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Best yet!

It's amazing how each entry in this series just gets better. The greatest part about this was that it was very easy to understand and I liked looking for the new things the levels had in store for me. It was not terribly difficult like a lot of other games are in this series. It paced itself well and had quite a bit going on. Granted, it's still a bit irritating but what matters is that the graphics have gotten better. I am surprised at how you can make the graphics better when it's just a ball and some background!

Thank you so much for making it easy to touch the screen thing. The sound effects are as creative as ever as well. You guys really put in a large variety of backgrounds so it was not just the same thing over and over. I didn't even try to go near those green stars as they did not seem to help me (they made me bigger, I believe). It was funny to watch the ball shifting through the metal with the blue star powerup.

Old school indeed

I had fun playing this game because it had a really joyous tone to it and it was just fun. While it was pretty hard (especially with the boss) and the controls could have been better, still playable. The thing I enjoyed most was the unique designs of all the mutants. It was also easy to recognize how weak or strong one was by their appearance. The sounds were good, especially how the guns fired. It was really useful to have those blue ships give you powerups all the time.

Some of the time, the graphics looked a little odd, but still good. I suggest maybe working with the controls, as I had problems with moving. I guess I might just not be good at this game. At least I managed to get two medals, which is more than what I would get at a game I stink at. It reminded me of "Naruto" for some reason because I thought it said Tails Beasts.

Eh, not bad

When you have a game that is nothing but you going around destroying everything in sight, how can you go wrong? I still thought this had some flaws, like how it seemed like you were destroying the same things over and over. You can just keep on pressing attack at the edge of the screen and win. Of course, there are lots of other things like flying superheroes and fire hydrants. This game is sure long and I am glad you guys put on upgrades and everything. I guess I was having so much fun destroying everything I did not even notice it.

The graphics were good too. The main "crushing" guy looked really cool and cartoonish to me. The overall style of the game is good too, with all the nice technical appearances of the loading screens and stuff. The game is shown in a very clearcut manner. While not complicated, it makes it fun with the different things you can do.


When I saw the medals, I thought it was going to teach me about the elements or something. I am starting to think that that may in fact have made a more fun game. It was still cool to play this, if only because it just goes to show how many things you can do with balls. I mean, every single level design on every level is different! There are so many medals to get, you would think it would be easy. Each medal, however, has a very specific way of getting it.

I like the music and I know that I have heard it before. It just suits the game style of playing games that do not have much sound in them. It was kind of hard to combine them with the space button. I would still recommend this to someone, even if it may not turn out to be very rewarding. Geez, do you have to be fast.

That's different

I really have no idea how this game works but at least I was able to get past the first level. This is a great game because it is extremely innovative and looks for something new. The music is nice and soothing as well. The coolest part was being able to look at every single so you knew every way you could get out of it. This is something that Math majors do in their spare time and I am not one of them.
While there is not a detailed background, it certainly delivers.

It is amazing how many designs you can come up with for this game. I think a lot of people would not want to play it only because it is so hard! It does still bring about a great sense of wonder and awe to the player. There are so many parts and it makes you realize how each part is valuable, kind of like the parts of a watch. Yeah, I know that's cliched.

Cute little game

This was a fun little game to play because it was quite adorable. You can tell there was effort put into it as it had really everything you would need in a fishing game. It does not try to be flashy or anything because a fishing game does not need that. While it could have been more detailed, the graphics are still fairly decent. It's funny to accidentally pick up the underwear. It's fairly easy to learn as all you have to do is put your rod down and pick up the fish.

I suggest that you put a little more detail into the next game. I do not understand what that dark cloud was doing there. If nothing else, this was a very realistic game as that is about as exciting as fishing in real life can get. The colors are lush and give a good, happy feeling to the player. I love how you do not have to click to catch the fish.

I can't shred

I had trouble with this game at first because I thought you had to just put your ball over the other ball to advance. You have to press Spacebar and that can get annoying. I guess my main problem is that I am just not good at these kinds of games. I have played musical instruments before, but the only one was a piano. I don't think I have ever played these games on a console, so I am not prepared for them. I also felt this could have had some more detail put into it.

I was thinking it would feature Pico but he was there because it this "Rock out" contest. I will say that if a person is a fan of the Guitar Hero or the music genre should enjoy this. While not detailed, everything is put into a very clear detail. You could put in some more backgrounds, but at least there was a wide selection of music being used. Be sure to keep up with it as quickly as possible.

Great game!

I am not a fan of playing baseball (be it in real life or in a game like this) but this was tons of fun. The coolest thing was the CGI animation. It seems like you should see this more in games on this website. It really seems just as authentic as any professional animation that you would see on a professional gaming system! While not the most detailed thing, it works because it's simple. It can speak to any fan of baseball as it perfectly captures why baseball is such a pastime of America.

I am not going to lie, I probably enjoy it a lot because of how easy it is. You really just have to put your mouse over to where the ball is coming. I like the kid environment and how it makes it seem nostalgic. Granted, I never had memories like this but I can at least be reminded of school media where this happened. I don't really understand baseball much anyway.

Seems familiar

This reminds me of "8-bit Theater" especially with the Red Mage designs and everything. While I do not read that, I have seen some flash versions on this very website. This was really cool to play because there were just so many things going on! I loved the detail that was put into everything. It was apparently made in pixels, but the pixellation flowed together so well it was just good to look at. While not action-oriented, it is certainly an RPG that I can get behind.

The best part is that there are so many places to explore. You really have to make your sword slash at everything if you want to get every hidden goodie out there. I love how you guys really went out and created a world of your own. I hope that you manage to get medals with points on them soon. The author comments are very informative as well.

ryoshenron responds:

Thanks for the compliments. The medals in the game are NG medals so they should have points and stuff as soon as an admin approves all the medals.

That was weird

I could have sworn that those things were dolphins and not sharks. Whatever they were, it was a little hard to keep up because it was just so amazingly zany! This third game jam has certainly given us some of the craziest stuff on Newgrounds! It was fun to get the medals, because the only ones I was able to get were the secret ones! I should not spoil how to get them as the player should get them as easily as I did. The weirdest thing was the horse that randomly appeared when there was a high wind blowing.

It was funny to see the shark get cut up when it hit the ground. I don't know why falling on the ground would cause a shark to be split in half so evenly like that. Then again, I should not try to apply logic to a game like this. It would have been nicer if the instructions had been more clear as in put into the game. This is an amusing thing to play.

MonoFlauta responds:

Mmm yes thanks for the advice, SECRET: we will make a Gold Version of this game in af uture, i will use your idea of the instructions for the ingame :P

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