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This MUST have been made by OTWIC. Are you him? You're not listed as a sponsor. I thought this game wasn't too bad. I was pretty turned off at how hard it was. Everyone just kept coming. I would've have liked some more relief.

I've never done that in real life. I do think it's funny how some parts are incomplete. It's weird how your butt can make those shapes. I guess you are drunk. I wish there was sound!

That was one freaky game. I think that toad is the same one from those commercials. He did appear to have a visible penis. Santa is drawn pretty well here. In fact, everything is quite colorful. I didn't even notice the other toads at first.

Unfortunately, it wasn't that enjoyable. I would have liked to see Santa boogie more. It really is great to see these designs. It just isn't that much fun to punch toads over and over. You certainly tried.

I could not enjoy this, because I could not understand it. It seemed like there was no sound. That's never a good thing to have in a game. Or a thing not to have, I guess. The first time I played it, I couldn't really get anything going. It keeps saying "Undefined".

I managed to get through the finger, but it still said that. I don't even know if I can win this game. It's hard to even understand what's going on. I guess the graphics weren't that good either. It's not something I liked.

Well, I managed to win at least one medal in this strange game. I really don't know what this thing is all about. Everything is just so weird. It could have been better if the details were more well done. At least it wasn't that difficult...even the boss came at least. I admit that it was pretty unpredictable.

I really have no clue what's going on here. It was certainly a different kind of game. It could be called an experimental one. I like how you have a lot of songs. That always shows devotion in my eyes.

Rixium responds:

Not sure why the other medal isn't working, unless no one is beating the boss. Medal should work now as it unlocks within Flash.. Yeah it's pretty weird, I had a few cutscenes being made by a friend but he backed out which is why there isn't much explanation.

I really do like this game! It's probably only because I am so good at it. It really was great fun to just be able to jump around everywhere. I managed to get 512 points on my second try! I just love how you can move so well in this game. The asteroids look like meatballs.

I didn't even realize you could get points for jumping over asteroids. I think this game is quite fair to you. It seems everything's okay even if your tail is hit. I was pretty stupid to think you were supposed to touch them at first. Hey, with the asteroids hit, you'd be dead!

I wasn't too eager to play this game. I think the worst part about it is the animation. It really doesn't look good at all. I guess the depiction of a furry like that is, I don't know, I just don't like it. I always like holiday stuff. I'm referring to Thanksgiving, so don't accuse me of being a Scrooge for Christmas. The music isn't bad at least.

It just seemed repetitive with you throwing the turkeys. The angles seemed to be way off. I always manage to go too high. I think that's probably some kind of error in the program. It was weird how I lost even though I had lots of turkey to eat.

I will admit that it was better than I thought. I thought that for awhile it wasn't going to be that good, because I didn't understand it. I'm glad I read the instructions better. It makes me realize that the animation really is good in this. Santa has a really big nose here. I think there's another game here about a guy named Red Beard.

I like the little sounds. It can get a bit too hard for me at times. Tower games are always good. Well, this wasn't quite a tower game as I thought it would be. While not that memorable, still pretty good.

This game was a lot more complicated than I thought. It really did make me think, so I liked it. I'm glad I got one medal, even though it didn't show up on the screen. Whatever, this really was a very smart game. I think the best part is when you dash so fast. I was wondering how I was supposed to get past some parts.

It works as a puzzle game but could also be something else. It certainly required you to do some action. There's no medal for not skipping the opening cutscenes. I always look for those in secret levels. The sounds were pretty cool too.

swishcheese responds:

Thanks for the awesome review. Check the walkthrough if having trouble get by some parts. sorry didn't include a medal for not skipping intro scene. That would have been a good idea.

I admit I was pretty turned off by this game because it had no sound for one thing. I mean, I guess it's all arranged pretty well, but there's nothing rewarding about it. It seems like it takes too long to get the game going. I guess it was interesting to learn about how to make a website. The name is pretty cool. The only sound is when the medals show up.

It does get faster as the game gets going. I have just played many better games. You could have made it more customizable. Then again, maybe I'm just not trying hard enough. I am sorry, but I did not care for this.

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