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This was a fairly entertaining game to play and the downsides were that it was pretty hard to play. The graphics were nice even if there was not much distinction between the two characters. The coolest attack was easily the Revenge one. Man, I swear that laser blast cut off a fourth of your health! The background is not very detailed but being a stick game it does not need to be. I probably would have enjoyed it more if it was a bit more detailed and had some slicker graphics.

This is still a fun game to play because you have a lot of health so you get to really form some strategy. It was also cool with how you had good mobility around your environment and control. The sound effects were decent. It was also cool to use the attack where you had a giant fist. It could have also benefited by having some more color.

Remember me?

This was cool to watch and I am glad I managed to pick it up even though I did poorly with the medals. Now I am a very frequent poster on the BBS myself, but I do not think I partook in this. It was mostly because there are so many people here it is hard to keep up. I guess it does seem weird, because I should care more about it. Anyway, I was still very glad to see some familiar names like Ultor, Malachy, and ZeroAsALimit! I bombed on the awards page, probably because I know so little of the awards myself.

While not the most eloborate layout, this was still fun because it really makes you think about the personalities of the posters. At least I did not win a negative award here! I recognize some of you guys from the forums and you all did a good job on this. I am quite surprised it does not have more views as it seems to be important to the website. Here's to another great year on the BBS with you guys!

It is insane!

It was really cool to play a game where you were the villian. You would expect a game like that would have you doing a lot of shooting and stuff, but you managed to come up with something really original! I can tell he is modeled after the HAL-9000 from "2001: A Space Odyssey". The artwork is really well done and I like seeing the scientists run away in terror. The hardest thing is getting a scientist to live a certain idea. The best thing to do is to lock doors in a place that has none and then unlock to try to trap them.

There could have been more sound, but still very well done. I am the kind of person who is always interested in new ideas and this was quite original. The scientists just look funny with those big heads. The most fun part was probably being able to control the lights, as you got money by just doing that. The robots hanging around were well designed as well.


It looks like you may have a new original character on your hands, even though he will probably not become that popular. It is good that now you spread your submissions out more. That being said, this was still an enjoyable game because it had a simple premise to it. I was certainly not expecting the screen to get that huge with all those things to jump on! At least on those levels you did not have to worry about the red guys touching you. I would think they would be killable if you touched the red shade.

The complaints about this game are mostly the fact that it is very hard! On the largest level with the blocks, there were some blocks that simply did not even exist. Whenever I had to go on a moving platform, I had to move along with the platform. I guess those are just glitches that should be sorted out eventually. Some music would be nice too.

Bit too hard

I did not enjoy this as much as the first one, if only because this one was a whole lot harder. I guess the graphics did look like they were a bit improved, but not much difference. I have never played this "Gibbets" thing people are talking about. It seems like an original idea enough to me. The graphics are probably the best part of the game as everything has a good amount of detail. It is just too hard to hit the arrow from the angle like that. It's like there are so many different ways to fail, but only one way to succeed!

I suggest that you make it get harder as it goes along and not have it all go at once. Then again, that could be the point of it as being the sequel, it would be harder. It would probably be a good idea to put some music in, specifically one that suits the mood. There would be a mute button for people who did not want to hear it. It's amazing how you've managed to submit so many things while just being introduced to the site!

You can dress in school?!

It is hard to say if this was better than your previous dressup game. On one hand, it improved in the sense that it made the girl naked (I personally wouldn't care for that, but trust me, it's popular here). It seems like kind of a wasted oppurtunity to not have the other girls change their dresses as well. It would have been so cool if you had allowed us to have several girls to dress up! That is something I rarely see in a dressup game and it should appeal to more people.

You again made the mistake of not having any music or sound effects. While there is not much action here, you could have made some swishing sounds when the designs changed. The girls do seem more animated as they mouth their eyes. Oh, and in case no one can figure it out, you hit "Reset" to make the girl naked. You still can't see any naughty bits.

Not terrible, I guess

The thing that I did really not like about this was how you mispelled "city". That really gives off the feeling that this was made in a short time. Another point taken away was how there was no sound. I suggest that you simply go to some place that has music videos and find one that fits the game and import it. Granted, I have never made a game of any kind, so I would have little idea how it would work. The graphics and arrangement of outfits is actually fairly well done.

I guess that you have to get the girl naked if you want to get millions of views. It was kind of fun to be able to look through the different earrings, that's something you seldom see in a dressup game. The purses look like golf clubs when you select them! I guess this is gauche, but try to show the girl in skimpier clothing for more views. She is fairly attractive.

This was decent

I found this to be a fairly enjoyable game to play, even though it was far from one of your best. The best thing about it is that the idea is actually fairly original. I just find it funny how you can stab the women with an arrow and they don't die. It can be difficult to get every single one of them on a level. Geez, I would think three out of four would be enough to advance! This game is fairly hard as it is one where you really have to test your depth perception. I keep making the common mistake of clicking it when I want it to face the opposite way.

The graphics are good in this and it seems just as good as some other games. This reminded me of the games where you destroy a castle as ludicrous as it sounds. It is hard to suggest anything new because it did not want to be anything different. There could have been some more detail here and there, I guess. Try to come up with more stuff on your own.

Should please every fan

I am not a fan of "One Piece" and am not familiar with it, but this was still a fairly enjoyable game. The best part was probably how the designs were good, with what little they had. As I am not a fan, it was a bit hard to tell how this was like OP. What does matter is that this still has the same addiction that makes your other games so good. My biggest complaint would be I do not think you are able to rotate the pieces as much as you would like them to. I am guessing you can still solve the level of course.

Another complaint was that the music did get a bit annoying as it was short and infinite. Still, this is a recommendation to anyone who is a fan of puzzle games. I think it has been awhile since I have played a game like this. All of the images used for the characters fit in well. As it gets harder, you have to learn to pace yourself too.

Seems familiar

Okay, I know this is going to sound gauche, but I kept thinking this was a little too similar to "Epic Battle Fantasy". I guess that might be because that is my favorite RPG series and I have played it a lot. The strongest point is that the graphics are actually not half bad and the enemies have an okay design. You really lost points by not having any music or sound effects. As this is intended to be a preview, I guess you did a good job of showing that. It just seems too easy to put in a song you could find to go on forever.

There were good elements like the title screen. There is a fair amount of detail put into this, but again hard to really like something that does not have sound. The gameplay is also decent and it seems to be fairly kind to the player. I hope that the final version is more elobarate. You could make a few more attacks and powerups.

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