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I generally find Mahjong to be too difficult, but I managed to get further than usual in this. It seems to have everything you would want in a game based on Mahjong. The only thing I didn't understand was how some of the game was played. It was weird to see different levels. It's hard to use depth perception with a game like this. Good thing I have two eyes.

The music was pretty good and I liked the Oriental theme. That obviously fits all the Chinese letters being introduced. Maybe they were some other language like Japanese? Anyway, it's hard to ask for improvement because any Mahjong fan should enjoy this. It just takes too long for me.

I can see why this won Daily Feature. It's interesting to use a force of nature in a game. Some of the levels were pretty complicated and it took real thought to beat them. I was thinking you may have been supposed to be attracted to the red things at first. The red cup was always your destination. It helps the music is so good.

I recognize it from one of Armegalo's games. There's a nice feeling of machinery and technology everywhere. The feature where you left a trail was really cool. It truly taught you how to learn from your mistakes. You get lots of oppurtunites so it isn't too stressful.

I have played many space shooting games, but this was so awesome I had to check it out. I think the main reason it's so awesome is because of how simple it is. You are on this interesting area and background where you blow up enemies over and over. I also like how you have so many lives. Some of the sounds are goofy, but fine. I'm speaking of when the boss fires at you.

The controls are really easy to understand. You get an interesting variety of enemies that are coming after you. I don't even know if you can kill those metal UFOs. I swear I didn't get more than 5 points at once from those coins. I thought they were energy blasts you were supposed to avoid at first!

josh-tamugaia responds:

This game was when I was still quite green as a game developer. But I'm glad you like it.

The artwork in this reminded me of the stuff by Jhonen Vasquez. I guess just anyhing connected to scary black and white stuff reminds me of him. I thought the sound effects were really cool too. It was nice to have a new kind of technique for every level. The title's kind of cute too. I think it's nicely paced too.

While not that special, it's definitley something to recommend. There is just some nice sincerity to it. It's simple, but not boring. You have to learn to read the instructions as fast as possible. I knew I could get more points by getting it done faster, duh.

I think this is a pretty good game. I couldn't help but be reminded of where the monsters came from. It had to have been from this commercial where they were talking about how to teach kids to speak French. I don't know if that was intentional, maybe that design was used before. I was quite interested with how I got 0 points on the first and third try. On the second, I got 1800!

It's a pretty weird game in that sense. I will admit that the graphics could be a lot better. You need to work with shading. I still recommend it, as it's a pretty creative game. You really don't know what's going to show up next, because it's hard to tell what the theme is. Just dumpster stuff, I guess.

I think this is quite nice. It's authentic to the style of the cartoons you guys worked on. It's just great to see something so authentic being put to life in a game. I do have one problem. I don't seem to know how to attack well. I'm thinking I just need to use the "A" button, but it never really works. Everything is so adorable in this.

I love the little sounds that are everywhere. It's just nice to have a very lighthearted game. Whichever one of you guys is the narrator is doing a fantastic job. It reminds me of JAZZA. Was that him?

I thought I was out of luck when I saw all the medals these games had. In reality, I can earn a lot of them! It's weird, because I thought "Bejeweled" was a defense game. I probably would have liked that more, but this is still a great game. It was amazing how I didn't even know what I was doing and couldn't stop getting medals. Of course, that only lasted about a minute.

I think the sound effects are nice too. It's neat to see how many combos you unintentionally make. It's kind of a game that plays itself in that sense. The designs of everything are nice too. How come in the logo it's spelled "Gameshero" but the author is "Gamezhero"?

I found this to be a good game. What I did not like about it was the kind of aerial shots you used. It just didn't come off as high quality. It did take some getting used to. I guess it's just hard to tell how the enemies are attacking you, or you don't know how to attack the right way. The music in this is freaking awesome!

It's especially good at the beginning where you are surrounded by those monsters. I like how the instructions come as you go. What's the point in having a seperate page devoted to them? The atmosphere was really well done. I like how this guy hair just flies around.

I was quite surprised at this. I had no idea it was going to be such a big game. I guess I'm only thinking that because there's a lot to do here. I think the best part about it is how there's a lot of wide open space. I didn't care for the green vines that were always attacking me. I couldn't shoot them!

At least I don't think I could. It was interesting how such simplistic designs could be so much fun. You mostly couldn't even jump past your enemy without getting hurt. I still don't know what the little doors do. It's fun to look at.

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