The sounds and music were really nice. That isn't a "Sound Of Music" reference. I could never think of anything that happy while watching this. It still seems like a game you would make. The gameplay is similar to other stuff you've done.

The weirdest thing happened. I ended up hearing these sounds of all the medals coming up, but there were more than was possible. It must be something with this new laptop. I guess this game was quite good. Yep, I looked at the walkthrough. You put some pretty clever stuff there.

I certainly had little idea what would happen next. It's a pretty easy going game. Then again, I guess all point and click adventure games are like that. There's not much else to do! It's still nice.

Wow, this is seriously one of the most complicated games I've ever come across here. It's just amazing how hard it is. I am so glad to have come by it! You really have shown how much you can do with a simplistic design. The game is anything but! It's just so elaborate.

The music is wonderfully peaceful. I had to look at the walkthrough for some of this. It just got too hard at times. You really deserve credit for something so challenging. It's just so insane!

I admit that this wasn't quite as good as the other cartoons. I do appreciate how it's kind of different for you. You do have an interesting world set up. The Jeff thing was pretty funny. I have no idea why you'd need that much yen for a soda. Do they just do that in Japan?

I think the animation looks as nice as ever. It's great to see something with Paul ter Voorde's name on it! I haven't heard from him in a long time. The astronaut token isn't the one at the very end. Maybe it's the one at the very beginning.

This really is a unique cartoon for you! I'm impressed you made something so original. It kind of reminds me of "There Is No Game". It's like how you have to keep on figuring out what to do. I admit that it did get annoying at times. I'm really stuck at the fourth part.

I guess I wouldn't recommend this because of that. Maybe I just have a low resolution computer. I'm still glad I looked at it. When I think of rituals, I think of creepypasta. I guess this was kind of creepy.

keybol responds:

Fourth part is you have to click anywhere but the circle?

I admit that this game was quite unique. I really didn't seem to find any monsters at all. I was confused as to why or when I was on fire. I was able to get some medals at least. The music is pretty good. I appreciate the sprite work.

You create a pretty nice environment here. It still makes little sense to me. At least you have good mobility. I was able to figure out how to burn through some stuff. It still didn't even help me beat that level.

Wow, that was a very strange game. I believe that scene's from "Pulp Fiction". I wouldn't be a nerd if I didn't recognize everything from that movie. I admit that this doesn't seem like it took a long time to make. It was still fairly unique. It did get pretty challenging.

I wouldn't quite recommend it, because it did get repetitive. I don't know how the mothership thing works. At least it was unpredictable in that sense. The sounds were pretty good. I never know what to expect on this website.

I am so glad I got as far as I did. I was really confused by the gameplay at first. I tried combining things, but literally nothing happened. I normally expect something to pop up and say that these things can't be combined. Instead, it was just your own assumption. I guess I'm just bad at these.

It's great that you take a classic game like this. I still don't know why I would be trapped IN a car. It must be some faulty model. I think the design is really good, even though there's not much to see in general. I'm surprised I found so many places to look.

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