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I guess there wasn't anything particularly terrible about this. What I did not like is that there was no sound. That's always something to have in a game. It was at least clear to understand. I really could get a good look at everything here. I don't know what the name means.

Then again, there are many names like that. The design is actually pretty good. It's just that it isn't a rewarding game. There isn't much to go for. It seems like most people agree with me.

I ended up liking this game, but I admit it was pretty weird. The end seemed to imply it was good to get out of the clock. I think that was the message at least? It really was fairly unique. I wasn't sure at first how I was supposed to get rid of those guys. I thought maybe it was that you fired at them or something.

I like the little screams they have. I don't know why they're wearing green. It seems to do well with the rest of the game. I don't know why, I just feel like that. At least I got a score of over 100.

I found this game to be lots of fun. I do in fact remember it. That must have been a very long time ago. I appreciate all the little details that are thrown in. It might not make much sense, but it is quite enjoyable. You would be surprised at how hard it gets.

It's the kind of game that is easy to get distracted by. The name implies there are more of these. I would be interested in that. It seems like this could be better. The graphics are probably the weakest part.

I was actually pretty impressed by this game! I'm surprised that it does not have a higher score. It seems like something more people would like. At least it has a good number of views. I really liked the graphics in this. A lot of time CGI looks clunky on this website.

Everything works out rather well here! I even got further on my first try than most racing games. They're not really my thing. I guess it could be a bit more detailed. It's still quite a memorable game.

I ended up really liking this game. I had no idea we had a Hanukkah section! Well, I hear a lot about it anyway. I just think the graphics are done quite well. They're kind of cheesy, but that's what makes them appealing. I appreciate the music and sounds.

I guess I just like to see how the enemies explode like that. Hey, I'm a gamer after all. I'm not Jewish, but this was still very fun. I knew there'd be money in this somewhere. Wait, most games have that.

I found this game to be decent. What I did not understand was how you died. It just seemed like you randomly touched something and then just disappeared. I guess I wished there were weapons. When you get into it, it can be an interesting game. There are some pretty unique designs put out.

I was at least interested in it enough to get a medal. The music's fairly good. I'm starting to recognize the gamezhero intro. Even the style is growing on me. I like mystical journies.

As usual, this game turned out to be harder than I thought. It's still a pretty impressive game. I think the best thing about it is how it is well paced. I sometimes think I know where the next enemy is going to be. You sort of put a red herring with the doors everywhere. You don't know who will be where.

I'm glad to have a game with graphics like this. They really are quite good. While not that unique, it was still an interesting experience. I'm going to have to learn how to use Space more. It's been awhile since I've heard of bullet time.

While not a bad game, I felt this was a bit too easy. Okay, it did get harder as it went along. I was just expecting more action in a zombie game. It's still pretty fun to shoot these guys. I'm glad you don't just stay in the same place the whole time. The graphics aren't bad.

I guess it was pretty original for a zombie game. With all of those around, it's hard to get original ideas. I just think it's always fun to kill those things. The music is fairly good as well. Too bad headshots don't do more damage.

Well, I guess this wasn't that bad of a game. What struck me as strange was how it didn't have that much going on. It seems like you had to advance a lot in order to get the medals. Of course, most games are like that anyway. Except for the easy ones. I was impressed by all the music in this.

I really like the title, even though I don't understand it. I think the designs are pretty silly. That was probably intentional. While not terrible, I don't think I would recommend it. It was pretty alright, I suppose.

BoobMarley responds:

lol, "Wouldn't recommend it... 3.5/5 Stars" Looking at your medals, you didn't even finish the game.
I love the NG community so much.

Yes, the wiggly portrait style is intentional. That's how I do.
The "Chalice of Marfa" is the name of the macguffin mentioned repeatedly in the game, so that should really be all there is to understand as far as titling goes. Right?
Lastly, I got all the wonderful music from an obscure website called the Newgrounds Audio Portal.

I admit that I was a bit disappointed by this game at first. I was turned off by how you had to rocket the weasel to a target. I would have liked it more if you just blew stuff up. Then again, this actually was quite fun. I really did like all the stuff you could do. It did seem like each level was a new challenge.

The animation is quite good too. It seems like the weasel is different than most of your other things. I still recognize the setting, though. I guess I just wanted more explosions. While not great, good.

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