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Woah, this is definitly the most random game that I have ever played for the NG Game Jams. I had to continually spit out fireballs (I think?) to get rid of the papers coming towards me. Even if I avoided them, they still came to me before they left the screen! Maybe you could just let them go, okay? Anyway, what was cool was that it was a pretty original idea, I mean who would ever think of a game where a giraffe was papercutted to death? I think this might have originally had the name "Giraffe".

The graphics are decent but the main problem is that it is just too dang hard! I fire my weapons at these papers and even the smallest ones take forever to kill! I do always look for uniqueness and you definitley delivered in that sense. It was nice to have so many people working on this. I have not heard of most of them, but you should always give anyone a try.

thinking-man responds:

Try charging after every shot.

Take that, brain!

I really enjoyed this game if only because I was so dang good at it! I even managed to get every single medal on the first run! It was great fun not knowing what was going to pop up next. I am impressed with myself as I managed to win it even when I had two red neurons create axis to go across from me! The problem was that I saw one on the lower left hand corner and thought it was going to be something from above, but it was not. The best part was how great the colors were.

Speaking of brains, it seemed like mine was on acid when this game came through for me! There was no telling what was going on or why anything was even happening. Thank you for making a great game for the third NG game jam. I should have realized they would make it soon after the NG movie jam. I don't even think the bosses (glands/lobes) are even able to fight back!

Quite playable

This is a really good game if only because you really know how to make a game addicting! I guess it's probably because you (JAZZA) are one of my favorite flash authors out there. I was surprised this did not have any medals! It was boring at first because it was just too easy. As the levels went on, I take my words back and realize it can be quite hard. It's great to be motivated to go further to see the wide variety of enemies. My favorite would have to be the one with spikes all over his body.

I'm not sure why, but that guy really reminded me of Dirge from the "Xombie" series. Man, do I wish we could watch those here. You might want to also make a button that can make you skip the long cutscene. The animation in this in really great and I had no idea SpikeVallentine had a hand in it. It's a combination I've never seen before.

It's back!

This reminds me of some of the games I used to play when I was first learning to type. There were pretty cheap (although they were CGI) and managed to show off these meteors being hit. I do wish that you should market this to a teaching computer so kids can learn off of it! It's a heck of a lot cooler way to learn to type than most of the other things we have. The sounds were cool too, especially the "uh" stock sounds. The neatest thing was that the graphics were really good.

While you did not have any mobility, at least there were cool things like the bullet holes remaining in the ground. It was also neat to see a fairly good variety of enemies heading towards you. My favorite is the "EXPLODE" one as that literally explodes everything. Hmmm, maybe this can be expanded and you can have the enemies look like the words they are? Good thing I am so good at typing.

Eat da poo poo!

Well, this was certainly a non-sequitor game to play. It is probably the first time I ever had to play a game where I needed to collect pig poop. It's hard to say that there's anything particularly lacking or needless in this game because it really has all it needs. It was nice to throw in the flying pig idea. The colors are fairly good, but for some reason, the graphics just come out as being a bit, off. It's not terrible, but it does not look too professional either.

There could have been a bit more detail and a bit more creativity put into it. I did like how it was so simple but a more complicated game can be entertaining. I guess I can't hate it, because I am really good at it. It's a short, silly game so if you're a fan of those kinds of things, go for it. While it has not many special things, not bad.

Great puzzle!

I kind of thought this as more of an action/adventure game because you actively did things. The coolest thing about this was how smoothly everything flowed. For something done in pixels at not a very high resolution, there was a lot of detail. I wish I knew collecting every single scrap of food mattered in the longrun. I loved the apple powerup, where I got super speed. Granted, I was not able to understand much at that speed, but it is at least cool while it lasts.

What's really neat about this game is that you worked hard to create a world that is completely your own. There are so many things to explore and so much cheese to get. I love how swiftly the rat can just move through the maze. Even the pieces of cheese seem to have their own unique designs! The balls don't do much for me, but are fun to have around.

Does look old

This game had some faults to it which I shall elaborate. It needed to have some music as there was none that I noticed. There should also be some more things going on, like the instructions should be more clear about what you should do. You seemed to really learn as you went along in this game. I did appreciate the good amount of detail put into everything and the graphics are actually quite good. I am actually going to be starting a job as a bus boy in this one restaurant soon.

I guess because of that, I wanted to experience a place in a restaurant. While I will not be doing this stuff, it is an interesting thought. The sound effects were decent and everything synched together pretty well. I am not sure how to get a salad as it seems glitchy when I try to go to the place to request orders. At least I can get the coffee.

Had its ups and downs

This game was fairly enjoyable to play, but there were a lot of factors that threw it off. The most important one was that it was just too freaking hard! Every second there were tons of these guys shooting these little things around! I would highly recommend a health bar for myself and the boss so I could see how close I was to dying. The designs of the enemies, however, was actually pretty cute. The purple one looked like Koffing.

Speaking of the "Pokemon" anime, the blue haired person kind of looked like James. I thought it was fun to just infinitely shoot at these enemies. The ship itself had a good design and the music was nice. It is too bad there is just so much going on and so little time to rest! During the boss fight, it's best to just go in the middle so you can at least avoid his blasts.

Decent little thing

While there is not much in terms of interaction, it is still good. There are a lot of areas where it could have been better, like just have a lot more pixels around. This even be thought of as a way for people to experiment with learning how to do Flash. I will probably never do any sprite work or any kind myself. The biggest suggestion is that you just have to put some music in. The audio portal aught to have plenty of things that might suit it. I still had to like it because of how many things you were allowed to do with it.

There could have been more pixels or at least more to make me proud of myself. I still recommend it because there are so many features! I can just spend all day looking for new things to do with my creations. It is a really good way to express your creativity, even if it isn't the most detailed game (?). I am sure some people were helped by this.

How odd

This was an odd little game, because I had little idea as to what was going on. I guess I still have to give it credit for being original, even if I could not understand it. There were times when it seemed like you had to click something to advance through the door. Previously, it worked just fine by doing nothing. The music was good and it creates a good, spooky atmosphere. Another cool thing was the design of the character.

There are a lot of things going on in a game that seems so peaceful. I must have pressed something because I started being able to use the arrow keys. It takes awhile to get used to, but can be fun when you get everything down right. It was weird how you kept the score with the points deterring as it went along. I guess that'll just encourage me to solve it faster.

z3lf responds:

It was interesting to read.
Thanks all.

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