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Takes getting used to

I have played games like this before but never on this website. Or at least not ones on this website that are so authentic to what I played before! While it takes me awhile to get used to using games like this, it's still worth playing because of just how fun it is. I definitley had some problems as I kept getting blasted by the other guy. You really have to learn to get right to your enemy and get the right weapon! This could have used some more detail.

It does have the right idea of using the setting of a desert (at first, at least). It makes sense because you would not have to worry about people getting killed. Well, if I thought about the moral implications of this game, I would never even play. I can still appreciate you for trying to hook people up like this, even though it's not my cup of tea. It's been awhile since I played a guy from you, kchamp.

What's left?

This game had a decent amount of effort put into it, but it had several main flaws. The biggest one was probably the fact that it had no sound. It was also weird with how the pictures did not just fit into the frames when they were supposed to. The coolest thing was that it was fairly easy. I liked how the pieces were arranged one on top of each other, so you could not see them all at first. It has been awhile since I have seen flamingos.

This seems to have potential to be a much better game. The design is good, but there are elements lacking in terms of detail. It just does not seem like anything that elaborate. You can still make something good when it's not elaborate, but there should be more features like sound effects. Maybe it gets harder as it goes on.

More of the same!

While this was not that different than the first one, I still have to love this because it was also just like the first one! Everything was done so well with detail put into everything. The best thing was that one powerup where you got to be able to just click on the food as you went down. I don't know what the gold does for you, it just looks cool. The music is also really sweet and simplistic. I think there was a new style used, with not everything in the level being on one screen.

It helps that I am a such cat lover, even though I have never had sushi. It's just precious to see that little cat get fatter as the game goes on. He just looks so happy in his roly-poly body. I am glad something this cute managed to win Daily Feature and had some popular names work on it. You guys all did a good job on this game.

Well done

I remember how I used to draw things in the air a little myself when I was little. I can not hate this game because everything is just done really well. It seems to be exactly what you would envision in a game that features invisible ink. I still can not help but say that I am just not good at this game at all and needed every hint just to get past the first level! At least you were nice enough to have different degrees of difficulty. The best way to figure this out is to probably get yourself a pen and paper and draw it out in real life.

There could have been some more perks like maybe some more sound. The artwork that you could see (with the pencil) was at least very well done. It was also nice to play a game that seemed to truly have originality. I suggest everyone to work on the easy levels at first. This is a game that really requires an active imagination.

Not too bad of a game

This was pretty fun to play because it was a fairly different game. I am aware of how things like these have been used in real life. The downside of it was the controls as it was quite difficult to control something when you had the whole landscape to take after. I am so glad the troops themselves manage to get in hits. Hint: it really helps if you try to shoot a space between two enemies to kill both of them. The music was fine and fairly suiting.

The graphics are pretty good and there is a good amount of detail put into everything. To think, I did not read the instructions at first and shot my own guys. Oh, another hint, make sure your shots are far away from your own people. While not the best game out there, it still is enjoyable for some time. Do work on the controls, though.

Those cats are orange

It's interesting to always learn about the darker side of some fairy tales. Luckily, this one did not have a lot of blood and gore in it. The cool thing, however, was that there was a lot of detail put into everything, especially the enemies. I am surprised that I was able to get so many medals with not even knowing what most of them were! This is a game where you really have to keep on fighting. This is not just to get the medals, but also to win the game.

I really could not recognize that character as being Snow White at all. I kind of think she looks more like Stocking from that anime. It was great to see the cool combos I could make simply by pushing random buttons. I can not believe there was not a single combo that had the combination of ASS. It seems like such an obvious thing.


It's a true treasure to always be able to look at new and original games when going to this website. The coolest thing about this was the awesome graphics! There was just so much detail put into every single precise thing, especially the main character. It seemed weird how Death was beaten by simply falling onto a rock. Still, this game was great because it had so many things going on. In case you did not know this, the part with the yellow and blue bits are in a jousting tournament so keep attacking.

I thought I would have trouble distinguishing between the two buttons, but I am glad I did not. Another cool thing was the music. It was just a great atmosphere to be in, because it perfectly captures the medeival kind seen in games and other works of fiction. There are so many things going on like the red glowing skull eyes. It's fun to just see Death jump around.


This was a very fun game to play and the best I have played in awhile. What makes it so effective is that it combines the elements of an RPG game along with a tower defense game. I am not a fan of RPGs, but I do really like defense games. The graphics in this are really good too, especially how much detail is given to each and every character. It's too bad you can not summon a bunch of them at one time. It is still very fun to play and quite original.

Congrats on getting this many views as it is an innovative enough game to deserve it. It is hard to look through all those instructions and you never know when you're done. Here are the instructions in a nutshell. Place the characters on the board and just click on the enemy nearby to point them in the direction to attack. The intro had great animation as well.

Not bad

Defense games are among my favorite to play on this website and others for that matter. The best part about this was that you could really take your time. I do not even think the enemies ever came on their own and you always had to click that button for them to come. The towers were pretty well designed, too. The "Galaxy" theme has been done several times before, but still not bad. The music was fairly good as well. The thing you really need to improve on are the graphics.

A lot of the drawings didn't look like much and they could have more depth to them. The color shadings were all straight and there could have been some shades. Granted, I doubt you were going for anything great, for something nice for a quick game. Actually, this game does have more detail than you would think. Maybe you could also put in some better designs for enemies.

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