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Very good game!

This reminds me of the "Unstoppable" game I played before here. Unlike that game, I am actually fairly good at this one. What I really like about this game is how you are really able to take your time with how fast you play the game. It can be frustrating when everything's so specific. This works well because you have a lot of oppurtunities to get your stuff started on even without trying in the first place. While the graphics aren't that well detailed, they're still done nicely.

The best thing about this is how you can play it at your own pace. It's interesting to use this perspective, because you get a good view of everything. I am glad this nice little game did not go by unnoticed. The sounds are nice and fairly authentic. It's really fun to play when you start to get the hang of it as it goes on.

Quite a bit of fun!

At first I was a tad disappointed because I didn't like it how there was no background. Then, I had a much more fun time playing because of when I got the hang of it. It always helps when you play a game better. What's cool is how you get a red dot to signify what your last launch was, so you realize what you did wrong the first time. It's also cool to have a representation of yourself when you replay parts of the level. The sounds are nice too.

I couldn't help but think of William Shatner when I heard the phrase "Rocketman". The graphics are nicely done in this. Man, what happened to the days when you guys submitted stuff here all the time? It's hard to believe you have fewer than 100 submissions here. At least we can always enjoy the old stuff!

Interesting indeed

I have just played so many Javanoid games it's hard to find ones that are truly original. This is not to say that I hated this of course. I guess it's just that it doesn't seem that unique. Of course, I still have to say it's quite playable especially when it gets player. It seemed a little slower than other Javanoid games at first. It really gets good when you get the different variety of colored blocks. It's great that people still make games like this.

The graphics are colorful, but it does come off as a bit bland. It's hard to exactly say how, but I just feel that it could have been more detailed. At least it has most of the things that make a game like this good. The best upgrade is easily the one that completely destroys everything else! That sure saves a lot of time to play.

Wow, interesting

I thought it was going to be a game where you climbed up to a tower judging by the name. It really did turn out to be something truly original! What I do have to complain about, is that it is fairly hard to beat. The worst thing would be that there are so many scenarios for you to go around and play the game, but only one to win. Or at least there are very few to win. The other thing I had a problem with was that the graphics were not that good.

It could have also used some music. It still gets a good review because it's unbelievable how hard this can be. You would think something with such an easy design would be too easy to beat. You really did trick us into thinking that this would be a far easier game. Congradulations on your success with these games and getting medals!

Some good ideas

The strongest part of this is probably the graphics. Everything seems to be in high order and it's nice to see so many Stencyl works. What's also cool is how you get a lot of mobility to go around and do whatever you want. Congradulations on winning the Summer Game Jam 2011 contest! What is annoying, however, is the level with all of those spears. It just seems like even the slightest touch will end your life.

Everything is still detailed well, but keep in mind that this is a game that requires patience. It's good that everything is in such an organized manner. The music isn't that memorable, but it's alright. I wish there were some enemies that I could actively defeat by jumping on their heads or something. You've certainly created an interesting world.

AdventureIslands responds:

The game was originally supposed to have enemies and ability to throw knifes to hurt them and to activate switches, but I was still learning how to use Stencyl and I scrapped most of the ideas I had in my mind. I intend to bring lots if not all of the unused ideas I had for the sequel, including the knife throwing, climbing and, surprise: swimming!

I'm glad people like my graphics, they are my first art for an actual game and I am proud of them. I intend to make the sequel even better looking.

Not familiar

I have never heard of this person before, and there isn't that much information on him that I can find. I still have to give you credit for creating something that's organized. The weird thing is that everything is so random. I'm going to share a secret with you I don't think I've ever told anyone else. You ready? Usually, with these soundboards, I simply click as many of these sounds at one time so I can listen to them all at once to review it.

Apart from being fun, it makes it shorter to review. I suggest you perhaps put some backgrounds and more colors in. I know it's just a soundboard, but it would make it appear a lot better. It's hard to judge something when you're so unfamiliar with it. It's also weird how this has nearly 50K views and only 5 reviews!

Quite different

What was interesting about this game was that you really could use only the blocks you wanted to. Of course, that also meant that it took a long time for them to be created. What's also neat is how you managed to create such good graphics. It's hard to judge this because the gameplay is so different. It's certainly something that I would recommend because of how, well, original it is. The music is nice and sets off the tone well.

It's a bit annoying with how they all have to be in the same row. I'm just so used to games where you can get rid of them all in one time. It's the kind of game you need to play a couple times to truly understand and appreciate it. It's a rather simple looking game, but still interesting to play. Congradulations on your high score.

The best!

This is my favorite entry in the "Reincarnation" series, if only because it was the one I got ahead to the most. It's great to see how there are so many of these little details that you have to look at. Many times, you get medals for checking everything out! Oddly enough, this has yet to even have medals show up on its page. I just love this demon because he talks so fantastically I have to listen to all of his speeches.

Another thing I found cool was the high number of voices in this. Every single person had a different voice! The only thing with this game that I am not good with is combining stuff. I was wondering why it did not have the word "Reincarnation" in its title. It's so great that so many talented people come together to work on something so good. It's one of, if not the, best point and click adventure I've ever played here.

How nice

You're usually known for making shooting games, but this was a nice change of pace. It probably helps that there are simply so many ways to kill this guy! There were a few complaints, with how there could have been some music. Everything is still nicely detailed, though. I would have to say that my favorite would be "Breaking Bad". It's pretty sweet to see RoboJesus grow so many different limbs.

The artwork was good and it seemed very faithful to the Madness series. It's the kind of thing you can go all day on, though more because of its design. I love how you made everything a secret medal. Simple stuff like this is good and it shows you put a nice amount of effort into it. While there was no music, the sounds were nice.

Quite different

What I found weird about this was that it truly was unlike any other Madness game I had ever played. Hey, you weren't that late from submitting this on Madness Day! This is a decent entry because it offers a very different way of playing a Madness game. I guess I am just disappointed because I am normally not into games like this. It has to be the first Madness puzzle game I have ever played! What was also weird was how the heads looked a little too big in this.

I guess it was supposed to give it a more cartoonish look, but it wasn't that bad. It's great that you used such good music. Gee, Madness tributes and flashes have probably given us some of the best music that's ever come to the portal! The graphics are good and the characters move well, but it's still the kind of game that will take awhile to get used to.

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