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This is a really nice game! I was truly interested as to how cute it was. We need little games like this. I am so glad there was a feature where you could destroy a row. The minigame was really nice too. Everything is so bright and colorful as well.

It's wonderful to have all these little sounds. Everyone can enjoy this. Maybe it's not educational, but it looks wonderful. It's all done with good graphics. It's a pity that this isn't more popular.

I found this game to be cute enough. There really is a lot of fine detail put into this! I just myself am not so good at it. It's still very nice to look at. I guess it was mostly a platformer. It was just a very unique kind.

The sounds he made were pretty annoying. I always appreciate originality. The colors are really good here. I do have trouble deciding what's an enemy. I can't really tell the foreground from the background!

This wasn't a bad game at all. I admit that it has a really weird premise. It did seem kind of too easy at first. Then again, it was hard for me to really tell what was going on. I just got my next turn so quickly. The artwork is fairly good.

I still can't recognize most of these celebrities. I guess I'm just more used to seeing their actual faces. This was a pretty original idea. It's fun to just pick them up. Creepy, but not bad.

I was very impressed by this game! It seems like I don't see a lot of racing games here. I just really appreciated this. This was one of your few games without animals. It was a very smooth game. I was able to get a fair number of points.

A lot of them were just done by accident. I'm just glad I got in fourth place. The music is quite good and stylized. I'm starting to get in the mood to watch the new Fast and Furious movie. Too bad I'm not that big a fan of it.

I am sorry, but I just couldn't understand this game. At least I'm the first person to review it this year! I guess the design is pretty good. It just seemed like nothing happened. I tried randomly pressing the arrow keys. It didn't do anything.

I don't know what the deal with the time limit is. At least you can turn the music off. I'm not familiar with the game you claim you're not stealing from. Other people seem to like it. I do not desire to into it.

I am not really into the whole card game thing. I just don't think it's quite appropriate for a flash game. I will however, admit that there was nothing really wrong with this. I do wish it had sound. I thought it would be a conquering game. With the title, I thought it would have more action.

I also think you should have shown the action on screen. It would be nice to see the creatures actually fight each other. Well, I don't know if it works that way. At least it was easy to understand. I still couldn't get into it.

I think this game may have been too complicated. I wouldn't quite recommend it. It's still pretty fun for being so huge. I thought it would just be a standard defense game, but it was so much more. The CGI was okay. I just couldn't get into it that much.

I'm not that into games so complicated. It's still fine for what it is. I always want to try new things. This got to be fairly popular. I guess that's expected for Daily 5th place winner.

Wow, talk about a game that plays itself. This was really a game a person should check out. It's one I'm truly fascinated by. It seemed like it was trying to make a statement about the game itself. The design is really nicely laid out. I was quite impressed by how it looked.

There's no medal for not skipping the cut scenes. Those actually were pretty funny. I'm glad to have gotten involved in this. Now I know how hard it is to make a game. Sorta.

This is a very creative and innovative game! I was really surprised at how much I could get into it. It was great to have automatic fire. You really have to keep on going with the webs and lightning powers. I don't know why a spider would have lightning powers. It's just a very creative game.

The music is wonderful as well. I even like the background. It's so weird, that it does take awhile to get used to. I just liked seeing the different ways the enemies lost power. I praise you for originality.

I feel like this is a great underappreciated game! I really was interested as to how it worked. I wasn't quite that good at it, though. The third level was pretty hard. I just need to figure out how to detach them, if that's what I need to do. The music is nice and calming.

It can be a frustrating game, so that's a necessity. There are some really good designs here. I thought this took place in the human body. I thought the red parts were germs or something. I guess not.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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