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I really do like this game. I wasn't expecting it to be that much fun! It was especially great when you sped everything up. You really got some cool images going on when you did. There's all this sound of destruction. At the same time, it isn't too gory.

It is kind of weird with how you only have a certain number of places to put your troops on. I'm sure it gets better. I wish there were more defense games now. They seem to have gone out of style. I appreciate all the little details.

I really did like this game! It didn't seem like anything that special at first. I was just really impressed at how fast paced it was! There were always more enemies coming. It still never got to the point where it was too hard. The sound effects are nice and big.

It's just nice to see a game this epic. I can't believe that was just one level! Well maybe not in the strictest sense. Even the name is cool. None of the enemies had much armor, not that I'm complaining.

As far as games like this go, I thought it was pretty good. It's not too memorable, just a little something to play. I had trouble with getting rid of the menu at first. I like how you know where your enemies are coming from. It took me awhile to understand the colored dot system. The sound effects are good.

It's nice to hear the carnage off screen. It's a game that plays itself in that sense. It's good that you can still contribute on your own. It's not a defense game like that. Is that defense spelled with an S or a C?

I was really impressed by how this game worked! It just seemed too easy at first. How wrong I was! You really have to go at the perfect speed in this. The music is nice and calm too. You need it for a game like this. The lack of details work out just fine here.

I'm so glad the green ones were more bouncy. It's a nice little surprise you learn for yourself. I wish this would have been more popular. You can always win these levels with patience. It still takes great skill, though.

This game was just okay. I admit that it was pretty weird. I'm used to just shooting my enemies. Due to this, I didn't enjoy it that much. It did remind me of bumper cars, obviously. I guess the graphics are okay.

The sounds seemed to work fine. It just wasn't anything too rewarding. I guess it was an original idea. I admit that I'm not that bad at this. It took me awhile to understand the weird instructions.

Dang, this is one addictive game! I think the main thing about it is just how much is going on. You really have to keep up with everything! Then again, that is just story mode. The music and sounds are great too. I can always count on you to have new and unique games!

My biggest problem is forgetting how to punch. I kept thinking it was the space button. I guess I just have the memorize the level. That really is the best way to do it. It takes awhile to tunnel after pushing the button.

Wiesi responds:

Thanks for the review! :)

This didn't come off as that great to me. I just thought it didn't have much good design. The gameplay wasn't too bad. It was simply mediocre. At least it was easy to understand. Maybe a bit TOO easy.

You have to be slow with this game. That does make it frustrating. The title is kind of lame. It's just nothing out of the ordinary. The music isn't bad.

I have to admit that the idea in this was pretty unique. My complaint is that it does get pretty repetitive. I can't even see my score. I thought it would be a game where you would grill stuff. Then again, I'm not good at those kinds of games either. I like hurting fat guys.

It is just the same person coming. Your graphics reminded me of OTWIC. I haven't gotten to the part with the speech bubbles yet. Maybe it's something wrong with my computer? It's better than you would think, but still not that good.

This actually was a pretty fun game. I thought the design was pretty good. Yeah, it wasn't anything that memorable. I do think it's cool to spit spitballs like this. I just like seeing the ninja in slow motion like that. They all look cool.

There's even a pretty wide variety of enemies you go up against. I also like the ship. Who knew that would appear in this? It doesn't get that redundant. I would recommend it.

It took me awhile to understand this. I now realize what was going on. I had no idea I had to interact with that part of the wall. That changed everything! I thought I was supposed to swallow the chemical to turn into an octopus. Maybe I will eventually.

The music is really good too. I appreciate all the little details. It's also pretty easy to understand. You just set up a great environment. I'm not that much into games like this, but this was a nice exception.

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