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I didn't know what to think of, but it came off as great! I do like ninjas and I like zombies. It's great that you combined the two! I really liked the music. I love how it's a more straightforward zombie game. Then again, you usually have guns.

Ninjas have no use for that. It really is fast paced. I love that in a game. It could probably have more a background, but still great. Zombies are good for any time of the year!

I found this to be a fairly decent game. I thought it was just a game where you made a new sleigh. I don't know how the show "Pimp My Ride" even works. Do people do actual racing in that? Well, it certainly got me in the Christmas spirit. I was just hearing on the radio today how it was only six months until Christmas.

The sounds and colors are very nice in this. Then again, they also came off as a big too cutesy. I still appreciate the gameplay. It could probably be a bit more creative. The music's nice too.

I was quite impressed by this game. I honestly had no idea what was going to come of it. It was pretty easy to get used to. I liked how you have so much wide open space. It's also cool when an enemy blows up. I appreciate all the little details. I could just keep on firing all day.

The designs of the enemies are really cool. I think I've seen them before in something else. The sounds are really thorough in this too. While not that detailed, still great. It should have won some award.

At first, I was wondering what would be so offensive about this game. It just seemed like a chef game. It certainly became clearer when the game started. It became even more clear when you showed the people in Hell. Then again, who would care about Saddam Hussein? The demons were designed pretty well.

I do think some of the graphics could be better. It's at least easy to understand. I like the sounds they make when you cut them up. Yeah, I'm kind of disturbed too. Not as much as you to make this, though!

Well, there's no doubt about it. This is harder than most games I've played. I know I'm going to sound whiney, but it was hard to keep up with. It took too long for me to get used to it. I still appreciate you for making something creative. I think this is a pretty original idea.

It was cool to put Frankenstein's Monster into this. Or I guess Glitchenstein's monster? It's certainly difficult. A pity it didn't come off as too rewarding for me. The music was still good.

This reminds me of "The Santa Clause 3". Man, was that a terrible movie. I appreciate how the artwork isn't too bad. It seemed like it got a bit too easy at times. I could just fly down to where the houses were. It was nothing special.

It was pretty much the same thing over and over. I didn't understand the point of those Christmas trees. I guess they look nice. Well, I guess I've played worse Christmas games, right? There isn't that much to say about this.

I am not someone who's a fan of card games and this did not do much to make me one. I think the best part is that it's easy to understand. I think it probably could have used more detail. I at least get the sense of you trying to make something different. I'm starting to miss those Christmas games at this time. There could have been music.

I couldn't seem to get the right hand. At least I was willing to try it. I tried to understand it. I can see why it isn't that popular. At least there are some people who like it.

I first came across this game and thought it would be a simple text game. It seemed too creative to be one. I was unfortunately wrong. I guess there's nothing too terrible about this. Everything's fine. I am just not a person who's into these kinds of games.

It would be better if you included illustrations. The drawings you did have were actually quite good. There are a lot of these games around recently. Well, I guess two isn't a lot. It is not for me.

Wow, that was one strange game. In contrast to the other ones, it seems you just won by automatically clicking everything. Here, it seemed like you really had to be specific. At least I managed to get one good ending. I was a little confused by this at first. There weren't any zombies.

I'm glad they eventually showed up. It is a game that makes you think. I can tell there was hard work put into making it. While not great, I would still recommend it. It was well drawn too.

I found this to be a good game. I've had a rough day, so I want an easy medal or two. The best part was probably how it was easy to understand. I think it could have been more detailed, though. It does seem like a game that motivates you to go on. You have a nice voice cast too.

I thought KirbzVA was related to Kirbopher. I do not think so. The music is quite nice and soft. I always like people who create a large environment. It makes you remember how much work was put into making the game.

TheEnkian responds:

Haha, some of the medals will be easy, others will require a lot more work to reach. I don't believe there's any relation to Kirbopher there. Glad you appreciate the amount of work that's done into the game because believe me, there was a lot :D

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