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This is one of the most awesome games you have submitted if not your best! I am glad you had that Osama bin Laden joke since he was dead. The coolest thing about this was probably how unbelivably fast paced it was! There were tons and tons of things going on that you could chomp on. I also love how there's a lot of funny background events like the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man appearing. I love eating the sailors, the cows, everything!

What was also cool was when you got the asteroid and the game promptly ended with the shark on his way to Mars. I can guess where the next game is going to take place! You just keep surpassing yourself in awesomeness with every shark game you create! I thought 3 million was high, but someone here has 17 MILLION! Even the music is wonderfully stylish, with how how you portray the action. I am a fan now and forever!

I love zombie games, but I am generally not a fan of those that are particularly complicated. I was hoping this would be a zombie defense game or something. It turned out to be actually fairly enjoyable. It's mostly because it doesn't require a lot of thought into it. Granted, I've only gotten into the normal part of the difficulty. I think the graphics are done pretty well. My favorite bit is how funny the zombies look when they're attacking a city.

I appreciate you looking for originality in your games, as this seemed like it. There's a lot going on, but take your time to get used to everything. The detail could probably be a bit better. That would actually be a cool name for a film company. You simply can't get enough zombies!

Yikes, this is one of the most fast paced games I've ever played! It's not that there's anything wrong with that, it was just very hard to complete with how there were 100 questions and you only had three seconds to answer each one! At least this does a good job of having me learn my times tables. Then again, I'm in college, so I don't want to go into math anyway. I thought the music wasn't bad. It seemed to really keep me going with how hard the game was.

I didn't understand what that "reverse" thing meant. I was trying so hard to get everything right, I wasn't even paying that much attention. Here are some hints. An odd or even number paired with an odd or even number will always result in an even number. One number that is odd plus an even number always equals an odd number. You should teach math class!

GoldenChain responds:

Thanks for your positive review :)
The time actually depends on the difficulty you choose, the Easy difficulty for example gives you 5 seconds at the cost of the score multiplier of course.
I thought the new music was good too, credit the musician who made it available though :)
And reverse means controls are reversed, Left stands for correct and Right for incorrect (You didn't check the Help section did you ^_^ ) which means if you get something right and answer as usual it would be wrong.
I would't teach maths though, no one likes maths teachers :)

Wow, it's not often that you stumble across a game that's so intelligent. This really makes me want to go back and think about what I've learned throughout the past year. It makes you realize how many other countries there are. You seem to rarely hear about some of this stuff, because of all the celebrity news and junk. In case anyone's wondering, here are some answers. Pakistan was the country with floods, Japan was the one with the tsunami.

Seven billion people were said to come last year. Palestine was voted as a member of the UN group, UNESCO. Kim Jung-un was named as the ruler of North Korea. Tokelau, along with Samoa, realigned its timezone. There are tons more, and it would simply take forever for me to answer every one.

Little-Rena responds:

Well I tried to find some events that where covered but not too much, so they would make for harder questions :p

It's a fairly unique game you have here. What's the most interesting is how you're able to have so many complicated parts in a game that's fairly simple. It seems like you really went out of your way to make some of these levels complicated. You have to shrink the things at just the exact right size if you want to advance. I like the music, it sounds Oriental, but that doesn't seem to fit the overall tune of the game, but whatever. I have reviewed so many games I could never remember if I went through the first one.

The graphics could be a little better. Of course, detail isn't a major factor in this game. What's important is that it's a really nice cheery game, particularly with how it seems to be so bright. I love how the blue shape is smiling. It's a nice little game to play if you don't want to put a lot of stress on yourself.

NPGames responds:

THANKS, Its reviews like this that make me love newgrounds!

Wow, I'm surprised this doesn't have a much higher score! I really enjoyed this! I guess my only complaint is probably how it can be difficult to see whethere you are dying or not. You just get so wrapped up in the game it is hard to keep track. The best part about this is probably how you are allowed to switch between playing yourself and going on auto-pilot. For the record, playing yourself is a lot better because I can barely get any good damage with the auto-pilot.

I also think it was pretty nicely drawn, even if the designs were a bit cheesy. My favorite part is the powerup that allows you to freeze the opponents. That has to be the funniest looking sperm I have ever seen. I imagine, seeing as how there are millions of sperm, this would be a long game to play. I hope this becomes more popular.

The good outweighs the bad here. What I did not like was how there was little music or sound effects in this. There was a little bit of music and that actually was nice when it was there. I think it's cute how you have a game with such a mundane overview. The actual gameplay was very nice. I have no idea why a green popsicle would make you complete the level, but it's a pretty original idea.

I was afraid I wouldn't have enough power in my air cap to go up the cliff. You have to remember that before the level starts, it shows you exactly what it looks like. That can be quite helpful. Half the time I don't even know how some of this stuff works, but I experiment with it and got ahead. It's a cute little game.

I am not a fan of RPGs, but at least had to admit this was a pretty unique submission. It seems like it might be a shooting game at first. In a sense, it is, but nowhere near the kind you would expect to play. It could have probably used some better graphics, but I still have to give it credit for being well made. It's hard to play at first, because it's one of those games where you learn it as you go along. I think the sounds are all nice and authentic.

There could have been some music, though. I like how you have a really good wide open area to explore. You just seem so small when you're placed on this giant background. I appreciate you trying to put originality in your games. Anyone who's a fan of RPGs should check this out.

I really like this game, because it shows how much you can accomplish when you don't have much of a budget. Granted, I guess that term doesn't really apply to flash games. What I mean is that it looks like it wasn't made with a particularly high tech program but still turned out great. This really goes to show you can make something simple but still enjoyable. I guess it's just because it's something we're all familiar with. Every person has experienced ants taking over their food.

We really envision ourselves as exterminators when we take them out. I think the sounds and music are pretty cute too. My only complaint is that it is pretty hard to tell where those ants will go next. Well, the general path is usually the same. I love how funny the pizza slices look as they float around.

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