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Could be better

It was kind of weird to watch this because I kept thinking I could do it better on my own computer. I guess that is only because my real computer went through a bad virus. Hey, maybe you could find some way to more accurately show off an actual virus in this! I just feel as though this has been done many times before and better. I still thought it was not the worst because it was entertaining in how cheesy it was. Given that the computer here was supposed to have viruses, I guess that was the point.

All the icons seem to be pretty authentic. I think that I would know as I just recently interacted with them right now as I use my actual computer. I liked how you could use a new username and password. I simply used the same password as my username here. Wait, does that mean that someone else could use that and hack into my account on this game?!

syko227movies responds:

No it doesn't. Man everytime you play this you can enter a new pass.

What a crusade!

When I was facing off against the first enemy, I was not able to get barely any damage at all! I hope it was part of the game to lose to him, because there would be no way for me to advance otherwise. When the game started, that was when the real fun began. It's hard to tell if using the harder attacks are even worth it. They are so rare (for me) it seems like just constantly doing the light attacks would work better. The graphics were nice and quite innovative.

The best thing is easily the screen where you get to wander around. I like how you do not get to see the rest of the screen unless you advance on to that part. Now, this is a game that takes awhile to beat, so you're going to want to get the medals if you do. The character I chose kind of looked like Mr. Spock. My icon on the screen appeared to be my character's face on a coin!

Better than I expected

I recognized that girl as being from the "Touhou" video games. While I personally know little about the series and have actually never played it, I recognize it for being popular on the Internet. It was really cute how every blast was actually a minature version of herself! The sprite work with her was really well done, especially with how she contrasted with the more simplistic design of the enemies. I just loved hearing the little "boop boop boop" sounds when she fired. Be sure to make the screen large enough to see the enemies.

I am going to assume her name is Alice and it sure reminded me of Alice In Wonderland for its surrealism. I guess some of the graphics could be better, but the main point is to have fun with this game. It's completely ridiculous and quite cute. I especially loved Alice's mobility and being able to move around. It took me awhile to realize she could do that.

Fairly interesting

When I heard the name I thought it was going to be similar to X-Men. You know, like society was segregating the mutants and this was their uprising. This was still pretty fun to play if it was a bit too simple. It's cool how you let yourself visualize what is going on. Word of advice: Do not open the door as the elderly woman will melt your face with acid. Even that part was really well written, you might want to consider being a horror story writer. It was not really a point and click game as you chose what to do next.

It did a good job of creating a spooky atmosphere. Pity I am playing this shortly after Valentine's Day and not Halloween. The music is fairly creepy and I like how you put a lot of work into the narrative making it seem more like a short story. I do wish that you could put in more detail than just the same screens. Congrats on being so highly rated.

Can be hard

I guess I am just new at this game because it is quite difficult for me to get far at all! The graphics are actually great, it's just that it's so frustrating to play! I know that I have to keep the up button constantly going, but I keep runnning out of fuel. The best thing to do is to always keep a look out for them. I felt this game would have been more far if you had been able to go to the other side of the screen to further anticipate what was coming up. I still have to praise it for being really authentic.

It's not often I play a game that takes place in World War I. It is great to see such smooth graphics and a nice tutorial to help you along the way. Even when you fail miserably and crash it's cool to see you explode in the water! Not to sound morbid, but if you're bad at a game you might at least look forward to that. The sounds were always quite authentic.

Not bad for a short game

The best thing about this was how you were able to attack using the same ship while it was still onscreen. Another cool thing was how you the stronger ships were only half destroyed when they were hit. While the blocks aren't attacking you, you have to get rid of them. You would think the ships would simply fly out of the way. It was also confusing to find out the buildings were still up after destroying most of them on fire. The graphics could have been better, but they were overall decent.

The game needs improvement in that it could be a bit more flashy. The ships and enemies could have some better design. The ships looked kind of alien for being made by humans. It was interesting to reverse the role where you were the enemy this time. The funniest design was the orange one because it looked like he had a nose.

Fairly fun

If this happens to be your last submission, at least you went out with something good. I liked this because it was so fun to beat up the other guys so much. I first played as Naruto and I could swear that I predicted the computer was going to pick Naruto as well! The only reason I lost that fight was because it was hard for me to tell which Naruto was me. That being said, the other fights were good because they were quite easy. I generally do not like something that easy, but I still had fun.

It was interesting to see such a unique cast of characters fight. I had no idea who half of them were and I thought I knew every fighting character as I am a big MUGEN fan. While I may never get that, at least I will always have this. It was the most fun to play as Luffy because of how his arms stretched when he punched. It was also great to be able to move around.

No way bad

I thought this was an alright dressup game to play, but my main problem was that it was too simple. I guess it did have everything you could want in a dressup game, but that is not much. I am no pervert, but there could have been some more revealing costumes. Making your dressup girl attractive always helps too. This one came off as being girly, even though it did seem like it was made for male players. The graphics are good and there seems to be a good amount of detail put into everything.

There could have been some more things like maybe changing a background. You might also want to be able to change the dressup girl herself. There could also be some music. The sound effects it did have, that is with the bubble sounds, were pretty good. I appreciate you for creating a game that has a nice, pleasant feel to it.

Great game!

This assures me in that statements that you are one of the most underrated people on all of Newgrounds! It was great fun to play as these characters. Sonic and Knuckles were the only ones that I had even ever heard of before! You would think that with all the video game parodies and remakes here, I would know every popular video game! Anyway, this was a fantastic puzzle game because it really made you think. I believe that when you go off a certain path the parts get harder instead of taking the usual path.

The music was extremely stylistic and soothing. This deserves a semi-high rating which most of your other stuff does not seem to have. Judging from the title, I thought it was going to be a defense game at first. I was so relieved to know that the fire guy could not be hurt by their own elements. The sprite work and designs are fancy too.

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