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That has to be some record for the longest picture ever made on Newgrounds or any other place! I was amazed that you guys worked on this for FOUR YEARS. In case anyone is wondering, it takes about a minute to go through everything at the rate the astronaut is running. It's great to see so many people putting effort into this. ZekeySpaceyLizard is just never going to leave this website, will he? I know this is going to sound whiney, but I do kind of wish it was a little longer.

It's still extremely impressive to look at and just shows how many styles all kinds of different people have brought to the table! While not much in terms of music, just great to look at. I could go on all day trying to remember what the pictures were. I understand the spaceship setup as it shows how it goes around in a loop. I had a feeling it was going to do that.

Fairly difficult!

I liked this game, but it could have been, well, easier. The best thing about it is that it was easy to understand, but everything else was still impossible to keep up with! To think that at the beginning, I thought the red things were the things to look out for! The graphics are still nice and while it is only one screen, it manages to have a good amount of detail. It was also cool to just randomly be where you needed to when the meteors hit. It was too hard to keep up with because so many things were coming at one time.

I guess I am just not really good at this game and at least it was designed well. I wish I knew how many hits to took to get rid of the alien spaceships. Luckily, I do not think you (as the dinosaur) can die by being hit too many times. You probably could have showed the Earth taking more damage as it went on. Then again, I guess that would be kind of discouraging.

It gets hard

It was cool to play a game that was so unique. I was not able to understand at first because something popped up when I got my first pop and I thought it might have been a bad thing. The funniest thing is that when I played this, I actually got the same score of 109 twice! You are the creator and you have never gotten anything more than 568?! It's funny how this was put under "Action Games". Then again, I guess it could not really go under anything else and it at least makes the "player" do some action!

I liked how it made a tune. Hey, maybe this could go under one of those rythum games! I am glad you managed to get a lot of freebies before you finally lose the game. While there was not a background, I still loved it because it was a different kind of game and really made sure that you were kept on your toes. Dang if I could ever get past Level 3.

Very slick

I was quite impressed with how smoothly this game moved. I guess it would be cliche for me to compare it to the "Xiao Xiao" series. That has simply had so many popular entries that if you make something similar to it, it's always going to be thought of! I liked the screen afterwards where it showed the dog eating your remains. It was interesting to play as a girl even though I could not tell that during the gameplay. I thought that pressing "R" reloaded your weapon.

There is the cool thing of being able to shoot anyone at any time you want. I was trying to shoot the health thing, but it did not do anything. I guess I have to be near it when I collect the health powerup or something? It gets a little repetitive, but still has everything you could want in a stick game. Their stick bodies make it hard to hit them in areas besides the head.

Very good!

It's too bad this did not get more recognition on this website. It was still really fun to play for me at least because it was a very clear to understand RPG. As I am not really good at regular RPGs, that is always a plus. I know that sounds pathetic, but I could still appreciate all the work and effort put into making these really good graphics. I was confused at first and thought I was supposed to attack the first guy I saw! Anyway, what really won me over was the designs and mobility of the main character.

Who would think that fighting a blob could be so fun and require strategy? The sound effects and music were all nice and authentic. The thing I did not like was not having the game pause whenever I went to look at the inventory. Keep mind that you should do that when there are no enemies around. I liked how the body movements were so vivid.


I knew I had played stuff by you before and it turned out to be that "Dale & Peakout" game. I thought for a moment that you were the same guy who made the "Ching Chong Beautiful" game. I guess the style just reminded me of it somehow. Anyway, this was fun to play because it was yet another new twist on the slingshot genre of games! I had no idea what was coming up, really. Giant gummie bears that a bull person smashes, now that's innovative!

The music was also quite epic and gave you a feeling of wanting to do on. There are powerups and such as usual, which can get annoying with how it takes to get them. What matters is that you are motivated to continue playing to see what happens next. I love how fearful the gummy bears look as they run away. It sure makes it easier to stay flying than some other games like these.

A lot of fun

While I have never played the "Worms" series on a video game system, this was still really fun to play. I loved how you could get to your enemies so easily. The fact that there are an infinite number of things to shoot with your bazooka is awesome. The little comments the characters made were a little annoying, but still cool. I loved how this was also a game that you could really take your time with. For something that has explosions and stuff, it was really not that fast paced.

I loved to see how the computer seemed to really take its time when it planned attacks against me. It almost reminded me of the "Team Fortress" series. It's cool how there are simply so many explosions going on and stuff. The music is pretty cool too. The graphics are slick and I like how you did not go for the sprite look.

Well made but hard

It was really cool to see a game like this with such good graphics. I am surprised you do not have a more well known sponsor like freeworldgroup or MiniClip. The thing I did not like was how it was just so freaking hard! Everything started out fine for me, but when I had to turn it just fell apart! I guess I just have to make sure that never happens as I can never recover from it! The most frustrating thing is how I make only the slightest touch of a button to change direction and then I hit the other side of the race track!

Still, this was admirable because it had some really good graphics. I loved how I could just drive over the cones so easily. I guess someone who is a lot more used to racing games could play this. The backgrounds (especially on the title screen) were really cool as well. The music was quite appropriate and had most of what makes a racing game of high quality.

Lots of fun!

It was hard for me to tell if the screen flipped around because I touched the spikes or not. I guess it was not, because when I did touch them, I turned into candy. I just really enjoyed how adorable this game turned out to be. It seems like something for a "My Little Pony" website that turned out to be for everyone. I love how adorable the graphics are and how cute the pinata talks. You have to watch for how many jumps you can make as there are certainly limits.

It was so fun because it was just so full of joy and energy. I loved hearing the pinata talk and say, "Yay!" all the time. It's just cute to watch it jump really high and collect all the sugary treats and teddy bears and stuff. While the premise is simple, it works because no one can deny it is so dang cute! Congradulations for making an adorable game tons of fun to play!

Really good

I am glad that this went from a 3.15 to a 3.22 simply when I watched it again! It's too bad these medals do not have points. As far as I can tell, as they are not listed, you get them simply by viewing all of the profiles. I was unexpectedly impressed at how good these drawings were. It just goes to show that you should never judge something as being cheap if it has no medals. It is easily the best thing you (BanglaBoy96) ever worked on.

The best artwork was from Boredouttamymind and Sunshinda Fox. There was a lot of variety in this pictures and it was so great to see different characters being shown. This is indeed very underrated stuff. I do not review things on the art portal, so I am always eager to look at collabs like this. I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day too!

BanglaBoy96 responds:

Great to hear it Ericho! XD

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