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I honestly didn't find this to be that bad. I think the best part is probably how great the coins look as they fall to the ground. I don't know why I'm a fireball or why the Nyan cat is dropping coins. I may be one of the few people who didn't give this a negative review. Well, I gave a mediocre review at least. This could use a lot more sounds and some music.

I just think you need to have more going on in your game. The Nyan cat seems to move unsteadily in this game, but that may have been part of the point. It was a little fun to collect all those coins. Some of it is unsteady, so you might want to check into that. It looks like two of them show up after awhile.

Well, I guess I have to praise you guys for having some good graphics. There wasn't much else besides that, because there didn't seem to be any gameplay involved. I tried clicking on everything that came on screen, but I didn't get any medals. I am a big fan of Luis so it's interesting to see what he tweets. It seems like this would have worked better as a portal avatar than an actual submission. Luis sure is muscular.

If you other people are interested enough to play this long enough to figure out how to get the medals, I admire you. It's just very strange. Well, at least Luis is a great guy here and I appreciate any tribute to him. I thought it might be Luis Day, but it couldn't be because it's Pi Day! You can't have more than one holiday celebrated, can you?

Jonas responds:

You're right, all staff look the same to me as well.

They need name tags or something.

This was a very well done puzzle game. I think my favorite bit was how it showed you what color something would turn as you were hovering over the space. Of course, that doesn't do much help in the long run, because that doesn't tell you how the other tiles are going to react. You really know how to teach someone about geometry. While not that well detailed, it's still great for what it is. You bet it gets harder as you go on!

I appreciated the background, as it gave off a good sense of being in space. At first, I thought this would be a game where there were enemies with turns. You're really your own enemy in this. The sounds are pretty good too. People who are good at puzzle games (I'm not too bad at them myself) should have fun with this.

Well, what can I say? I can't really say this is bad because it isn't that bad at least. I am always looking for new medals and the last time I played games like this, the medals didn't even work! I guess that's the only reason I'm not giving this a lower score. You really do need to work on making the graphics better, because they have so little to offer. Everything just seems way too simple.

I know something simple can be good, but this just doesn't have much going for it, other than the easy targets. At least I'm pretty good at this game. You could probably also some more colors and stuff. At least the sound effects match up pretty well. I really have been using the mute button a lot of times on these games. Anyway, this was alright.

Yusuf responds:


I really liked this because it was cool to reverse the situation. It even completely reversed it. Normally, there are numerous asteroids and only one ship, but here it's the opposite. I loved how the ships turned red when they were ready to fire again. I'm surprised at how good I am at this game, as I've managed to play it without even getting hit once! The graphics are not that well detailed, but they don't need to be. The music is pretty nice too.

I appreciate you looking for something original to make and this suited it. It is so satisfying to blow up the ships so easily. It's pretty well detailed, I had no idea you could make upgrades for a giant asteroid! I guess this truly is their revenge. Everything was also presented in a nice, organized manner.

I thought this was a very interesting game! It was really cool how I didn't have to do anything at all for Level 1 and Levels 3-4. Of course, this game gets hard fast, especially when the first levels are such a breeze. The most fun part is when you complete a level and the whole level just spins around you. It might not mean much, but it's a very cool effect. I like how everything is done in such a simplistic manner, but it's still hard.

Not much to say in terms of making the graphics better. These don't need to have better graphics. They work well in how their design is simple, but the gameplay is not. I have a hard time remembering which of the arrow keys I'm supposed to touch. I thought at first I had at least some control over the ball itself.

This really was a fairly unique game. I think the best thing about it is the design of the creatures. It was pretty cool to see them go out and mine food and gold and stuff. The funny thing is that I thought the green food there was weed. I guess I really have been on the Internet too long. I appreciated the sound effects and the music wasn't bad too. I do suggest that you try to make a game a little more sped up.

I still praise it for its good graphics and fairly simple gameplay. It is a defense game, but doesn't seem like it at first. You are so generous for giving us so much space between the two towers. The graphics kind of remind me of the stuff by gel. I guess it's the thick body frames.

This was a fairly interesting game. I think its strongest point was how you had a lot of great color effects being used. It wasn't that well detailed, but it really didn't need to be. It reminded me of the "Stick Avalanche" games, which are in fact better. I'm not demeaning you, this was fairly unique in its own right. I was expecting a space shooting game where you attacked the guys that were coming after you.

The music did get a tad loud at times. It seemed like it wasn't really getting harder, it was getting more complicated. It was interesting to not know what obstacle would come up next. I suggest next time you probalby put in a bit more detail. Maybe if you play the game more, you'll enjoy it more.

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