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This is one of the longest sittings I've had for a game. The worst thing is that it probably wasn't even the best in the series! Then again, it's still great to play and I"m glad I went through it. I think the strongest point of this is probably the good graphics. Each of the animals that are coming for you just look so amazingly ridiculous with their big old googly eyes. It's even better when you get to shoot these things to kingdom come!

It's just great to have such a wide variety of weapons at your disposal. My favorite is probably the gattling gun. It's weird to play a game where you don't really show yourself in the game, but rather they show you simply using weapons. It's a great idea. It took me awhile before I found out that you could even upgrade your weapon!

Very fun!

I think the main problem with this game is that it's a bit too difficult. It seems like you have to wait so long before the plungers refill. Wow, I never thought that I would say something like that. Anyway, this was really cool with how wonderful the graphics were done! Everything just had the utmost detail and it was great to look at. The enemies are wonderfully designed. I just love how this giant house has so many things going on with it.

The music is pretty good too. There migh thave been a glitch where I lost my ability to aim properly, but it got better. It's just fun to see those big red things just fly across the room and hit people. Everything is just so silly in this game, you really have no choice but to love it. You didn't put "Defense" under the genre label.

How devilish!

What was cool about this was the different modes that allowed you to play the game at your own pace. The first one was easily the hardest. I don't even know why you created these different things because they don't play off each other well. By that I mean, they don't make sense, not that they aren't fun! The best thing about this is how the graphics are so simplistic. I love the grunting sound the devil makes whenever he hits something.

I swear that hitting the angel with the pillar didn't work at first, but then it did. It could have been better detailed with perhaps some nicer color effects, but still playable. The colors are rather lush. It's just that it can be a bit repetitive. There was still a good amount of creativity put into making this, so I'll give you credit for that.

Possibly the best!

This is easily the best in the entire series. It mostly works because of how fun it is to go around and smash all these guys. I had no idea that the magic wands could even hurt a bullet bill. I have tried on every game I've played to get rid of those things and they're nearly indestructible! The only reason I didn't like this more was because of how hard the boss battles were! You'd think it would be easier, but it isn't!

I have to give you credit for having such great graphics. Everything is just perfectly how it would be in the actual games. There's so much detail in everything. It's cool how you can even activate some of the stuff like changing the blocks into coins and even collecting coins in themselves! This is why I love your style.

What a great game!

This game was truly amazing because I had to struggle on every single level! I just love the way the enemies looked. Everything had a really goofy cartoonish appearance to it, but that certainly didn't make it any easier. I think my favorite thing would have to be being able to use the special attacks even when they're not at full power. In fact, only the one at the end seemed to not be able to be used until it was fully charged. The music was also great and harmonic.

I love how you create this awesome green world. It took me awhile to figure out that you had to have your arrow aimed right dab in the square in order to plant something. It seemed like I was going all over the place there. The graphics are fantastic and give off a great sense of quaintness. We could all take lessons from you!

I remember this!

This is one of the first online games I ever recall seeing on the Internet, not just on this website! The coolest thing about this is that it incorporates all the elements from the series. I especially loved the variety of enemies, like the Agent lookalikes. Yes, I played this entire game using cheats. It's simply too hard for me to get ahead in this game if I don't! Seriously, it makes me realize how impossibly strong Hank is! I think this may have been the first Madness game.

There have been so many made since then, which probably are better in my opinion. It's still great to have the music and everything here. I'm not going to say how to get the cheats, because many people already have. It's weird how a game would have a "Cheats" section to it. This is something people on the Internet will always remember!

Quite unique

Well, this is really a game where you don't know what to expect. I think the best thing about it is that it really is something out of the ordinary. It is a little hard to love because I'm not used to this sort of thing. It was interesting to see a pretty nice variety of colors presented in this. From the description, I thought it was going to be a game where I was a mouse that tried to find my way out of a maze. The sound effects were pretty cool.

Wow, these cyber mice sure are super tiny. I think this could have been better by perhaps not having so much empty space. Then again, that might have made the game too easy. You certainly know how to create a pretty interesting world for the player to interact with. It's not one of the best things you guys have made, but not one of the worst either.

Very cool!

When I first saw the title of this game, I thought it was gong to be a golf one! It was really cool to come up with different ways to cut these squares up. The hardest one for me was easily Level 3. In case anyone else is suffering as much as I am with that one, here's how to beat it. You have to first create cuts through the bottom and top part right where the rest is exposed to the outside. Then you should use a slice that splits the top part from the rest.

It could have been more detailed, but it wa still plenty fun. I guess it helps that I'm realizing that puzzle games like this really make your mind exercise. It's amazing how hard it can be where you have to get 100% of the red part away. The sounds are decent. You might also want to put in a background of some kind.

Not too bad

What I didn't like about this was that it seemed to be a bit too difficult and/or boring. The weird thing was how it seemed to take such a long time to drag the kid to the cauldron. I do, however, have to give you credit because the game is actually very well done. The graphics are very good and it really gives you a sense of being in a quaint world. When the game involves witches eating children, that's hard to do.

It just seems too easy to die here as you fall down too quickly. At least it's satisfying to torture those annoying kids. You're really going to have to get low because they always duck if they go right above their heads. It's just great to see a really flashy environment. I was thinking this would need music, but it's fine the way it is.

Better than it seems

I wasn't that interested in this game at first because the quality seemed so low. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it actually is a very well thought out game. I do wish that you would put some more detail on the animation/graphics. I like how everything is presented in such a simple manner. It's a nice game for you to go out and experiment with as it isn't that confusing. It could still use more detail, though.

I am normally not a fan of point 'n click adventures, but this was pretty enjoyable. I guess it mostly works because of how everything is presented in a nice clear cut manner. The music isn't bad, but it does get annoying after awhile. I especially like how each of the characters is designed differently. I wish I liked it enough to give tips.

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