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This was a good game, but it did get annoying. I don't really understand exactly how you're supposed to go from the yellow guy to Barack Obama. It's harder than you think. I appreciate you making an environmental game. The animation is quite good. It was pretty easy to understand.

I wish you could change your angle. It's set in stone as soon as you click. That was especially hard with the yellow guy. It was nice how you were trying to send a message. How topical, I guess.

Wow, this is one of the strangest games I've ever played! That being said, I loved it! I was just amazed at how fast paced it was. Everything looked quite bright and colorful. You really do know how to make a game that just goes on and on. I don't know if it even has any ending.

If I can get medals, I'm not complaining. The sound effects and music are great. It looks like Sonic is wearing pants. Even by doing nothing, I got medals! Thank you for this unique game.

Happy Easter! Probably the only reason I like this so much is because the timing was so appropriate. It is in fact Easter six years later! Wait, this is really six years old? Dang, I'm feeling older all the time. The sounds were great.

I'm glad it was at a good pace. Even without hints, I did quite well. Then, it might have been too easy. I'm so glad to see all these nice drawings and colors. I may not have had an egg hunt, but at least I played this!

This was a pretty good sniping game. I'm not really into the whole thing. I think they're a bit too complicated. I always have to read too much to understand the level. At least I got pretty far. It's still a decent game. I like the animation.

It's hard to animate that well with silhouettes. The music was what really made it. It's quite appropriate for a sniper game. I guess I'm just more used to standard shooting games. The rest of the sounds are quite nice too.

I admit that I was disappointed by how this was a card game. I thought it would be a racing game. I'm not that much into racing games, but I'm even less into card games. The sounds are pretty good. I just find card games to be too hard to really get into. They're too complicated.

At least the designs are fairly nice. It is a game that seems to play itself. I guess people who do like card games will get into this more. It was an interesting theme at least. It just isn't for me.

This is quite a good game. I am surprised at how there's always something different going on. I thought this would be a more cartoonish game at first. I don't know, the title just made it seem like that. Then again, it does have sticks. I miss Ben Spurgin.

There's something wrong with the program on my laptop. I wasn't able to press up without moving the whole screen up. It's still a good game. It's always good to have something unpredictable. The music wasn't bad either.

I was kind of bored at how this wasn't that creative, but it was still quite good. I thought there would be more obstacles or something. Instead, you just had to do everything in a time limit. You would be surprised at how easy it is to mess up. It's actually a good test of patience. You don't the exact pace.

You're not sure if you're going to hit it at the right point. You really should literally not bump into anything. I like how it was clear to understand. The music seemed appropriate for the game. This is worth checking out.

This game really was quite fun! At first, I was afraid it might be too easy. From the title, I though it would be like a Javanoid game. It turned out to be something truly unique. It was just fun having so much mobility. You could really travel all over the screen.

It can certainly get hard if you don't do that. The music is quite stylistic as well. The girl on the menu screen looks a tad weird, though. It's still a very colorful game. I mean that quite literally.

This was a very original game! I really felt like I could get into it! I was amazed at how hard it got at times. It was just the same kind of moves you had to memorize. The music was fantastic! The little sounds were nice too.

I guess you just had to try everything with this. I thought it would at least be easy in the first few levels. I had no idea what hard thing was going to come up next. Thanks for introducing me to this! I thought it said, "Move the X" at first.

I'm actually pretty surprised that I got as far as I did. I touched the sink twice which made it overflow. Then I (or I guess you) touched the beaker on the side and the scientist fell down. You then touch the tubes on top. One falls down and melts his head. You then just click on the monster to leave.

I really did have fun with what I could figure out. I can't get past the banana peel part. The artwork is quite good. It's great to have a point and click game that's playable for me. It was very enjoyable.

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