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That was weird

The funny thing I noticed is that I think I missed the directions. I was able to get past the first level of this game however. The coolest thing was how all I had to do was simply pick up speed to jump over the block. It's strange it would be like that, but I don't know how to advance beyond that. I still have to give you guys credit for having a game that looks wonderfully made with flawless graphics. It's truly unlike anything I've played before.

That might be because it's so incomprehensible that I can't go far. I like the weird design of this little guy. I have no idea what's going on, but the transition effects are awesome, especially with how they go from one level to the next. It's great to know you guys will never run out of original ideas! You guys will never stop making them either.

This is great

This really works because it provides a really good representation of what it's like to be a shark. The main flaw is that it's too easy to lose strength. I just need to keep up with my eating. I was in no way expecting those divers to be kniving me! Those guys deserve to be eaten! The best part of this was easily the graphics which were just fantastic and gave off a great sense of being in on in the action in this realistic game.

I like how it's so simple and doesn't go for anything that flashy. It's just what it would be like to be a shark that eats people. Everything seems to have so much depth in this, no pun intended. You should never have a title that isn't capitialized. It's a sign a lot of people take that your game or flash isn't going to be good, but we've learned not to judge on appearances!

Not the best or worst

This was a fairly mediocre point and click adventure. It doesn't help that I'm not a fan of these kinds of games in the first place. I think the best thing about this is probably how it was simple for me at first. Here is how far I got. Go to the part with the bookcase and click on the skull on the left. This will cause a snake to go the screen on the left where you can click on the snake who is now underground. He has a key.

Go back to the entrance and click on the brick that's to the left of the entrance. There should be a gold box in there, which you can use the key on. It gives you a gold diamond. The artwork is decent, but it could use more detail. I'm glad you created a game where I was actually able to progress more than most of these games I play.

Good and gory

What I liked about this was that there were just so many ways to shoot up your enemy! It really helps that the blood and innards and everything else are well detailed. My main problem is that the graphics aren't that good. It looks like something from a longer time ago. I still have to appreciate it for having a really simple premise and allowing you to do what most gamers want to do. I like how each of the shootings seems to have its own stages.

The title could be better, but it does describe it well. I hope you can learn to put a background up as a blank one is rarely a good idea. There could have also been some music as the only sounds were the gunshots. Even if people don't like the music, just put in a feature that mutes it. Overall, this was an okay game to play.

Not terrible

I can actually judge from what I see on the screen that this actually doesn't look so bad. Its main fault it that it requires a password. It would be nice if you would eventually make this public and I don't know why it would be private in the first place. Still, the graphics don't seem that bad. It's been awhile since I've played a game where I was a kangaroo. I have to give you credit for just submitting a beta version.

Even beta versions should be easier to play. You can in fact navigate around the game a little even without the password. Unfortunately, the box blocks the screen and the colors are too dark. I am not a fan of RPGs, but a bigger version of this seems like it could be enjoyable. Just try to put some more music in it and make it more organized.

Fairly colorful

I appreciated this game because it was fairly unique. What really drove me home was the interesting kinds of graphics it used. I kind of had a love-hate relationship with them. They were interesting to look at, but there was a part of me where I thought they could have been better. Still, this is a decent game because it gives you a lot of freedom to move around. I like the way the parts of the robot or whatever machine it is just trots around.

The sound effects are not great, but are definitley worth listening to. It's easy to tell when you're losing health because of the large health bar in the side. It could use more variety because it gets fairly redundant after awhile. It's still pretty straight through playing and the artwork isn't that bad. You might want to also have a larger place to go.

Not a bad game

This was an enjoyable game for the most part, but it did have some flaws. The main one seemed to be that it wasn't what I expected it to be. I thought it was going to be a GTA like game with how everything was done with cars. I should have realized that it wasn't via the goofier appearances that the cars had. It's more like the Pixar movie "Cars". Boy, have I been traumatized since they released "Cars 2".

Anyway, it's great to see emotion in the cars themselves and it seems like you had fun with this. I wasn't expecting a puzzle game, but it's a decent one. It helps that the graphics are nicely done and everything is well paced. The sounds are authentic. It does seem out of place for there to be explosions in a goofy looking game like this.

Not a bad game

The best thing about this was probably how wacky the graphics were. It looked like some cross between CGI and pencil sketchings. The parts where it lost points were that it just seemed to be the same ski slope and there wasn't much to it. I was annoyed at what I was supposed to do at the launch. You just have to hold the space button from where you want the smile and then turn it off when you reach the power. I thought it had something to do with the arrow keys.

I guess I should have looked at the author's comments more. The music was alright. It's just that it doesn't seem like a game that has a lot of lot of potential as it takes awhile to get interested. I'm still glad this has more than one level because I'm so bad at it I would never even know. It's funny to hear Santa's bones crunch.

Nutty game!

I found this to be better than the first game, if only because it was a lot zanier. It really helps that the tone changes so quickly. First, we get to the part with the darkness and nothing happens and then we get this fast paced mine game! That is easily the hardest because you move too slowly. When I press the up button to get up, I don't have enough time to press it again as I don't hit the ground again! Anyway, the music (wherever it was) was extremely fitting as well.

For the first level, try to completley avoid the part of the bridge that will fall down. In the next part of the level, try to just jump at the beginning so the spikes won't hit you on the way down. Oh, and be sure to catch those buttons. It can be so annoying when your reaction time isn't good enough. Thank you for this awesome game!

NightDead responds:

Thank you for the comments and especially for the time to play and perceive what the game offers (good things and some bugs)

Have a creepy Halloween!

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