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I didn't see what this had that much to do with empires of any kind. I still like this and thought it was well done. I really was quite impressed by the good graphics. It just seemed like something that wouldn't be that interesting at first. It certainly got better. I liked the music.

At least this managed to win some kind of award. I appreciated how fast paced it was. I think the towers themselves could use work. Dang, Christmas really is celebrated early here. I wasn't expecting a Christmas theme at all.

Well, I guess this doesn't hold a lot of relevance now seeing as how it's no longer Christmas. Or a month ahead of Christmas anyway. I still thought this was pretty cute. It just didn't have anything that noteworthy about it. I'm kind of having problems with the controls. It's a bit hard to get that much into it.

I was thinking it would be more complicated. I guess simplicity can work. I don't think I've ever sent an E-card of any kind before. At least you're in the Christmas spirit. Not that great, but good for the holidays.

I found this game to be good. While not great, I think I probably would recommend it. The drawings are actually quite nice. It's always interesting to see new things like this. You rarely see carnival games like this here. Granted, you could probably just play the real carnival games. It was easy to tell which animals not to hit.

They were the ones without targets on them! The music was fairly nice too. It's been forever since I've done this in real life. I don't know why you would shoot the end of the fish's mouth. Oh, I guess that's where the fish hook goes.

This game was pretty decent. What I could not really understand was what those elves and reindeer were doing in the first place. I guess this was at least close to Christmas. It was at least a month away from it. Okay, less than that. I admit the graphics are pretty good.

I just thought it got a bit repetitive. I was amazed at how easy it was to lose points. I guess when the enemies can't attack it has to be harder. I thought the music was fine. I thought Santa would be the villain in this.

I found this game to be good, but probably because it was easy to understand. I was probably better off not knowing how to lose at it! Of course, I would still lose eventually. I just really like how petit it is. It's a small game in size. You can still really get into it.

I even like the little sounds that are made when the bugs disappear. Obviously, it gets harder the more you go on. Sometimes, the levels seem too easy at first. It's not until the end that you get cornered. Or whatever place it is you're in.

While the overall cute demeanor did kind of turn me off, this was still quite good. The colors really do work for it. I was interested to see how it would all turn out. I don't even understand how to connect a lot of these guys together! At least I had fun doing it. It really is fun to just charge it up.

I knew it would be too easy for me to simply click to defeat the black balls. I shouldn't have ignored what it said under "Help". It seems like this could qualify as a music game. While I'm not quite sure how it works, I still like it.

I thought this was a good game. I liked how well it was paced. It seemed like you really could get a good understanding of how to play it. I thought it might use actual people. I wanted it to be gorier! I really have been on the Internet too long.

It was at least fun to play. I thought the sound effects were quite good. I wouldn't rank this as a "great game". It's still at least decent. I guess I'm more of a fan of shooting games than I thought.

This has one of the strangest premises I've ever heard for a game. It was really good though! I thought the goal in the game would be to kill yourself. I'm so used to playing games that are like that. I can't believe I missed something so popular the first time it came around. Well, maybe it just wasn't noteworthy. The design is quite good.

I'm not that motivated to even do well. I want to see gore! Oh well, there are other games for that. It was amazing how unexpected the whole thing was. It seems pretty big and not a small game at all.

This turned out to be a good game. I think the best part about it is probably how cute it is. Normally, that would be frowned upon in many games, but it works here. I think it just creates a very pleasant atmosphere. I thought it was just nice how it kept on going. I really liked those propeller powerups.

Heh, that's a funny combination of words. I just thought it was a pleasant game. I like how good the music is. While I don't think it's great, I'd definitely recommend it. I still don't quite understand those disappearing clouds. They trip me up a lot.

This was a pretty good game. I liked how it was more than what the standard racing game was. In fact, it wasn't even a racing game in the strictest sense. I was never that good at those anyway. The music is quite good. I like how it changes position.

It was fairly unique for a game like this. It sounds like it keeps playing even after I lost. I think the graphics could probably be better. While not that memorable, still quite good. I don't know what the point of the - at the beginning and end is.

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