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It was different

I am generally not a fan of board games when played on the computer like this. This was fairly interesting because it showed something quite different than what I am used to. The best part was how well the graphics were designed and how creative it was. Even with the help from the tutorial, I could not really get far. I guess that board games like this are simply not my cup of tea. A person more familiar with this gameplay would probably do a lot better.

It was at least nice to look at and you had little idea what was going to happen next. Usually when you hear of a robot apocalypse it's about the humans trying to survive. This time around, the humans are already dead and you play the robots fighting each other. I imagine it's similar to what things were like controlled by humans. The little robots looked a lot like bugs.

Here we go again

This was not as good as the previous one I played, and that's not just because this has yet to have medals. It was still very enjoyable because the animation was as good as ever. I was kind of hoping Lilith would give me some more help. It was weird how I was able to find so many materials just floating around, but I could not use any of them! If you are going to use the walkthrough, I do not think there is much point in using the essences. I was not able to gain anything from the hints, either.

It is good to see this character back and have him (or should I say, the player) interact with the world around him. I like the notion of going into your own ear. I have always been fascinated by recursion. It's a bit of a bummer how he can not use his powers, but it's great there is so much detail put into these characters. I have no clue what to expect next.

I found it!

I surprise this did not get more views. I mean, not only does it have medals, but it's in the "Christmas 2010" section! The coolest part was how this simply went on and on and after awhile the only way I could stop was by simply having some outside force to stop me playing! I would have to say that the aerial view is not one in my favor. It's still great to play because of the endless hordes of zombies, something that will never die out! My score was 811 and I doubt I will ever play that again.

This was a game that was really kind to you, because every health powerup restored it to the full brim! The weapons did not really help much in terms of difference, but the fire gun was the best. I thought you got the secret medal by shooting the houses down! Now, I should not say how to get a secret medal, but I can tell you how to NOT get a secret medal. Merry belated Christmas, friend!


My computer has been down lately, so this was the perfect way to get back into positive attitudeness! This was great because there were just so many bright things going on at once! After awhile, you could pretty much click anywhere and have the level beat itself! This reminded me of Christmas with all the presents and snow and stuff. It was so enjoyable I am sure it could be played at any time of the year. I love how each thing has its own unique ability upon being touched.

It was also nice to hear those cool popping sound effects whenever you clicked something. I was not sure what to do with those presents. I am glad I figured out you were supposed to manually collect them by placing your mouse after them. I had tons of fun with this game and people of all ages should! I got most medals on the first try, too.

Great game

Space Defenders is a classic game and it is great that you are trying to put a new spin on it. It reminds me of Weebl's "Inverse Shoot 'Em Up". It's a game like this where you fire at the guy who would normally fire against the enemy as you are the enemy. The best part is that the atmosphere is really good and quite chilling. The music was really cool and you were getting more into the idea of making something dark. I guess that if the aliens win, that would be pretty dark.

After awhile, there are so many enemies you have to simply dodge the bullets and not care about attacking. I mean, with so much movement you're bound to hit most of your targets. The worst things were the homing missiles or bullets or whatever. It was also cool to be able to go higher or lower, but not all the way low. This is a great tribute to a classic game.


This was really fun to play if only because it was so dang cute! I loved seeing this silly little dragon go around and interact with the goofiness that was the world around him! It really brings a person back to his inner child. It was still fun to just fly around and collect all the coins and of course 100 would add up to an extra life for you. The best part was how lush the design was. While not the most creative, it was really cool to meet the weird enemies.

It can be difficult at times, especially when you are trying to fly. While you are good about staying in the air, it gets hard to fly any higher than when you jump. The cutscenes were a bit too weird, but no big deal. I like just plopping around this silly environment. It seems like this is something that would appear on a kid's educational site, not that that's bad.

lartar responds:

Im glad you like the game. Thanks for your comments. And as you said, the game was nice for kids, and we are making now a special version for an educational site.


Wow, this is a game that just polarized my entire mind! I mean, it's really great with how good the graphics are and how everything flows well, but the controls leave something to be desired. It can get so frustrating when one of the men catch you with a shotgun and keep hitting you over and over. At least it was not the longest game and could be completed. Thank you so much for having all those checkpoints and not having the fire level be so long. It was hard to tell whether myself or the enemy was being damaged when I jumped on them!

This kind of reminded me of the "Dad's Home" series. I guess the protagonist kind of looks like him. It was just fun to run around and do whatever you wanted in your space. The coolest part was just making your enemies explode whenever you jumped on them. There could have been some more detail, but still very fun in its utter zaniness. I managed to collect half the medals in one run too!

Should not be so negative

This is probably one of the least games you have made, but this was still not terrible. It seems like there are few people on this website that make Grand Theft Auto tributes. It's strange because it's one of the most popular games out there! At first I thought this did not load at all which was why it got such low scores. In case you are having trouble starting, then you have to right click and press "play". I thought the aerial view actually worked pretty well, but it did get silly at times.

I think the biggest thing to work on is the graphics. While the CGI is fairly well done, a lot of the designs just look lazy like how some of them appear to be just like the main character with a different color scheme. I had some problems with the controls and it was really weird how I could just punch people so often. It was really unintentionally funny in that way. All the arrows around the guy were also hard to follow.

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