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Wow, here's another really weird game. I guess I just expect that on Halloween. I couldn't quite get the point. Well, at least it was unique. I looked liked some kind of alien. I understand how I didn't even recognize myself.

The sounds are quite well done. I'm glad I at least got the medal of losing. It was a bit hard to understand all the controls at first. I like the cat. I had a good Halloween.

SilverStitch responds:

You shouldn't recognise yourself, you don't have an identity unless you find and create one for yourself. None-the-less, I am glad that you gave the game a fair shot and that you had a good Halloween! :)

Wow, this is one complicated game. I really was amazed at how massive it was. There were just tons of things going on in this. I at least managed to get past the first part of the first level. Was I supposed to get a medal for that? You certainly made a game appropriate for Halloween.

It was just hard for me to follow! There were so many little details here and there. The music was fantastic, though! I'm glad to have come by this. Happy Halloween, dude!

Comacolors responds:

Thank you kindly for the feedback, I'm really glad you enjoyed what you played.

Sorry the game is laid out is such an awkward way, I couldn't think of any other way to put all the parts together while making it easy for people to skip the parts they'd already played.

I definitely made some mistakes with this one, I'll do my best to make my future games a lot less obtuse.

Thanks again for the review, and I hope you had an awesome Halloween :)

This ended up being quite fun for me. I especially like how stylistic it is. It really is a pretty original game. I really like the whooshing sounds. I appreciate how fast paced it is. I really did get far in this.

It's really fun to wonder what will come up next. It doesn't seem too difficult or anything. I didn't really see the difference between the characters. Maybe it was just how they looked? The game could have just gotten harder.

Well, I have absolutely no choice but to give this a high rating. It's mostly because I'm just so good at it! At the same time, it got a tad repetitive. I still enjoyed playing it, though. It really was fun to blow everything up. The enemies were quite well designed too.

The main character reminded me of the engineer from Team Fortress 2. Well, it was the engineer or, I don't know, someone else. The artwork was quite good in this. I can see why it's popular, or at least why it has medals. They were nice.

This game was just okay. I didn't like how there was no music or sound. Well, I think there was, but only a little. I got annoyed by how I could die by running into the hay. You'd think after making the jump I'd advance! It was unpredictable at least.

The design and graphics aren't bad. It just isn't that unique. Then again, I can't think of that many daredevil games. It was at least pretty well paced. It was just too dull to recommend.

I couldn't help but think this was a precursor to the Flappy Bird games. Then again, I guess these kinds of games have been around awhile. I actually didn't think this was that bad. The music was really good. It seemed like a pretty graceful game. You could figure out what to avoid and what to get.

This was just well put together. While not too memorable, I liked it. I think there could have been some more detail in this. It is a bit bland. You could work with shading effects.

I admit that I was able to get further than I thought I would. I should have known right away that a charged attack would do more damage. Well, I guess it's not really damage in this sense. I still think it's not a terrible game. It is pretty original. I wish there was more going on, though.

I guess I was just expecting a standard platformer. I'm just more used to those. The music is quite nice. It's even a little hard to get in the tube at the end. I got to Level 3.

Gee, this is one difficult game. At least the first level was easy. It was hard for me to really keep track of this. I had no idea it would be so hard. I still have to give you props for making something innovative. It works really well as a puzzle game.

The music's pretty good too. The little sound effects are nice. It's almost like a Rubik's cube. Every time you do something new, it messes the rest of it up! I still recommend this.

Well, this is certainly a challenging game. It's a pity that there is so much stuff to review that I don't have time to win a medal. I was amazed at how fast paced this was. The highest I ever got was 22. It was great to have a good old fashioned Halloween game here! The designs were certainly nice.

I was expecting more of an interactive experience. I'm just not that good at this game. I find you just have to briefly inspect them all. A pity it takes awhile to even do that. It's times like these that I wish there was a medal for not skipping the cutscene.

Evil-Dog responds:

lol a short game for a short fun uh?

I actually really did like this game! I think it's because it really did convince me to think differently! I really had no idea at all what I was supposed to do next. It's great to have pacing like that. It was just a very cute game. I'm glad it wasn't too violent when they died.

The music was great too. I hope this wins some kind of reward! While it wasn't horror related, it was still a great game! You really learn how to rely on your buddy. Teamwork is awesome.

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