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I was glad this didn't have that much going on. I didn't want a complicated game like this. I really do like these drawings. I guess it's just hard to get into a comic here. You still manage to make the story interesting. I'm glad the first medal is easy.

I feel bad not reading everything. It seems to be really nice. Oh yeah, you ARE the same guy who did the Ghostbusters ones. I can associate with these characters a bit. The music is great and sets the mood nicely.

Muja responds:

Hello Ericho and thank you for your review!
Yep, I'm the same guy, but this time I also had Giorgia Longo's help with the drawings - she's a terrific artist and pro comics drawer in Italy - and original great music composed and performed by Antonio Mariano (his nickname on Newgrounds is "mararte").

I'm glad you enjoyed the experience, even though you didn't feel like reading all the dialogues - there's a time for reading and a time for playing, can't blame you if you weren't in the mood.

Hope that when you'll feel like reading again, you'll remember this little comic and come back to enjoy the story, too.

Thanks again!

I really lost it when the fourth player came out. It was great to see this good animation. Still, this guy kept reforming over and over. It really got annoying. I just don't like these as much. It gets too repetitive.

I admit that I am not good with RPGs. I think you could just put in one or two fights like this in a game. We want more variety. Well, other people are much better at this. It certainly wasn't bad.

While a bit too mundane, this wasn't that bad. I was confused as to how the medals were placed. It would be impossible to get them in the order shown. I have never said that before! The music was quite good. I really have no idea how to understand those colors.

Yep, I just looked at a walkthrough. I really do like how realistic this is. It's nice to see something taking place in a normal world. Then again, it might take place in the same Universe as the other supernatural stuff. It just isn't for me.

I am generally not into point and click adventure games, but this wasn't bad. It's mostly because you create a pretty cool world to live in. I just like how this is put together. A lot of it really does come out as CGI. It's just something about the structure. You are pretty creative.

It really was a slow moving game. I could appreciate that. You know how to create atmosphere. It's just pretty creative. I certainly don't know what's going to happen next. I can see why so many people enjoy this.

Well, this game certainly drove me nuts with how hard it was. I just had no idea how to advance past Level 6. I didn't even realize that there was a time limit at first. The screen was just so big! I did get pretty far. It seemed easy at first.

That was again, before I realized there was a time limit. It was recommendable. It's annoying with how it's the same thing over and over after awhile. This guy reminded me of Dipper. Why didn't he hook up with Pacifica?!

blit-blat responds:

Haha, well hopefully it was hard in a fun way! A little challenge is good now and then ;) Thanks for the review! :)

I found this game to be playable, but not much else. It was weird how I couldn't get back to the screen after dying. There must have been something that I was missing. The sounds were good. The graphics were nice. My medals didn't show up on screen.

Thanks for making most of them easy! It did seem pointless after awhile. It still isn't bad. I wouldn't quite recommend it, as it could probably be more detailed. You could use a more elaborate game.

I feel bad for not knowing more about Magus. I'm not much of a "Chrono Trigger" fan. This is a great game you've created. The title's generic, but that's fine. It's very easy to understand everything. Maybe that's why I don't like MOST RPGs.

The music was really good. It's just a nice, soft game. I can appreciate that. The sprite work is done so well. You just have so much time and space to do everything.

I generally liked this, but there were some big complaints. I couldn't tell when the level ended. It seemed disorganized with how you didn't go from one room to another. You just pressed space. The graphics are pretty good. The pun is quite funny. It's nice to see new variants of a character like Pac-Man.

It is fairy unpredictable. It can just get too repetitive. I've never played a Pac-Man platformer before! I know they exist elsewhere. It's quite nice.

It was pretty tedious to play this. You did nothing but kill the same enemies over and over. It was nice to get those medals. I was impressed at how good I was at this. Granted, it's not that hard. You just need to move around a lot.

I had no idea the Castle Crashers would show up in this. That was a nice touch! I should get into the Evil Dead series. Hey, I'm still watching a movie every day of my life. I would recommend it because it can get addictive.

juako04 responds:

Thanks you for taking the time to review, I think the same, but I didnt want to investigación to much time in something that its not my property, de el confidente that the next game is going to have more depth. You should watch them! They are awsome. I dont have it as a rule but I kind of watch one movie pero day :)

I could not understand this game. There was a time period where nothing happened at all. Am I missing something? I wish I could know how to get at least some of the medals. It's just nothing happening for a long time. The music stops too.

I guess it was kind of a clever idea. I just wish I knew what was going on. I was able to figure out the controls pretty well. It just seemed to have no point. Oh well.

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