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It's hard to like something that's so much for kids. Still, this was quite fun. The best part was probably how it was in really high spirits. It's just kind of hard to reach an older audience. Wiggi's such a funny word. I am quite good at this.

At least it got harder as it went along. You don't see this site do that many kid's things. I'm glad we can be diverse. The voices are rather cute. You've just done much better things.

I admit that I didn't care much for this. It was just too simple. I understand that it's meant for little kids. There's just not much going on. I'm glad it isn't easy to the point where you can collect everything. Is this the first and only game contest we had?

Well, I mean when the games had to be the same. I don't mean the Ludum Dare series. This was completely harmless. Wiggi's a funny word. Not that great for me.

For me, this wasn't great. It's mostly because I'm quite bad at it. The keys just seemed pretty random. I'm used to the ASDF format. At least this was unique. The animation was quite nice.

I never know whether or not to call it animation or graphics. It's nice to have a game series. Where's "Epic Battle Fantasy"? This I guess is fine for a quick run. Good thing you don't lose for missing.

I was fairly impressed by this game. It's mostly because it just looks so clean. Well, not the environment itself. Maybe the proper word is "clear". It was still great to take note of everything. It's an obvious "Back To The Future" shout out.

At least I got to another location. These just aren't my thing. I can still appreciate them where credit is due. That's always good. It's my birthday today too!

DeathTiger0 responds:

Happy birthday! :D

I didn't care for this because there wasn't much going on. I mean, it was just looking at cards that said the same things. Well, not exactly the same things, but you get the idea. I thought you'd at least be able to type in your questions. It's just too dull. Where's the music?

I guess it gives you what you should want. There's tons of music out there! I'm sure you can find some suiting this. I'm not a fan of Skullhead. Reminds me of "Animaniacs".

This didn't have any sound on it. I'm pretty sure that was part of the game. I guess the artwork wasn't the worst. It just had little aim. It was just you running in one direction with random hazards. I've seen that before. I guess it was meant to be like a running and platformer game.

That's at least unique. It's not enough to save this. That girl kind of looks like Boo from "Monsters Inc". It's not enough to save it. It needs more.

This was really weird. First, I went into this one browser and I heard audio, but no visuals. Then I went into this other browser and the opposite problem happened! I guess I'd rather have no audio than no visuals. This really was an artful game. It outranks all the other Ludum Dare games so well.

The artwork is great. This is really a fine world you've created for yourself. I just wish I could understand it. It's still a great game to admire. You are quite cultured.

Wow, I was so impressed by this! It's probably one of the best games I've seen in awhile. The music was great. This really did feel like two different styles put together. It looks like this was a great combo. I have played games of both genres.

Of course I have, I've typed thousands of game reviews! You really did get the feel of two worlds colliding. It makes for a great game. I don't know if Topdee is an official name for the genre.

dietzribi responds:

Thanks! Toodee is supposed to be 2D and Topdee is... Top-down. Silly, I know.

I wish I knew how often these Ludum Dare things took place. Well, they're not that popular anymore anyway. Neither is this website. I admit to not understanding the gameplay. I guess it was appropriate for the theme. You were at least mobile.

It seemed like I was just playing the same level over and over. At least this got recognized. I can always appreciate that. The pixellation really was nice. The enemies were pretty interesting too.

Wow, I was impressed at how hard this was! A lot of the times I just guessed. You obviously put a ton of effort into this. I got all the bonus ones done. Those were the easiest. I got 17 right.

Well, that's still technically a majority. Good enough. Of course, that would still be an "F". It's been long since I've taken tests. The music was as good as ever.

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