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I found this game to be just mediocre. I think my biggest complaint is how I didn't have a lot of mobility. I suppose it takes some getting used to. I didn't really have any problem with how the game was itself long, as in the format. I think that actually worked out fairly well. The music was okay.

It's just that I didn't have the feeling that I had a lot of control in this. There wasn't that much action. Having to change the bullets can also be pretty frustrating. Still, there are obviously people who like this. They are allowed to.

I think this was a good game. My main beef with it is how the graphics aren't that good. I used to think that you could go on the floor with the different colors. I even think that worked at first, but not anymore. The music does get a little repetitive. I can always take my earbuds out, seeing as how you don't need sound to win at this game.

It was pretty interesting to see the different designs. They may not be well detailed, but they're still good. I also like the backgrounds. They don't seem to fit the game, but they work well enough. It's hard to find the right place on some of these small platforms.

The good outweighs the bad in this game. I just wish there weren't so many bad things. The bad things were that it does not have great graphics and it's basically the same thing over and over. Then again, that also made it addictive. It's nice to have a simple game that just goes on forever. I'm not in much danger of being hit by the asteroids.

I honestly left myself up there and I don't even know where I receive damage. I think the sound effects are pretty good. I had no idea there was so much music in this. I think there's a glitch where you can't move out for awhile. I'm glad I wasn't defending Earth in this.

This game boasted of some really good graphics. My complaints are that it doesn't seem to suit the game style and it seems to lag a bit. Yeah, not too creative with their names, but I'm being too nitpicky. You have no clue what's going to happen next in this. You think it would be a traditional adventure game, but it's a puzzle game. The fact that I just reviewed something Minecraft related reminds me of that.

In fact, even the graphics remind me of it. The music and sounds are fairly decent. It's always nice to be able to advance a little in a puzzle game. I'm also working on a Rubik's cube lately and it's driving me nuts. I thought this game was fun and creative.

I remember thinking to myself that there wouldn't be much going on in this game. You just chose the different paths to take. I really liked how there was some interactivity in it. What I didn't understand was how easy you could die when in that mode. I must've killed nine of those tanks! I looked at it as a way of trying to understand how to advance.

I tried to carefully figure out what was going to happen next. It didn't help me much with the interactivity mode though. I think this is better than the first. The graphics could probably be a bit better. I like brighter colors.

I didn't know what to expect with this game, but it was quite wonderfully done. I think the main reason I like it is because how well it works in its simplicity. I'm fairly certain you reuse the sound effect from the Mario games when he gets a coin. It was just fun to collect everything. You made quite an unpredictable game. I had no clue black blobs would be the enemies.

The sounds and music are just fun to listen to. It seems like it's a game where you have a lot of oppurtunites to beat it. My only complaint is that it could have had some better details. It's still an extremely ambitious game. At least you won some good award for it.

This is the highest rated thing I think you have made on this entire website. I honestly don't think it's some of your best work. I do however, have to appreicate it for being nicely done. It's rare that someone makes a science game. I especially think it's cool how you describe your research in the author's comments. You truly worked hard on this.

It makes sense this would be so popular. I do, however, think that it could have had some better designs. For the most part, it's quite a playable game. I really like this really sinister music you have. It suits the game well.

This seems like just the perfect game to have medals. Of course, you do have this other listing thing. I appreciate all the great graphics and artwork. I just didn't see how it was that different than the original. It's weird, because the boss is absolute murder compared to the other enemies. My combo record is 40.

It's so nice to have all these awesome powerups. You have no idea what you're going to get next. I don't even know how stronger some of them are over another. The music is quite triumphant as well. I might not be that good at it, but it's a great game.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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