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I was impressed at how hard this game was. Well, it wasn’t really hard so much as it was massive. I mean, there’s so much going on. I thought it would be like a standard defense game. It was like most of the game was the tutorial. That shows all the effort you put into it.

The sounds were great too. I loved how the zombies died. Something about how their bodies just fell to the ground like that. The view was great. You certainly have a lot going on.

This was a very strange game, so I found it to be just okay. I mean, it was certainly something different. That didn't necessarily make it good. It at least made it interesting. I thought the gems were dangers at first. You know, with how they were pointed.

You had pretty good mobility. It's just that the game made little sense. It needed to be more organized. I guess it's alright for a quick play. It's something at least.

This was a very strange game, but I still liked it. The mechanics took awhile to get used to. I didn't understand what my weapon did. I then realized two blasts negated each other. I loved how they kept on going. I wouldn't quite recommend this.

The music was still nice. It was a strange atmosphere. It probably could have been more detailed. Then again, that was more of the point. This was certainly a unique little game.

At first, I was complaining that this game was too easy. It ended up being a lot harder than I thought. I was glad! I was able to find some of the Easter eggs. I didn’t seem to get medals for them. I thought I found them all.

The drawings were quite nice. I admit they weren’t the best. This was something new from you. I can always appreicate it when people try that. I just know a lot of trivia.

This caught me off guard with how fun it was! It seemed pretty bland at first. Instead, it ended up being rather fancy! I loved how you defeated enemies. It's a pretty colorful game. Well, not in the literal sense.

The colors probably could be a bit better. I appreciated how mobile you were. That's always a big plus in a platformer. Well, any game really. The sounds set up the tone perfectly.

Alright, I admit that this hasn't made me a full fledged fan of your games, but this was great! I was impressed at all the little details. It just seemed like everything had a purpose here. You really had to look at every single detail. It's unsettling when all you can get is a knife. You knew so much about atmosphere.

The music was great. I like how it's something that can happen in the real world. You know, with a serial killer. There's just so many complicated puzzles here. It gets creepier as it goes along.

I admit that I wasn't too eager to play this game. It seemed too generic at first. Instead, it actually ended up being a great game for me! I do wish there was music. I still love the sound effect when they all merge together. Maybe it was too easy for me.

It still managed to be difficult. There were so many times I thought I was a goner. It's quite kind to you. Are those pickles? You can't really grow pickles as they're made from dipping cucumbers in brime. Okay, I guess they're cucumbers.

The game needed sound. It just came off as too boring because so little happened. It was far too slow moving and I had to walk everywhere. I did kind of like the lemonade joke. It was hard to tell what the game’s goal was. I admit to not being a fan of these games made in such a short time.

They can still be good, but they’re not my thing. The drawings were pretty crude. You should have a lot more color and more going on. You can always improve. Well, I don’t know how Flash Player works so I can’t get into specific details.

I was surprised at how complicated this game was. You really had to go a lot of places for everything. I lost my bat for some reason. I don't remember putting it down. I loved the atmosphere. It's hard to go wrong with zombies.

You know how to create a big world. I'm glad I had help. This was just a nice little game. I don't think it was great though. It probably could have been easier.

I didn't know how to split the hearts. I shot them but it didn't work. How many times do you have to do it? I guess you have to hit them right in the middle. That's lame. It's too difficult.

Oh, I'm being too whiny. I really liked the putting together part. That was way easier. It did have interesting gameplay that way. Still nothing I would recommend.

Coaly responds:

Haha, fair review. It's clunky. I wouldn't recommend it either x)

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