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This game was so addictive! I know realize my computer must be a lot lower quality as I was able to play it so easily. I was unbeatable in arcade mode! The only reason I stopped was because I had to go to the bathroom. I didn't know how to pause it! The most amusing part is easily when you lose.

You really have no idea what you're in for there. I got 246,090, the highest score and a combo of 137, also the highest combo ever! I'm above thousands of people! My only question is how you get the medal for "bad boy". I'm the all time champion of this game! Again, it's probably because my laptop is slower.

PoliuxDimension responds:

I saw that, you are amazing, too bad I can't send you a physical medal for that, but people will see your ID on the board. If you could go that far, you must have reached the final stage of speed "max", I wasn't even showing that in my YouTube video, in that stage, if your computer is working in real time, every magic circle will only give you less than 0.4 second to react.

Here is react time compare to speed level:
LV1: 1 second
LV2: 0.75 second
LV3: 0.5 second
Max: 0.3 second

Scientific research show that average human being have the react time around 0.3 second, faster than that the game will be an unfair design. If the time you experience match the list above, then it means your computer is working in real time, or else its not, but anyway, you are amazing.

Bad boy medal involves trying to guess the secret code.

I'm normally not into these games that much, but this was very fun. It helps that I love the series so much. It's just great to see this environment. Those plungers were the hardest things to beat. At least you're pretty mobile. You have to collect everything to go to the next room.

I love that magic where you turn stuff into chocolate. It's a cool ability. I'm glad we know more about his name. Nameless is in fact a name. The music's nice too.

Yeah, it sadly does not work anymore. The only thing it shows is the lower case "I". That's for the inventory. It just says I don't have any items. I did play this years ago. Maybe I can remember from that?

This was just like the show. Prawn's a pretty funny character. That's his name, right? It is hard for me to get into point and click adventure games. Especially ones that aren't available.

I was pretty impressed by this game. The opening was a bit too long. Well, that leads less gameplay for me I guess! Sorry, I'm not into point and click adventure games. This was still nice to look at. I'm glad we can celebrate zombies all year round.

The music is always nice. You always do have stylistic stuff. You do deserve your Daily Feature. As always, thank you for the easy medal. I assume I get the others by beating the game.

Muja responds:

Thank you a lot!

It's not often an Underdog Of The Week award is given the front page. Well, it's still not as bad as Turd Of The Week. It's a pretty weird term. This has fairly good mobility. At least it won one positive award. You should be proud of that.

The music is great. I'm not into point and click adventure games. This is still a nice looking game. Hey, this was on my birthday! What a great birthday I had!

TheEnkian responds:

I got the UotW award for another game a for years ago they were both front paged too. I like to think it's usually a positive rather than a negative, depends on the game.

I admit to not getting far in this at all. I mean, it was just that there were only a few clickable things. I only had the frog and fishpole. I couldn't click anything else. It just happened like that. I didn't know what to do.

I tried clicking both of them. Once again, nothing happened. I guess this at least looks nice. There's just nothing I can do with it. I guess it's harmless enough?

I'm not really into these dress up games. It's just a character with clothes on. There's so little interactivity. It's too dull. I don't even like the pornographic ones. Wait, most of them are pornographic.

I did like how they had flesh colored clothes on at first. I wouldn't want to see any of these people without clothes. I can tell The-Swain didn't make it. It's not up his alley. These games just aren't for me.

Congratulations on being the highest rated Wiggi game! I think this deserves it. It truly is the most complicated game in the whole series. Well, I guess it's not quite a series. It's still nice to look at. I was surprised at how complicated this got.

I didn't even know where to go at first. I didn't even know this would be a game. The instructions are so complicated. I was better off just learning on my own. What a nice setup.

I didn't think this was that bad. It seems like these Wiggi things are too childish. I'm not good with Roulette games. Well, I'm just bad at gambling. Would this even count? I was so bad at this at first.

Then again, I didn't know how to play it. It's mostly too boring. Then again, it can be challenging. This does seem more sophisticated than most games. I'll give you that.

I could not get into this. It was just you spraying down flames with a hose. I guess the animation wasn't bad. Yes, I know it's for kids! It just seems like there was little effort put into it. It's just something with no style.

I wish there was music. I guess kids might enjoy it. I can't always use that defense. It's far too bland. I've seen better Wiggi stuff.

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