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Very fast paced!

I just love a game that knows how to be fast paced, but at the same time isn't too hard. The only one that I really had a problem with was Level 03 in the first world. Thank you for answering my question. That is probably the worst part of it, because it is hard to remember how you jump. It's still great to go across all these cool levels blasting everything in sight! The funny thing is that I died in every way except being eaten by the monster.

Running, shooting, and jumping are great staples of any game. The detail in this game is especially good with the uniqueness of the enemies. They're so ugly you're encouraged more to kill them! It might be hard to keep up for some people, but I had a great time playing this. I chose a rabbit design the whole time.

Joelasticot responds:

Glad you liked it! And I'm sure the rabbit ears helped with your jumps

Another great zombie game!

Warnockworld is usually known for cartoons that have little animals and stuff. Wow, this was one heck of a change of tone for you guys! It's of course great that this one managed to work out so well, especially with the high amounts of gore. The best part about this is probably how well the zombies are designed. I got 183 kills on the first level, which I guess is what most people get. I am glad to continue the carnage with this.

My only complaint is that it takes a heck of a long time to load. I don't understand why it took like two full minutes to load the graphics. Well, it's a minor complaint and doesn't take away from the enjoyment. It's great to see so much detail put into any game, especially a zombie game. I hope you guys have a happy Halloween!

That's fairly odd again

It never ceases to amaze me how belugerin can come up with original games. I wasn't even sure what to make of this at first. I'm not a fan of point and click adventures, but this was good. I guess it would have helped if you had put some medals to go with the achievements. It's amazing how many ways you can kill someone. Most of the time, I don't even know what it is I'm trying to do, as I just click random things and stuff happens!

The artwork was decent and I like how everything's so unexpected. Of course you would not describe how to get every single achievement. It's a bit too short, but with all the stuff going on, it will take a long time to play. You might want to create multiple endings to further encourage people. At least the opening cutscene was short.

Very nicely done!

I'm not a fan of point and click adventures (especially when all you have is one secret medal) but this was fun. I really admired the amount of time put into all of the detail. It's great to see such a wide environment for the player to explore. All of the creatures have a nice original design to them. There is just such a nice rainbow of colors to go along with this fine game. It's hard to not like it, especially when you can advance pretty well while not being good at it.

I really like how this created your own strange world. It seems hard to believe this was based on Little Red Riding Hood or whatever it was. It's so innovative it seems like everything was something you created yourself. The sound is nice and sets up a good mood. This didn't come off as being scary to me, just more mysterious.

Hyptosis responds:

Thanks! I always planned the story to be more of a detective tale rather than a spooky one, but the story lends itself easily to fantasy halloween type elements.

Quite different

Well, I was hoping to walk away from this game with at least one medal and I did! I got the medal for having a 35+ combo! This wasn't as enjoyable as a lot of other games like this, mostly because it was a lot harder. I don't like it how you have to form a perfect cube. Then again, I have to give it credit for being unique. The music wasn't bad, and while a bit irritating, it did contribute to the more fun parts of the game.

It's cool how everything changes color when you go to another level. The graphics are pretty good. When something is just a bunch of squares over and over, you know you're good when you manage to make that look impressive. The bombs are easily the things you want to get the most. I'm not even sure how they work!

Azh321 responds:

Thanks a lot for your review. You should try the game out again some time, im sure you can figure out the bombs and how the combos work. Try to break your personal high score!

I loved these things!

I used to play these sorts of games all the time when I had "Highlights" magazine. I don't subscribe to that anymore obviously. It's still nice for a trip back memory lane. The best part is how nicely these pictures are drawn. There's a nice amount of detail so you can tell there's going to be differences. The second level is particularly hard, as there isn't that much to go with. Wait, now I do still do that sort of thing in Slylock Fox comic strips.

Yes, I am one of the few people who reads newspaper comics. The music is nice and sets the tone. I'm still unclear as to how to get the medals, as I went through the levels and didn't get any. It's nice to know that this was done with a real sense of fun in mind. It's not my favorite kind of game, but entertaining to play.

Quite the anti-game

This is something definitley worth playing, because it's like it seems to mock you by its own design. The voice of course mocks you the entire time. I think this might be the worst offender of that ever happening in a game. It's not that bad when something is hard, but when there's a voiceover...it's actually fairly entertaining. At least you're being honest with how impossible this game is. I waited until this game had medals to play it.

That doesn't matter now, because I have yet to recieve a single medal. I'm not that dumb, I figured out how I died! Then again, that's only because the link that led me to this page told me that. JohnnyUtah is hilarious as the voice of the creator. I love the artwork in this, particularly how there are very creative ways of dying.

That's what I call motivation

This was a very interesting game to play because everything had so much tension in it. I really felt for when I was about to lose my hand in the game. I would of course never do this in real life. I would know that eventually, I would lose at least one limb and it would take all the money I would get to get an artificial limb. This wasn't that much detailed, but it didn't have to be. It was a good tension creating game.

I liked the omnious sound the guillotine (?) made whenever it hit down. You really didn't know how to predict what was coming next. It wasn't that it got faster, it was that it got more complicated. I doubt $188 is going to be enough to get two artificial limbs with any left over. I have to be so careful not to have that unpleasant image brought out.

How strange

This game is tons of fun probably because I'm so good at it! The highest point from which I can get points is at the 1200 mark and I went all the way to 1000 on my first try! It's great that you make a game so simple, but fun. It's probably because it goes on for a long time with different variety that you don't care how easy it is at first. I have no clue how to get all those other medals, but they randomly showed up on screen. Seriously, it must have taken a minute for them up to load!

I have no clue how that works, but know that this game is awesome. It's especially satisfying when you get more feet because of how far you go in one fall. I was afraid it was going to be a game where you made a free fall with obstacles in your way. There should be more great games like this. I hope you had as much fun making it as I did playing it!

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