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Well, I have to give you credit for creating an easy game. The problem was it just wasn't that enjoyable when it was so easy. I will admire it because I am bad at these kinds of games and wouldn't have been able to get past them anyway. I also love how you include a walkthrough in the author's comments. I think this is the first time I noticed an audio submission in something since this new format. I guess the stick thing has been done too many times.

I just always look for new stuff when playing stick games or watching stick flashes. I suggest you work on the graphics, because this looks fairly old. The best part in terms of visuals was at the end when you completed the game. Yeah, that level with shooting the guys was annoying, too. I don't think I could shoot anything but the riot shield and the ceiling.

This was a good game. I think its strongest point was probably how it had such a jumpy attitude to it. You got a really good sense that you were off in a fun world where reality didn't apply. Unfortunately, I am not very good at this game. It could probably have also been detailed a little better, but it's still worth checking out. I might come back and get all the upgrades someday.

I like how it's a game that moves so smoothingly along. You get a great sense that you're gliding through everything so well. It seems fairly easy at first, but not when you get to the bits with the clouds that disappear when you jump on them. It's fun to see how many different upgrades there are. The design's pretty good overall.

Wow, that was a pretty wierd game for what it was worth. With all the medals, I assumed it was going to have a lot of levels. It didn't, but at least I managed to get one medal, which was "Ladies' Man". It's hard to understand, but it's worth what it is. What's so cool is that it has such a nice happy story to it. I only wish people in real life (or at least in MY life) could get together like this.

The graphics were good too. I like how you don't make it too flashy or anything, because you simply don't need to. It's a good game for its simplicity. Dang, I am starting to feel old, realizing it's been so old since I've even had a locker. At least I'll have the memories.

Wow, I had no idea that a game that looked so simple could have so much style. What really makes this work is that it doesn't try to be elaborate or anything, it just gives off what it's supposed to give off. I had no idea that there were so many people who were so good at this game. It's pretty satisfying when you get to see the giant tower you have created. Granted, that also means you lose the game, but it's still nice to look at. I don't know what this has to do with Thor.

The music is also very nice and gives a nice game show appearance with it. It almost seems like it could be on a game show of some sort. While there isn't much detail, the graphics you do have are really nice. I appreciate the simple things. I am glad to see this won an award of any kind.

Wow, this is one of the coolest games I have seen here in the past couple of months. The artwork looks a lot similar to the stuff from the "Ask Shagg" comic strip. Yes, I am one of the few people who still reads newspaper comics. The best part about this is how wonderfully colorful everything is. What's also nice is how it just goes on and on. This is the kind of game where it seems you can never stop playing, because of how long the levels are.

The music is also great and sends off a really stylistic tone to it. I appreciate the literally cool world this dragon lives in. There is just so much going on, you can't help but enjoy it. Not to mention that it's easy to get upgrades, at least one at a time with all the crystals you get. The music is also nice and it seems to put you in a classic era. I hope this wins Daily Feature!

lartar responds:

Thanks Ericho. This game is a new game from the Drake game series. You can play another colorful game at this url http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/560552

Thanks for your comment. We really appreciate

I thought this was a pretty good game in its own right. Its weakest point was probably how it didn't have much to offer in terms of graphics. The shapes weren't that interesting. I was fairly impressed at how hard this game managed to be. The sound effects were pretty good, with all of the stuff coming down on you. This is a game where you have to come up with strategy fast.

I also wish you could have had more music in it. There was just a little bit as well as those sound effects. Then again, I guess something like this doesn't need to be that well detailed. It still seems like a game worthy of having medals. What's the criteria for something having medals here, anyway?

I was really impressed by how good the graphics were in this! Everything is very nicely detailed and it gives you the sense of being in a professional game. What I also thought was nice was how everything was presented in a fairly clear manner. It's only until you get to the part with the actual battling that you run into problems. I have to admire the original designs and how well it all fits together. That ad was a bit annoying.

I like how there were a lot of things going on. The detail was so nice in how there were a lot of objects. Even the rocks seemed to be well designed. I wasn't expecting it to start out in a room. It seems like such a basic thing, but I don't remember seeing it in a lot of RPGs here.

Hyptosis responds:

Thanks for the thoughts and feedback!

This game was pretty good of its kind. I guess "Abobo's Big Adventure" is simply a tough act to follow. I just wish there could have been more moves, but I didn't look them up, so that's my fault. It's great to see all the good action and carnage you would expect to see in a game like this. It makes you realize how bloody these video game fights are. We played some violent stuff when we were kids. I like the announcer's voice.

I'm not a fan of hockey, so I don't know about most of these people. What's funny is that it's pretty well detailed, but the pixellation could be a bit better. I like how it's the kind of game that you can experiment with while playing. There's all kinds of moves you can use, especially with the weaker opponents at first.

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