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This is another one of those games that's just so weird. What I do like is how it's pretty easy. I love the notion of someone as ridiculously fat as this guy would go skinny. He'd eat himself before he lost enough weight! In case anyone's wondering, he's how to get through the first day. Open the box and use the knife to cut off part of the tree. Then touch the rocks and use the match to build a fire.

You guys should be able to finish the rest of this by yourselves. What I didn't like was how the graphics were nothing special. The actual fat guy himself is funny to look at, but he's not in a well made environment. At least it's the kind of game you can really take your game with. It could have also used music.

Here are the pros and cons. The cons are that you have to wait so long to begin a level. I'm not sure if clicking the "Retry" button saves all the meters you have come across or do you get a medal for getting all the medals in one go? It was also pretty hard to launch, because you didn't have much control. I will give this credit because it is a very wacky game with lots of cool stuff in it. I just wish I had a better understanding of how to play it.

It's great to see all this weird stuff going on. I had no idea that hitting a volcano would make everything negative and make you fly away. I really don't think the vehicles help much in terms of momentum. This is just a very nicely detailed game and I would recommend it to people who are fans of surreal stuff. The cows seem to fly.

Wow, I am so glad there are so many awesome zombie games on this webiste! This is a game that works very well simply because it's a never ending onslaught of zombies and other destructive monsters coming. I like how they all had different designs. The overall cartoonishness of it was just fantastic. I like how you have so much mobility as well as how the monsters have a lot of mobility. I don't even know how to earn medals, I just get them.

The music is also great. At first I thought the villian in the opening cutscene was going to be the person that you played. It's great to see the bullets flying and slowly weakning those guys. It's funny how some of them are just torsos going around before you shoot them. I think they might actually get stronger when you shoot their legs off! This is an instant classic.

I didn't enjoy this game as much as I could, if only because it was so hard. It was so easy at first, but even when I put it on "Normal" mode, it was too hard to get ahead. What's also bad is how the arrows and stuff don't seem to make any noise. It would be a nice touch if they did. At least the monsters themselves are pretty well detailed. It seems like a pretty standard tower defense game, just not the most creative.

The characters just seem to come out too soon. Well, I do keep pressing the "Next Level" button, but I doubt it would help if I didn't. The music is alright. I guess it's when you're writing reviews like this, you notice how good or bad the music is. I appreciate you trying to do something enjoyable, which is what most people do anyway.

This had its good and bad parts. For the most part, the good outweighed the bad, so it was a game I would recommend. It was a simple game where nearly every game you played as a kid was redone. I think my favorite would be the Pacman level. I don't recall the Centipede game having been played by me. Oh well, what's annoying is that I don't understand the part where you have to choose a direction and not get eaten by a grue. It reminds me of Uncyclopedia.

At least the controls are very easy to understand. I think it could have been better if it had music. Well, maybe it would have been distracting, but it's never been like that before when I played those games. The graphics are decent for what they are. This is a decent game for a quick play.

Wow, this is one of the most awesome games I have come across in awhile! It mostly works so well because you are just inspired so much to keep on going and going. There's tons of new worlds and rooms to explore! I love how you get to smash so many of these annoying looking like gummy bears over and over! It gives you a great sense of purpose. The music was also good and it helped to convey what was going on.

It made me hungry and made me glad I have some left over stuff from the Oscar snacks last night! I love how everything is wonderfully detailed. This has to be one of the most addictive games ever, because I keep playing it and it's been almost an hour since I started! You are a master of games, my friend! It's better than anything you've ever worked on, easily! I am so glad you shared this miracle with the rest of us!

That seemed to go so perfectly if you imagined it as something that was a flash cartoon. It was too bad it actually turned out to be a game. It doesn't matter, because it's still pretty awesome either way. What's really cool is how beautifully you have drawn these stick figures. You normally don't think of them as having much detail, but you really made them look human. I appreciated all the different styles.

It got annoying how I was the only one defending myself. At least everything was covered in depth so well with the drawings. I could even get a feel for what these characters were going through. I am certainly looking forward to the full game coming out. I also love this music.

I wasn't too impressed with this submission, mostly because the graphics weren't that good. It also doesn't help that the game is extremely hard. I hate how there are so many things pointing to each other that you can't figure out what's going on! Well, I guess gamers who are more into this sort of thing should take more enjoyment. I do think that the idea's pretty cool. You really play a game where you use rats to defend.

Heck, it's rare a game uses rats at all! The coolest thing about this was probably how there were some pretty good designs, even if it didn't blend together too well. The music was alright. I hope you can have some more straightforward gameplay. I like how the blue arrows point everywhere.

I thought this was a very nice game! The coolest part about it was probably how well everything was set up. You got a great sense that you were in a world with a lot of enemies coming after you. What's also amazing is how there are so many good designs in this, yet it isn't very complicated. I will say that I am very annoyed when you get to that one boss who seals you in a room with nothing with himself in it. He doesn't automatically kill you, but always hits you there.

The music was also good and it gave off a good sense of being in a technological world. You just never knew what was going to come up next in this. It was quite fast paced, so after awhile, you just have to make sure not to get hit. It seems like you practically go into the blasts, they're so easy to hit! It's a good game.

Here's a great game that works well because there is so much subtley to it. The graphics aren't that impressive, but it really is a fun game in itself. I think it might be because you didn't try to make it too fancy or anything, just portray the game as how it's supposed to be. I had fun watching all the little hits. It's standard tower stuff and while not revolutionary, it seems to take us back to our roots. Well, I guess it is kind of old by modern standards.

I love the idea of a game that plays itself. I have been writing this review and haven't had to add any new defense tanks yet! You really don't know what to expect to come up next in terms of enemies. It didn't seem to go with a general theme, just random objects. It was interesting that way.

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