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Quite unique

I am always looking for new and unique games to play on this website and this fit the bit quite well! The animation made it seem like it was made by gel. This is not to say that you were not creative in your own right. This is a game where you simply can not defend yourself and only have to hide. The cool thing is that everything in the game comes in a pattern that you can come to recognize. The place I really got lost was the purple alien with eye beams.

In case anyone else is having trouble with that guy, here's what you do. Crouch directly in front of him because his beams can hit you twice and kill you. I have no idea if the platform disappeared on its own or whether it was caused by me getting the health powerup. There could have been some more detail, but still very playable. After awhile, there come a wide variety of guys after you.

Too relentless

I probably did not enjoy this game as much as I could because it was so hard! It doesn't matter if you start at the very beginning of the level, you have to shoot those zombies dead ASAP! I was a little confused by the gameplay especially with how it was hard to search for weapons. This was still a zombie game so I enjoyed playing it. It really tried to be a straight up shooting game and truly succeeded at that. While not the best, definitley worth playing to look at the website's history and gameplay.

The graphics were good and I really liked the zombie designs. It was funny to see some like a big fat lady running toward you. The animation with the cutscenes and stuff were slick too. I do believe that this series went better as it went on, but this still has significane to this website. All of the sounds seem quite realistic, too.

One of the better games

The one thing I did not like about this game was that you have to go to the menu to go on an unlocked level. It just seems like a pointless thing to do. Oh well, this was still fun to play because it had everything that made the first "Home Sheep Home" game so good. I had no idea you worked for the same company that made the first game. Anyway, it was cool to see them as pink if only because the high color made it more fun to watch. The music is just as good as the first one.

The thing I enjoyed the most about this was that it was simply so fun to solve the puzzles for every episode. It's too bad this is apparently not sponsored by the creators as they actually have their own page here! I had to get used to selecting the different sheep with the numbers. I love how they just twitter their ears around and stuff as you wait. Tip: Be sure to remember that some weigh more than others.

Can be entertaining

I felt this had some redeeming features to it mostly because the graphics are quite good. It is hard to take the game seriously at times because it can be quite funny just to see the ship crash. It's just so hilarious to see the plane crash into the ring and then blow up. For some reason, the controls were really hard for me. I guess I am so used to using the left and right arrow keys, I don't know how to only use the up and down keys. This was overall fun to play and it also had some good music.

I could have sworn that this was from a "Crash Bandicoot" game. Wherever it came from, it fit the fun style of the game. It was fairly unpredictable but that was not always a good thing as it just took a long time to get used to the controls. I liked how you use so much space in the game. The black smoke really contrasts with the white snow.

Great for a beta!

While the animation and artwork could be a little bit better, this was still very fun to play. The best part was being able to click the randomize button and getting tons of random stuff. It makes you really realize how many different character designs there are in the "Naruto" series. Each character is done in such a creative manner. I could say the same about personality, but that is not what this game is about. It was cool to also listen to that great music.

Another good idea was to throw in those random effects. When I click "animal" all I seem to get is Akamaru and I know there are other animals in the series. This is of course nitpicking and doesn't take the enjoyment away from a great game. I was not expecting so many things like girl designs. It is amazing how you managed to get so many things in with just a beta version!

Great game to play!

I just adore this game because it has so much going for it! I have no idea why a marshmellow is chosen of all things but it may have been because you wanted to see it pop like that. There was a wide variety of music and other things to admire, as well as great gameplay. I thought this was going to be a game about marshmellows taking over at first (well, I haven't reached the end). You know, you can put medals on games here, but you probably already know that. My favorite level would have to be "Auto-pilot".

There are so many things going on, but it still comes on slow enough for you to understand. Here's a tip for Stage 12. There is writing down on the blank part of the screen below the arrows that says, "Jump here". While I can not get past that level, I hope it helps other people. Thank you for the wide selection of music and for its style!

SimCity with zombies!

Okay, it was not really like SimCity in the strictest sense of the terms, but it was still close. I really liked this because it managed to be fun without having you actively kill the zombies! I guess I am such a huge fan of this genre anything with it will come off as good. It's a fairly simple game as it seems like you just click on houses. It was brilliant to allow the person to continue with the days whenever he or she wanted. It is probably the most peaceful zombie game I have ever played.

It still manages to be haunting by having that great music. Everything here is just presented in a very clear cut way and the graphics are good. It is a unique idea and it is executed in a very comprehensible way. Even as a city game, you do not have to actually build anything, as you have to simply make it better. It looks pretty good from the outside.

Great graphics!

I was really impressed by this game with how good it looked, especially the transition scenes to the next levels! It's a little hard to look at, because it seems like it is not taken from an aerial view at first. It was still great to play and also worked well as a puzzle game. The hardest thing was the sixth level when you had to make sure the blue crates touched each other at exactly the right time. On one level, I was able to get away from the blasts but was hit by something else. On my next try, I couldn't do that.

Anyway, this had great music and its story vaguely reminded me of the film "Wall-E", one of my favorite movies. There is just so much creativity put into this! I love how every single tile seems to have its own unique design and function. You guys deserve to have this many views. I love how the worlds are presented by those scenes of the spheres being covered by tiles.

Not too bad

While the animation was kind of lacking, it was still fun to play because it had some good stuff. It was funny how a lot of the enemies just kept eating each other. It sure made my job easier! What I did not like was that I do not think I was able to try again without reopening the page. I click what the guy is saying and this sign tells me to use my mouse which I do, but nothing happens. You also could have given the monsters some better designs.

It was still quite fun to go around with that crane and manuever. It seemed like an original idea to me, but it's something so obvious it probably has been done before. This game can get extremely difficult, especially when you have to retreat so often. I don't know if there is any difference between the red and green enemies. Hey, those are Christmas colors!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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