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I found this game to be good, but I felt it could have been better. By "better", I of courser mean easier. It did motivate you to go pretty far with it. The part with the lamp was always harder than it looked. I think that is an interesting part, though. The music's fairly haunting.

I thought it said "Greed" at first. Yeah, I knew better. I like the little yells as you fall to your death. Are those jingle bells in the song? The games really do get harder.

I knew I would keep on fighting until I got one medal and that's exactly what I did! It's kind of weird how the difficulty of the levels seems to change. They follow a certain pattern and some patterns are harder than others. It still gets harder as the game goes on, though. I can understand where you get the name.

I love how you can just let some enemies hit the core and you don't die. Hey, better it than me! The music's pretty cool too. High tech stuff is often cool. It's probably not one I'm willing to beat, though.

I ended up enjoying this game. I think the best thing about it was the graphics. They were pretty impressive. I really didn't know what was coming up next in this. It was interesting to see all these strange looking powerups and everything. They certainly helped me!

Obviously, some weapons worked better than others. I'm thinking you just had to wait until a good one came up. Other people might like different kinds. The music wasn't bad. Some of the area did seem a bit cluttered.

This game actually wasn't that bad. I think this is the most viewed thing you guys have. I am glad to have come by it. In fact, for the longest time, I have been reviewing games featured on your old website. I thought the CGI wasn't bad. I would like to complain that the game isn't that rewarding.

It seems to go a bit too slow at first. I do like Santa's yell. It's nice you made something for the season. It is nice to see the cannon move around like that. It has fairly good fluidity.

Well, first I was going to complain about how this was too easy. Once I got outside, it was anything but. I had idea I could even click anything else! I still appreciate this game. The graphics are nice and there are some good songs and sounds. It's easy to understand at first at least.

It's weird how you placed the medals Usually, the easiest ones are at the left hand part of the page. Well, this was an interesting change of pace. You do deserve some credit for this. Space games are generally cool.

JackAstral responds:

Thanks! Yep the difficulty ramps up a little aha

I am sorry, but this was not enjoyable for me. I thought it would be better. I guess there aren't many people to play with. I couldn't get any good height in this game. I can't help but think I'm playing it wrong? It just didn't make much sense.

I don't know you'd throw a ball at berries. The setting wasn't that bad. There just didn't seem to be much point. The music was okay. There was nothing that appealing to me.

I found this to be a decent game. I admit that it could have been more detailed, but it's still quite good. I didn't know when to use my ammo until those other trucks came. I like how you can run over pedestrians. Yeah, I'm crazy like that. The graphics are pretty good.

You get a clear idea of exactly what it is you're supposed to do. I came very close to dying on the first level. The shooting cars are actually pretty easy to dodge. You just have to be in front of them directly to damage them. I found this game to be good.

I am surprised that this does not have a higher score. It really is a great game! I think I recognize your style of graphics. The best part was probably how cute it all was. You seemed to really have cute eyes for this character. I wish I knew what the title means.

It's a great name, anyway. I appreciate all the little sounds. I thought this was a music game. It just seemed to be coordinated like one. I wish more people would play this!

I did not like this game. I guess it was because there was no sound. It's just that helicopter games should have those. I can see why this isn't popular. I guess the graphics aren't too bad. The thing is, it probably could be better detailed. I guess it's kind of unique.

Then again, I've played much better helicopter games. I don't know what the missiles are for. It doesn't seem that interesting to get into. It's a bit too basic. I don't even know how to capture the flag.

I found this game to just be mediocre. It was pretty much just a bunch of random shootings. It's pretty easy to make a gorilla joke like that. I mean, they are pronounced the same way! I thought the graphics looked a bit dated. It's still nice to see those enemies.

I didn't even know I had to use the WASD part. I don't think that was part of the game. It was pretty unpredictable. I thought you would just advance on your own. The arrow keys should have been more clear.

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