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This was a pretty good game. I couldn't find anything that great or terrible about it. I was actually pretty impressed by the boss. It was a pretty unique way of fighting him. It's pretty basic stick stuff. It's hard to get tired of that.

The sound effects were great. I really liked how they screamed when I punched them. The "DEAD" thing is pretty nice too. You have good mobility. I would recommend this game.

That was a really weird game. I wasn't even quite sure how I was supposed to win. Well, I guess what I mean is that I don't know how to get a medal. I mean, I guess the game was supposed to be experimental. I think I got ahead a bit? I tried clicking on it, but it kept redirecting me to some other website.

I guess the music was quite good. I could just not understand this game. It is kind of unique. The animation isn't too bad. I'd like it more if it made more sense to me.

molkman responds:

Ah damn. Well, the game is supposed to be about distrust. :>

This game wasn't bad. It seemed too easy at first. Don't worry, it got much harder. I think the graphics could have been better, though. I did appreciate the sounds. It was even kind of funny how they moved around.

I liked how they got more blood on them as it went on. Yeah, I'm sick like that. I couldn't get any of the better guys. It seems like a decent effort. This is one of your more popular submissions, even though that's not saying much.

I could not understand this for the life of me. It seemed like I didn't have enough lead to go anywhere. It was just stopping when I got to the buses. I admit it was funny to see him die. The closeup was a nice effect. I don't really get this game.

It was kind of simple, I suppose. The music was pretty good. Even the slightest gap affected you. I could at least understand how to erase stuff. It's not for me.

This was a very fast paced game. It was fun just to see that crocodile run around everywhere. The sound effects were really funny too. It was like a scratched record or something. I didn't know you lived upon not getting the gold. You just didn't get the medal.

For a lot of people, that's just as bad. It was hard to be precise in some moments. I'd definitely recommend this. You really do challenge yourself by trying to get the medals. It just keeps going and doing.

I simply can not recommend this game, because I went through Hell on that third level. I tap on the ship over and over, but it flies around in circles. There is NOTHING I can do to stop those ****ing circles. Anyway, this is at least a playable game. You do seem to know how to keep the game flowing. The music's pretty good too.

There should be a medal just for trying. It is a pretty cute game. You don't even explode or anything when you die. I guess that's kind of nice. I just hope it's easier for other people. It's quite ambitious.

I thought this really was a good game. It was probably because I got some easy medals with it. If only I had submitted by score that one time! The music was really good too. It kept you in a good mood. The design was simple, but still hard.

My favorite powerup was the magnet. It was nice how all you really had to do was avoid the red balls for awhile. It was quite easy to understand too. It did make you nervous with the control. I think that could have been better.

JackAstral responds:

Thanks! I'll add an option to submit your highest score from the main menu asap!

This is one of the most massive games I've ever played! It's hard to even describe it! I think the best way would simply be to say it's hard t et the big picture. You certainly did create a big picture with this. I like the notion of using entire planets as weapons. It reminds me of Tengen Toppa Gureen Lagann.

It especially reminds me with the Moon thing. The sound effects are quite good. I found it to be a unique game. It was still really hard and took a long time to play. I wouldn't quite recommend it.

OMBG responds:

Thanks for playing and the good rating! It honors me that you think this way about my game. I just don't understand why you say you wouldn't recommend it since your review seems quite positive for me? Or was that a typo? Either way, thanks again for playing and for the feedback!

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