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I had fun with this

The best thing about this is easily how Walter screams when he falls down. It's just great to see a character with no mouth sound so silly. This is a fairly hard game and I think I am just not good with these controls. I have found out that it works best if you advance to another spot immediately that doesn't have a bomb on it. It's not that they explode fast, they just seem to make you immobile! I love how this guy also twirls around as he dies!

The sounds are great and I get a really good sense I'm in a crazy world. The color effects and overall graphics are nice too. I wish I could figure out what Walter is. He looks like one of those soda mascots that's been long forgotten. Be sure to pace yourself well with this, because if you go too fast, it will literally blow up in your face!

That was fairly odd again

This is a very different game submitted to this portal. The character designs are easily the best things about this. I also think the graphics all around are really good. The funniest thing was that the robotic voice seemed to frequently malfunction and it was actually really entertaining when you heard its jumbled voice try to tell you something. My main complaint is that it does seem like it's a bit too, well, strange. There are just so many weird aspects going on it's hard to tell what's going on.

I guess it just came off as too odd. Of course, I love odd stuff so if you want to play something quite macabre, then by all means check this out! It seems like you really went out to create your own nonsensical world. It could use some music, but the overall design is impressive and the gameplay at least isn't that confusing. I like how it's just the mouse you use for control.

ZEROstudio responds:

Thank you very much, this was my first game i made.

As good as it gets!

I'm surprised this isn't more well known! This is among the best games mofunzone has ever worked on! It is so addictive simply because it's so freaking adorable! You play this little white blob who plops around everywhere jumping on the heads of enemies. This is similar to Mario but the way the villians die and disappear is still quite original. I also love how the entire level is on one screen so you can really get the big picture and the best part is the ninja powerup.

Even the sounds are cute! I love the sounds the blob makes when he jumps on the ground or when he steps on an enemy or really anything he ever does! Everything in this just moves so fluidly. It gives off a great sense of being in a fun and unique world with different levels and obstacles. I admit that sometimes when facing off against an enemy, I forget that I can shoot.

Good for what it is

It's interesting to showcase a different kind of game. The best thing about this is probably how you really know how to let yourself go with this one. I was afraid it was just going to be a game where there was nothing but a yellow square. I was pleasantly surprised to find out it did indeed feature the characters shown on the screen. I will probably not download it, because I have enough downloaded things here already. I just can't do everything.

I still have to give you credit for creating a game that moves quite fluidly. Everything is presented in a fairly clearcut manner. I especially like how the graphics are simplistic and while that isn't necessarily a good thing, it kind of works here. Another demo should probably have some sound to it. Or was there something wrong with my laptop?

Harder than it looks

Geez, what can you say about a game where you can't even die successfully? This was fairly unique because I had no idea what was going on. I am so glad you are eventually going to release the video walkthrough for this. I have little clue what is going on at all in this game. The graphics, from what I can look at, are pretty nice. It seems like this would had the best genre description if it had been put under "Point 'n Click Adventure" which suits it better.

I'm not a fan of those kinds of games, or games where you just type things. I guess I have to give you credit for creating an interesting atmosphere for all that's going on. The graphics seem to be a lot like something you would see on a professional game. Granted, it would be more of a Game Boy. I guess the prescence of Death might be considered Halloweenish.

larrymcduck responds:

The game was a remake of NES Shadowgate. the game was made on several platforms, but this is the one I played. Even though you are not a fan of this kind of game, I'm glad you're still willing to play it. Thanks for the review!


It seems like there aren't enough games like this out there. It's funny how I have no idea how I'm getting all these points when I just sit next to the table. It was even hard to tell at first that this was even a Halloween game! This was interesting because of all the funny sounds you put in. The best part was probably the music at the end when the kid finally got captured. I guess I shouldn't want to hear that kind of music as it means I lost the game.

It can sure get annoying when the hornyness skyrockets when he so much as catches a glance of you. This is good for a quick play. I like how everything is represented by these weird shapes. The stranger looks like some giant black monster in the room. The kid (the player) is just this pink little thing strolling around everywhere.

Neat little game

The funny thing is that I don't think I've ever played this game in real life. I've actually played numerous versions of it on the Internet, but not an actual one. This could have been better in that it could have used some music. You can always have the option of turning the music off if you do not like it. It still had most of the basic skills that make mahjongg so popular. It's funny how it seems impossible at first (I'm on Normal mode) but it gets easier when you take a closer look.

It's also interesting just to look at all the different designs of the tiles. It's kind of a pain when you can only get those on the top part. I would recommend this to anyone who is a fan of mahjongg. It can sure take a long time to see how every design matches with another. What's also nice about these games is that you can take all day to beat them so you don't get bored.

The classic!

This is one of the most played adventures games that I've seen on this site and it goes to show. It's extremely impressive how you managed to make the graphics so good. There are so many little things going on in this game, you can't help but enjoy it. All of the enemies and heroes have these interesting designs to them. I like how they all seem to attack in unique ways too. The music is nice and sets up a medieval tone.

I'm really not a fan of adventure games (strategy) but this is an exception. It's so great to play a game where you have total control over how it's paced. Some of the designs look a bit bulbous, but they're still great. The real fun is really learning how these guys attack and heal as the game goes along. It's even fun to know how the villians do it!

A lot of fun!

I think Draka seems more like a vampiric spider than anything else. It's still a fairly original creation and I had a lot of fun with it. The coolest part is how well the artwork flows when you create the webs. That is also the most fun part, particularly with how Draka just plops around everywhere. When he turns people into monsters like him, it actually is pretty scary. Of course, it keeps its goofy cartoonish appearance.

I'm so glad to see so many good stuff here around Halloween. The sounds are great too with how Draka cackles all the time. There's just a great sense of fun in this. It's great that he has a fairly wide space for him to move around so it's really a game you can experiment with. This didn't strike me much as a puzzle game, but I guess it doesn't fit anywhere else.

nabossa responds:

Such a great review! Thank you!

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