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Well, I'm sad to say I couldn't get very interested in this. I think the main reason it didn't appeal to me was how the graphics weren't impressive at all. It looks a lot like this was something you made a long time ago and just submitted to the portal. I'm used to more recent works. You've already made four demonic defences, I'm not asking for another. I recognize your voice from your videos.

I think it should be that the tiles disappear when you get something right. Other than that, it just seems like an endless game. I appreciate you trying to teach us math, but it isn't very enjoyable. I don't even know what that green thing is. You need to omit the red outlines from the squirrel.

I thought that this was a fairly good game. My main problem was that I wasn't able to understand well. While it could have used better graphics, it was still nice for what it was. It was the kind of game where you could really go slow and steady. I'm just used to more fast paced versions of these games. It was still nice to play something different.

The music was quite good and gave off a nice medieval atmosphere. I liked the little yellow flies that were going around. They didn't do anything, but it was a nice touch. The name reminds me of the website's name. I don't like the controls that much.

I found this to be a mediocre game. I think its main flaw is that it doesn't really have that much going on. It's just a couple of simple images that show up. I know that's been done before, but it's been done better. You should have done more than just stars. I just know realize that I gave three stars to this!

I hope that doesn't make my review go away. The sound effects were pretty decent. I just thought it got too repetitive. It's nice for people to try something classical. It just doesn't quite work out in this medium.

I was pretty impressed by this. While it isn't as good as some of the later entries, it's still nice to look at. I like it how you have a certain number of enemies to kill in order to advance. It makes little sense as to why they do not have weapons at first. The music is a big plus too. It's interesting to see the different designs.

Sometimes the gun doesn't really take them out that well. I think it kind of jitters around. Whatever, it's still pretty easy to kill the enemies. It's a game where there's a lot of wide open spaces to frolick around. I just like the word "frolick".

I was quite interested in how this game was turning out. It was interesting to see such good graphics. It did get irritating with how you had a time limit, but you had to get used to it. I couldn't seem to understand how I was taking damage. There were a bunch of cars on the lower left side of the screen, which I thought represented health. That just showed how many lives you had left.

It was weird, because I would think a game like this would have fire in it. I believe it's meant to be the fifth in the series. I think the music is also pretty good. It's weird how that blue guy keeps popping up. He seems to contrast with the rest of the designs.

You deserve credit for making something that's so authentic to the original. Really, it works just as well as does in real life. That's one reason I couldn't play this well. It took me like an hour to finish one of these in real life! I appreciate the overall design, but it could have used sound. Of course, a game of sudoku probably doesn't need it.

I guess there's no real time limit. It would certainly be nightmare if there was. At least I know how to play this game unlike Mahjong. Well, I kind of do, but I'm never good at it. You could probably use some better things here and there, but it doesn't really matter.

I found this to be okay. I think it's mostly because there isn't enough going on for you to really get into the game. It was nice to see some pretty good graphics. It just comes off as too boring for me to really enjoy. It is fairly unpredictable. The music isn't bad either.

Everything just looks too bland in this. No one is wearing anything fancy and it looks too normal. I am just not motivated into going further into this. I'm not interested in finding out what' going to happen next. Maybe it does get better.

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