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Where have you gone?!

MondoMiniShows is one of the greatest flash animators of all time! I guess having a couple of their works here is better than nothing. As this is a site featuring games or interactive works, it's probably the most appropriate place to put it. It's just wonderful to see this gorgeous animation. It's amazing at how creative and ridiculous these deaths are. For the "Yummy" part, I thought he was just going to choke on the eggs.

You were far too creative for anything like that! It's amazing how much harm you can do to a Tamagotchi like character by just giving it eggs. Toothy should have realized from the bad smell that egg was going to be bad. At least that one was the least graphic death (if he even did die). While it isn't Easter, I wish you a good one!

Not a bad game

What I liked about this game was how there seemed to be some really weird graphics in it. I mean, everything looked bulgy. It was just way too silly looking not to enjoy. This was great because I had so much fun gunning these suckers done over and over. It did run into problems when it seemed like there were way too many of them! I thought my overall problems would be solved if I simply got the bigger gun!

It's nice to hear this suiting music. What's also cool is how you really get the sense of being in a war zone or simply an adventure. You could have used some better designs and variants for the enemies. Just make them look detailed, but I will give you props for the background. At least I got some kind of medal.

I'm having mixed emotions

I can understand why people are divided about this. It's hard to tell if the good outweighs the bad. The thing that I found weird was that it actually was an interesting idea, but it wasn't done that well. You have played so many defense games it was interesting to be able to play a different game where the scenario was reversed. I do, however, have to admit that the animation wasn't that good. Everything doesn't look well detailed.

The sound is good. I especially like the little tinking noises made whenever the people are attacking the castle with their swords. It seems like it really has the potential for something much better, but it doesn't utilize what it has well. I am glad that you at least tried to make something unique. It's cool to see how you gradually destroy the tower.

Freaky game!

This is pretty much the perfect Halloween game to play because it's so scary! It's kind of like "Eraserhead" in that it's scary how it makes no sense at all. The only thing I found annoying was the noise you made when you respawned. It was cool how your dead bodies were kept around! It's also cool how you can not only block attacks, but also deflect them to kill the enemy. I wish I had some idea what this thing was supposed to be.

Judging from the cutscene, I wasn't even sure if it was a game. The author's comments will clear it up for me as much as anything, I guess. I really love the nice colors and graphics used. It's hard to tell how to advance, because I really don't where I'm going! Congradulations on making the most surrealist Halloween game I've ever played!

Very interesting game!

It's great when people come and make original games like this. The artwork reminded me of the stuff by the guys at "Cyaniade And Happiness". It's especially cool to see how well you plop everywhere. Level 13 is the one which I simply can not beat. I also love the designs of the enemies. It's weird how they are just walking around there waiting for you to jump on their heads, maybe it's something with their lack of eyes?

It's a great game because you can figure out different ways to solve it. It's not often you make a platformer and a puzzle game in one. It gives you a sense of being in a unique game. I especially love the way the teleporters work. It's just so fun to teleport from one spot to another and just keep on floating as there's no time limit.

Stencyl is nice!

This is a game that is fun because of how simple it is. The graphics are really nicely done in this, especially with how well everything moves. It's just kind of a handicap when you can't jump. There could have been more enemies, but the ones that were there were pretty annoying. I like how everything is presented in such an amazingly clear manner. All the graphics are extremely straight and give off a great sense of organization.

The music is also good and sets the mood well. I like how it doesn't get too graphic with the robot deaths. Of course, this is in such a cute place, it's hard to even think about death. I was a bit confused as to what to do on the opening scene, but then it told me how to advance into the game. It's fun just to see those things go up and down.

What a strange game

This game is really worth checking out if only because of how ridiculous it is. I was afraid that I would not be able to shoot the bigger robots. I actually succeeded in it. It was also great how the robots seemed to sort of move around the screen and not going directly at you, or at least stay following you. It's cool how you had some pretty unique designs for the enemies. Some of them looked like these weird sponge things.

There isn't a lot of detail, but it still delivers what it needs to. I especially like a game that is so mindless and just requires you to keep on blasting these guys! My high score is 60,250. I would have gotten a higher rating but the medal actually popped up and blocked the part where I was so I was vulnerable thanks to it! Nice use of Stencyl too.

Mostly nicely done

I have to give you credit for having such nicely made graphics on every level. I'm starting to notice how these flixel games are like. This is one that I unfortunately am not very good on. The worst part is easily jumping. I have had trouble with this before so I guess I just need to hang onto the jump button more. The music is pretty good and gives off a decent tone. What I also like is how there's a lot of level to go and look around.

It's interesting to see what obstacles will come up next. I guess this doesn't mean much, but happy Halloween! I guess really any fantasy character could go with that, given that cosplay are just more elaborate costumes. I like how I can bounce on the guys, but of course I rather shoot them. Thank you for having a medal after every level.

TheVillageBlacksmith responds:

This isn't a Flixel game, but thank you for your feedback. :)

Good game

The best thing about this game are easily the graphics. Everything looks pretty CGI and bulgy even though it was made in Flash. The side scrolling doesn't take away any of the good aspects, though. What I did find weird was how I was unable to jump high enough to reach some of the powerups at times. At least I had fun playing it. It would have also been better if there was a way of defeating the enemies.

Of course, the good outweighs the bad and I especially like how fast you move and how high you jump. Zed looks like this giant ant in a blue spacesuit, kind of like Earthworm Jim. I enjoy how everything is presented in a fairly understandable manner. I'm glad you don't have to collect everything to advance to the next level. It's also great that you rematerialize back where you died immediately.

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