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Can't hate it

This was a fairly mediocre game to play. My main beef was that there was no music and for that matter no sound effects. It just always seems a bit lazy when people do that, not that I am accusing you of anything. The best part about this was the graphics. While there was not much detail, everything in the game did move fairly smoothly and there weren't many problems with the controls. It did get harder as it went on of course.

The thing you could probably work with the most is put in more detail. It does not have any clutterment but there should also be some more things going on. Again, sound is what can really draw a player into a game. I only noticed just now that the things the player is collecting are medals. That is a pretty original idea.

Very fun game!

I enjoyed playing this game because there was just so much going on! It is great how gaming companies like you guys are always coming up with original games. I honestly do not think I have ever seen a single game that was like this before! The coolest part was learning to correctly place the exploding black balls. Everyone here just looks so goofy, kind of like in the Cuboy cartoons. The music is great too and you have no idea at all what the next level would have.

I was surprised at how good I was at it and did not need the walkthrough. It is still nice to show us how to do it because it is a fairly complicated game. I do not think I learned anything scientific about energy physics, but this was a great time waster. It's funny how the guys just sit there as they get electricuted and fall away. Every new level brings harm and aid to the player.

Oh joy!

Okay, this game does not have that much detail in it, but dang it if it isn't the most fun thing you have ever played! I guess it could be improved by having more detail, but it doesn't need any. This is a perfect tribute to classic cartoons that feature characters using mallets. It has no point at all and that is what makes it so enjoyable! It almost makes you wish there was not a timer because you want to play this forever! The animation/graphics are decent and I love how stupid and eager the main character looks.

The music is also great and gives a good degree of motivation for the player to have as much fun with it as he or she wants. You still have to pay attention to where the mallet goes. I like how the lemons do not disappear or anything after awhile. The entire game just has a very bright design to it. They kind of looked like oranges, too.

Nice amount of detail

This was a nice game to play because it was simple with its style but still not an easy game. I am surprised at myself for managing to get past the first boss the first time I tried on hard mode! The music is also nice and sets a good tone. I think there might be something wrong with the bullets, because they keep just jumping around everywhere. I suppose that might be part of hard mode. Whatever the reason, this is still a playable game and one that I would recommend.

I can understand why the medals are not worth that much, as the game is not hard. I seem to have died and not received that medal. Oh well, this is good for a quick play because you get a good clear look at what is coming ahead of you and can prepare yourself. While not the most detailed, it does not have to be elaborate to be playable. Not one of your best games, but still good.


It was weird to loose the game at first simply because there was no preloader. It is certainly a unique experience so I will give you that. What I did not like about this game was that its premise was a little too simple, it's just a guy eating cookies over and over. It is not terrible and it certainly does a good job of doing what it is supposed to. I have seen many cheaper submissions that received medals with no points. I think there might be a glitch with when you go on to the next level.

I keep going to the other side of the screen when I start a level. Well, I thought it was a good idea to lose the game even if you lose a single cookie. I was doing so well on it I thought it was only fitting the game would work like that. You could also work on the graphics. The funniest part is probably how good the sound is.

Cute game

I liked this game because it had a really sweet demeanor to it and stuff. The best part was how precious everything looked and how you could just do whatever you wanted. The downside was the third level because I seemed to not understand when I could go through any of the boards or whatever landscape things those were. The music was cheery as well. I like it how every new level has something different. For a game that is not very popular, this manages to be really long!

I can tell from that that a lot of effort was put into this! At least you managed to get recognition from a reviewer as prolific as myself. You have to pace yourself and try to aim for the boat so you can save your launches. The most useful powerup is easily the one where you turn ghost. Definitley not a game where you can get cocky.

Nice game!

It is always great for people to pay tribute to Newgrounds, even if it's on the website already. It was amazing with how you managed to not only get a lot of characters, but different drawings of the characters! I will probably never be able to draw characters for animations, but can at least appreciate it. I hope other people can learn from this. If it is forgotten, then at least you know it won an award. The wide selection of music was also great and how you could also mute or pause it.

The best thing is that you waste no time going in detail. You do not try to turn this into a game or anything just a nice tutorial. It is rare that I see a game like this that does not have the word "tutorial" in the title. I was impressed by the drawings themselves! Nothing was done with sprite work or anything as it goes more basic.

Aprime responds:

I'm glad you liked the music player, although I don't think I should really put music on my content especially since its copyright. Then again, I can't even remember what music I put on this. I don't think I'd be very good at animating them either, but I'm glad you learnt something!

I'm glad you said I go into detail, usually people say I'm to vague LOL
Tutorial in the title doesn't sound nice
Sprites would be mad

Thanks for the review :)


Tons of fun

I am so glad you went out and made another installment into this series! I thought that from the "sneak peek" description, it would just be like a level, or even a trailer. It turned out to be something far better and it's great to see you work what's best for you. I have not heard of XBLA or PSN, but if it's a professional gaming system, my hat's off to you! The coolest thing about this was getting the kick the spiders! Call me cruel, but dang is that the most fun you can have with this game.

The graphics are great and better than ever! The coolest thing was how there was so much detail put into every level and every level was also unique. The main character just has so much spunk in him with how he moves around everywhere. The controls are great with how he can jump across really any distance he wants. This is great now and forever!

Pretty good game

This was nice because it was just such a freaking easy game to understand! All you had to do was fly around as much as you wanted and shoot everything in sight! My biggest complaint is that there could have been some more detail. I was thinking there wouldn't be any difference in the level, but the designs of the enemy ships are different! The coolest thing was all the freedom even if you did not have much control. I suggest you put in some more of a background next time.

Overall, it's still good because it shows how much fun you can have with something so simple. This is what made the early arcade games classic. While not as good as those, it seems like you really had those games in mind. The "Game Over" screen is also really cool too. It took me awhile to notice the score in the upper right hand corner.

Very creative!

I am not a fan of bowling (in both real life and in video games) but this was quite a change. Everything here was really represented well and it was nice to see the game go along. My biggest complaint is that it was, well, really, really hard. There were so many enemies coming after you and only one ball to use. If you are good at this game, then my props to you for having great hand-eye coordination. I like the sound it makes when you hit the enemies. Are those creeps supposed to be red dragons or something?

Fighting Larry Bird was hard as when I did hit him, I lost. Now, I guess that's just a coincidence but it still came off as weird to me. Another good thing was how the graphics were so smooth given how there was not much detail. I rarely play games that get featured in two section of the "Games" part of the website. Strange, but you have to work with it.

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