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What I didn't like about this was how it seemed to be basically the same thing over and over. Hey, that one dude's still stabbing me even when I've lost the game! I couldn't help but be reminded of an episode of "The Colbert Report". It featured a picture of a reverse burkka with clothes covering nothing on a woman's body except her eyes, just like the girl here. Dang, that is unpleasant. The shield attack never does me any good.

The sounds were pretty nice and seemed to sync up fairly well. Yeah, I should have known there was a medal for making it past the cut scene. I do like how you get a lot of oppurtunities. The real goal here is to attack them when they are at a certain distance. It's too easy to die.

As a fan of the Slender Man Mythos (well, kinda) it was interesting to see this game being played out. It's not one of my favorites, but it was worth checking out. I guess it's just that the Slender Man himself is so terrifying, anything works with him. I do feel as though this could have been a lot better animated. Everything looked too cheesy. I got a bit bored with it so I just let the Slender Man kill me.

It was at least a unique game. I think this may be the first Slender Man game I've ever played. It's kind of weird to be in a world where everyone's a stick figure. The sounds is really cool too. You truly get a creepy atmosphere. I guess more of these things are going to show up around Halloween.

This was weird, because I couldn't understand why I was losing at first. I guess it's just too hard of a game. Silly me, I thought I had gone through all of the evolution games here. Well, it's kind of sad to think about all the trillions of cells you'll have to go through to get that done. I guess this is why I'm not a scientist. It didn't seem to have any music.

Granted, I don't think music would have made it much better, but it would still be nice. At least everything is presented in a very clear cut manner. It doesn't really need more detail. I guess I'm frustrated with it because I think it should be easier. I guess people who are better at this game should enjoy it.

I'm going to admit that there seems to be little point in this game other than to earn medals. Of course, most games are like that anyway. I thought the dirt mound the car went around looked like a bagel. Hmmm, it's been awhile since I've seen a Mario YTP... Anyway, I was thinking this was going to be a real race track. I guess in order for that to go over fifty laps would be impossible.

The graphics are at least good and the controls are very easy. There really isn't anything particularly bad about this game either. There should probably be more detail and more going on. It really is harder than you think. I can tell why there's a medal for being there longer than 20 seconds.

ArgonIlya responds:

The biggest comment. Thank you so much =)

I was thinking this game was too easy at first. It turned out that it truly was, because of how it got a lot harder on the third level. It's a rather strange game, but still playable. I think my favorite part is how cool the little red and blue guys look. It's very fun to see them just fly across the screen to the other planet. The music wasn't that bad either.

I assume you just have to keep on sending fleet after fleet if you want to truly win. It was still nice to have everything presented in such a good, cleancut manner. Those things look like little fish. It's also cool how your population slowly increases. I didn't notice that until writing this review!

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