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This certainly should have been on the front page longer! I really do love these games. The best part is how, well, addictive they are. I am so motivated to get all the medals. It also helps that the animation/graphics are fantastic! This seems like it was made by the same guy who did the Burrito Bison thing or whatever it was called.

While not as good, it was certainly great. I really think everything is designed wonderfully here. You don't know what's going to pop up next, like the Gundam robot. The sounds are great too. Thanks for the update as the prices do seem pretty bad. I love this whole game!

I didn't think this was that bad, but I still thought it could be better. It seemed like you didn't have much of a chance to beat it at first. I got through the first two levels and didn't have enough money to buy anything. I guess I should look more into the directions. You do deserve points for originality. It is something I have truly never seen before.

I also really like how good the animation is, or graphics. It's funny to see the king's expression change as it gets worse. I like how you can drop things. It doesn't make much sense, but it's interesting. The enemies are designed pretty well too.

I admit to being confused by this game. I don't even think it had that much to do with robots. I didn't like it how there was not any sound. I guess it was nice to get some easy medals. It still didn't really amount to much in the long run. I didn't even know how to get past the second level!

The design isn't that bad. I think I know what a synapse is. It's something to do with the brain. I think you shouldn't live up to your name, lol. I'm sorry, but while it was pretty original, it needed some sounds and better gameplay.

TerribleDesign responds:

To get past the second level you need to move diagonally into the three blue arrows. That way you will not be pushed down into the red wall. I have noticed that several medals in later levels are not achieved as often, so you are not alone in getting stuck at the second level. I didn't think that it would cause that much trouble. Now I know better! Also, you can get quite a few medals without getting past the second level it will just take a long time.

Could you expand on your gameplay comment? What exactly in the first two levels did you not like?

I am sad to say that I did not care for this. There did not seem to be any sound. It seems like games should always have that. I didn't understand how I kept dying. The shots came out of nowhere. It was annoying with how I had no idea what was going on.

I saw no enemies to shoot. It all seemed a bit pointless. I tried to move faster to avoid enemy fire, but it did not work. There are so many games out there that are much better. I can understand why this did not become popular.

I admit this game was at least creative. I do really have no idea how to review this. It was just Santa urinating on stuff. I guess it did have kind of a bigger purpose. I just didn't like seeing Santa's fat naked butt the whole time. I was hoping it would be an elf.

At least they're not as ugly or whatever! I guess reindeer might be more appropriate. They don't use toilets. This is the part where everything submitted is Christmas related. I guess the title's kind of nice.

That's strange, I could have sworn I had played this game recently before. Well, technically I had. Maybe it was just going back in my mind until being reawakened now? Okay, enough philosophy. This was a pretty standard game, nothing that good or bad. I guess the music isn't bad.

It's funny how you guys credit the music as coming from yourselves. It really is too bland of a game. I guess it is kind of funny to see fat Santa from that aerial view. Then again, he's fat anyway. There are a few interesting things on the field.

I thought this was a pretty good game. It really is a fairly original idea. I guess Santa has just done so many things it only figures he would go into sports. It was a bit hard to understand where to put the ball in. I should have noticed the hole wasn't there at first. It's still pretty enjoyable.

It helps that the music is nice. I think even that is a bit different than the usual stuff. I remember a radio saying it was only six months until Christmas. Thanks for warming me up! I'm not much of a fan of golf in real life, so it's better in games like this.

I did not care that much about this. I think the worst part was the animation or graphics. It looked way too old for 2007. It looked more like 2000! Anyway, I'm very bad at this game anyway. The losing screen just popped out of nowhere at the end and freaking scared me!

I guess you could get a clear understanding of what was going on. It just didn't add up to much. I think I just got lucky the first time I played. Even then, I couldn't hit anything. It was a bit too much for me to keep up with.

I guess this game doesn't work that well on its own. It's still hard to hate it because it was pretty good. I really had no idea what would happen next. I managed to get the secret medal. I think the drawings were really quite good in this. Of course, everyone's drawn pokemon.

Yeah, it's impossible to win. You certainly had me guessing. I even liked your voice. This was a bit too short, though. I felt you could have used more jokes. Then again, it was made in a short time.

BoobMarley responds:

Made this bad boy in 13 hours.
Thank you so much for the feedback, brother, I really do appreciate it and I must say that I agree entirely with everything you've said. Cheers.

I was pretty impressed by this game! I think it might be the best of the ones in this jam I've seen so far! I thought it was just going to be boring. It was a little hard to control the wizard at first. I'm so glad you could attack the green blobs. I think you need that candy to advance to the next level.

It's also surprisingly complex for a game made in such a short time. I think the sounds are done well. I like your griffin thumbnail. Speaking of which, congradulations on having your thumbnail as the one for this game jam. It's a game that works well for itself.

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