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I admit that some of the effects don't hold up that well. I still found this to be a good game. I am a fan of these sky shooting games. I appreciate how it goes at a pretty nice pace. It does come off as a tad too slow in that sense. The music is fairly good.

I was afraid that the upgrades were going to be pointless because I only had them for fifteen seconds, but I got more as quickly as I lost my old ones. I still wish they would stay. It seems to be a pretty ambitious game. There could probably be some more variety in what the enemies look like. It has a pretty triumphant tone to it.

I had no idea what to expect of this. It was on the Top 50, where you can't tell if it's a game or cartoon. I thought it was a great game! It was interesting because I didn't even have to know how to use the controls at first to get past the level. You have a pretty nice introduction too. I just love the little sounds.

It's kind of weird how Jimmy drops his pants whenever he beats a level. I don't see the joke in that. It had enough details to keep it well moving. It's the first game in like forever where you can die by falling from a high distance. I guess it might make sense in Purgatory.

I think it's pretty interesting with how you invert what this series is usually about. It's normally that you do in fact need to escape from wherever you are. It reminds me of the Inverse Shoot Em Up game by Weebl. I like the creepy atmosphere. It just seems like you've created a nice dark world for the player. It moves at a great pace too.

I still don't know much about how to progress or rather, how not to progress. The music is fairly ominous and quite appropriate. I would think there'd be blood somewhere if you ate the person here. Of course, you never know. This builds itself up well.

Mouse Avoider 2
It was interesting to see how fun this was. At first, I thought I wouldn't enjoy it, because it would be too easy. It turned out to be better because it was actually difficult. You really have to know where to get the gold. Your rope sways so much it's hard to tell. It's a game that requires patience.

I wouldn't think this game would hold up well after all these years. It truly does! It has nice graphics and while there isn't that much detail, it still works well. Prospectors just look so funny. They always remind me of Yosemite Sam.

Reel Gold
It was interesting to see how fun this was. At first, I thought I wouldn't enjoy it, because it would be too easy. It turned out to be better because it was actually difficult. You really have to know where to get the gold. Your rope sways so much it's hard to tell. It's a game that requires patience.

I wouldn't think this game would hold up well after all these years. It truly does! It has nice graphics and while there isn't that much detail, it still works well. Prospectors just look so funny. They always remind me of Yosemite Sam.

Well, it was hard for me to recommend this, mostly because I'm no good at it. It used to be that I got better every time I played it, but that didn't last. I especially couldn't understand how I was supposed to kill my enemies when they were after me. I thought I might have needed a new Flash Player at first. That's very unlikely seeing as how this was made in 2005. The voices are fine.

You should have been allowed to go past the dialogue. The graphics aren't too impressive in this either. I guess the sounds are pretty good. It just isn't the kind of game that I'm interested in. I don't even know how to shoot my enemies.

This was a pretty good game. I think the best thing about it is how basic it is. At the same time, it could have been more detailed. I was afraid this was just going to be a game that went on forever. Then, I looked over to see the number of lines you had to get to in order to pass the level. I think the music is also pretty wondorous.

Not much to suggest as this works quite well for what it is. I get a good sense of this being a nice little time waster. While not great, it's good. For some reason, there was a certain point that remained the highest. None of the other points even really came close to it.

I'm surprised I looked past this one. It's one of the highest rated games I have not played before! It's not very hard to see why. It's really cool to see all this stuff going on at once. I like it how I seem to always be able to come back. Of course, that also meant it was easy for me to die.

It takes awhile to get the hang of. The graphics are quite good. The sounds are also really cool and it's a pretty clear cut game where you just have to shoot everything but your partner when it gets going. There's a lot going on with all the upgrades. A bit too complicated to skim past.

I'm generally not a fan of driving games, but this was freaking cool! I think the best thing about it is how good the graphics are. I thought I was going to have to do at least three laps in the first round. Then again, I was on the "Easy" mode. It really does remind me of those Gran Turismo games you see in arcades. Dang, I need to go to those more often.

The sounds are pretty authentic too. This is one of the best games I've played that won an Underdog Of The Year award. The 3D certainly stands out. You could have had a better way of telling how the other car(s) were behind you. That may have just been in easy mode.

I was never a fan of playing pool in real life. I guess this owes to the fact I don't seem to enjoy playing it in a game either. The graphics are fairly good. It just doesn't seem to add anything that unique to the pool game. The title suggests it wasn't supposed to. I do think this is the first time in awhile where I played against the computer.

I'm not a fan of these kinds of games because I'm no good at it. I know there must be ways of studying the angles, but it never works out for me. The sounds seem to sync up well. You might want to add some music. If you're a big pool fan, this shoudl work for you.

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