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Weird way of spelling his name

I thought this was a very well done game, mostly because of how well it was paced. You could really just go around anywhere you wanted and it didn't matter who you were fighting. I did have problems with this in that I felt it was just the same place over and over again. You guys did do a good job of mixing it up by having different villians show up. I especially love the kicking and punching sounds. It's at its coolest when you fight while in the air.

I wish some of those stronger enemies had a health bar. The music is nicely done and it sets up the tone for a classic fighting game. We could all learn something from this style. I am recognizing the style of Joelasticot as he is truly a fine animator on this website. It's the kind of game you can play a long time as it goes on forever.

A falling puzzle game?

I think that's the first time I ever noticed that description under "Genre". I thought I had gone threw every one of these games! It is simply fantastic to realize that there was never a point where you gave up being awesome in this! I think the thing I like most is how you can go to any level you want. Don't get me wrong, challenges are great, but it is more convienient this way. I never knew Pedobear had a female version of himself before these games.

It is so awesome how this is a game that just plays itself so much. You can really put the doll anywhere and wait for the bloody action! I do not have an iPhone, but it is great that you managed to create something like this for it. I think my favorite element would be the spinning blue balls. Wow, that sounds kind of dirty now that I've written it. I am glad to say I went on to play all the other games!

ttursas responds:

LOL, thanks! :) We try to surprise even ourselves with every new Drop Dead game we make. Drop Dead 4 is in the works, and it should have quite a few new things in it, but as we changed our schedules again a bit it won't be out until Q2/2012... PS. The iPhone version hasn't sold much and has gotten quite bad reviews, it seems that iPhone users don't like this genre.

Another one!

I am surprised that there are so many of these puzzle differences games on this website. It's just that after playing many, I'm not that interested. It was pretty weird how you also worked a story into this. What is cool is the fact that the drawings were actually very well done and detailed. The music was very pleasant and gave off a good sense of a lullaby. I'm in no mood to sleep, but can know what it's like to want to.

It's interesting to look at how many different things there are in a scene. It's like when you realize you don't actually see most of them all at once. It takes many glances to get down every single detail. I am glad you managed to achieve score success with this. Next time, you could probably make it a little more detailed with more variety.

Really well done!

I thought this was very nicely done because I had no idea it was going to even be a defense game! It seemed more like an RPG at first. What was really cool was how so there were such a nice variety of people and weapons to help you. I think my favorite is the long cannon thing. The sounds are nicely done and quite authentic to the theme of fighting in a war. The graphics were really good in this, especially the scenery.

What I also liked was how you gave the player a lot of space to go out and play. That always helps in a defense game. It could have been more detailed, but it's still great from what it is. The enemies are also really well detailed. There's a real sense that there's a lot going on and I certainly had fun with it. I look foward to more in the future!

Too slow

I was able to play the game, which I think I couldn't do unless I had Flash Player 11. Of course, the game went insanely slow for me. I remember when I downloaded Flash Player 10, and the screen said I had to go and download it, providing a link. I'm guessing you could make this a lot easier by just getting some different quality on the right click. The coolest thing about this was the opening cutscene. It really gave you a sense of being in a story.

In fact, it was so cinematic, I kind of forgot it was a game at first. It's great to see so many people working with you, even though I don't know them. The music is good too and gives off a great sense of being in an industrial war torn world. I knew those robots would be our undoing in the end! The voice acting and other sounds are admirable as well.

This was rather fun!

This is a very nice game because everything is presented in such a simple manner. That might come off as offensive, but this is very enjoyable. It's always good to have level codes on a game that's so long. It seems like there have been a lot of Indiana Jones themed games like this (well, at least two). What I like is how much mobility you have in this game. You can truly get a sense of being able to move around fast.

It's fun to just watch yourself skidder around. You just have so much freedom as well as a good sense of getting things done fast. It can be a puzzle game, so don't get too cocky with what you're doing. Oh yeah, Dr. Carter was the guy who discovered King Tut's tomb. I'm not going to say his full name, because that would take too long.

Needs work

What I really found impressive about this was how good the graphics are. I get a great sense that you guys really went out of your way for a CGI look. Of course, it could have simply been entirely CGI. What I thought was cool was how the green bug did look pretty funny. At the same time, it wans't that well detailed. There didn't seem to be a lot of effort put into shading. It was basically just me doing the same thing over and over.

I'm not even sure if you can die by not hitting the gray pole part. I can't say it's too easy, because I lasted less than a minute. Why, time really seems to slow down for this game. The sound at the ending screen with the mosquito was fairly annoying. I guess this wasn't supposed to be any specific bug, just some green one.

Eh, not terrible

It's too bad this is one of your most popular games here, when I really don't find it that good. What does count is how good the animation is. You really get a good sense of being in a world of ninjas. Bright and vibrant colors are something that I always look for in terms of anything flash related. What I didn't like was that it took too long to defeat the enemies. It just seems like it was just the same routine killing ninjas over and over.

Now, I do have to give you guys credit for putting a good amount of variety in the enemies. No two seemed to be exactly alike! Unfortunately, the gameplay leaves much to be desired. Hopefully, you guys can work on that, although it's certianly been a long time since this was submitted. The sounds were good and authentic.

Nice score

I guess it's pretty easy to tell that the ending is different with a score. The worst thing about this is how the same people just keep coming over and over. It didn't help that none of the more powerful weapons didn't seem to work for me. The artwork is decent, this game is just too difficult! You pretty much have to keep on pressing the button to keep it up. There are still some pretty unique designs in some of these characters.

With the first ending, I was expecting him to find out they were just costumes. I guess it really did set up the story I got for the second ending! There could have been some color, but that wasn't really the point. The sounds are authentic and all. I am glad there is more room for you to survive in the house as opposed to outside.

thinking-man responds:

Thanks for the review!


I guess it doesn't help that bullet games can be extremely difficult for me. I probably only didn't enjoy this that much because it was so hard. It is extremely fast paced and you have to constantly know what you're doing. I guess I have to give it credit for being a game that really makes me work hard. I enjoyed it, at least as long as I was able to play it. The music is good and sets up a good sense of being in a bizarre world.

This is such an interesting idea, and it was executed well. It could have been more detailed, but still definitley worth checking out. If you're able to get really far in this game, then I have the utmost repsect for you. Next time, try to put in some more detail. Of course, that's the least of my worriest in a game as complicated as this!

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