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I found this to be a pretty good game, but it was odd. I didn't know how to talk to anyone. It just seemed superfluous. This still had pretty good graphics. I especially enjoyed the music. It was just weird looking.

It was certainly creative and challenging. I can always appreciate that. I just wanted it to be easier to understand. Well, I was running a lot of programs in this. It's an interesting game at least.

I liked this game, but I admit it isn't great. It needed more detail. It was just the same thing over and over. At least it was something good over and over. The music was quite nice. It's quite basic. Shouldn't Santa be delivering presents?

He's just hopping over the roof here. Well, it does what it sets out to. That's a lot for Level 2. The arrow keys take awhile to become truly useful. Merry Christmas for some part of the year!

Great game! I especially liked how far I could go without getting any upgrades. I still soon lost that. I just loved the easy design. Well, the game wasn't easy. Zombies and Christmas are two of my favorite things!

Thanks for putting them both in one great game! Maybe it could have used a bit more variety. It's still addictive. The music was also nice. It's just hard to go wrong with a game like this.

I admit this game wasn't much. I mean, it was just you dodging missiles. How did you get more points? You literally did nothing. You should have collected something. The animation wasn't that good either.

I guess it was at least unique. Hey, my radio station mentioned Christmas this morning. It's September as I write this review! Just shows you how it's a holiday for all seasons. The music wasn't bad at least.

Adultswim again! I admit that I thought this would be a hooker that was also a zombie. I guess a zombie wouldn’t be the hero. This was still really fun. Was that Old Man Winter freezing me? That guy was hard.

I love the music. Everything moves so smoothly. Well, it’s not even Halloween for me yet. This was still very fun. I don’t know how some zombies are stronger.

This was a pretty cute little game. I admit it was maybe a bit too simple. It certainly got harder, though. I wasn't expecting so many more hunters to come. That really did escalate quickly! I also like the animation.

It's nice and goofy. We need more Thanksgiving stuff. You have to look out for those grenades. It's funny how long it can take to kill somebody. They're quite durable.

Wow, that was some game. I finally understood it after awhile. I've never heard of a Centipede game being done like this. I had no idea what was even going on. The music was great. I will complain that it's too difficult.

Wait, that's just whiny. The graphics were really good. You rarely see CGI stuff here. The more the merrier, I suppose. I'd go insane getting that medal.

JimGiant responds:

Keep practicing, you'll get it. Eventually I'll get around to adding an easy level and a few more next week.

I thought the rating should be higher. Well, maybe that's just because I love zombies so much. Hookers aren't bad either! Seriously, this was sweet. I don't know how you can run out of ammo with a shovel. That was certainly different.

I need to look at the instructions more. The sounds were really on it. I'm so glad AdultSwim is here on Newgrounds! You even get cash. This was very fun.

April 20th? Pity it had nothing to do with marijuana. Anyway, this game was quite enjoyable but it wasn't great. It's mostly because it's probably too complicated. I thought you'd already be equipped with a design. Still, this did make it more interesting.

I was annoyed by how you had to click both eyes to use them. I guess some people like one eye. This was still fun because of all the different designs. I knew there'd be different colors. The music's good too.

I was very impressed by this game! It was funny because I am so used to just hearing about the meme. Well, everyone is! Is this how the actual game is? Most people have no idea! This meme is now really old.

Well, it wasn't really about "All Your Base" I guess. The game wasn't the meme itself. The sprite work was so flawless. It was a bit too easy to die, but still wonderful. May great games live forever and not just memes!

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