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This game was quite enjoyable, but it had one major flaw for me. It was too hard! I wasn't even good at giving out punches. Still, it set out its goal. You're so good with sticks. All of them have so much mobility.

It was cool to be able to use clubs. I don't know why clubs of all things. This isn't caveman times! Or cavestick times? I also liked how it was easy to understand.

I criticize the lack of detail, but it really wasn't that bad. It's probably because I did want to continue. Weird to not have anything Christmas related at this time. The graphics weren't good. I wish there was music. Still...I liked this game.

I felt some urge to continue. I wanted to get better. Yeah, you really do need more detail. It's cool to have a game where you play a zombie. That was different.

I actually liked the gameplay here. It was nice to have so much control. I loved how everything moved along when you changed the game. The drawings themselves were nice. I wasn't expecting a match game. I was a bit disappointed by that.

The sounds were alright. It's good for a quick play. It's nothing too great. I still recommend it. It's certainly good.

The gameplay was good, but there were some faults. You just stayed in the same place the whole time! I just wanted more from a stick game. I can still appreciate the training. It was annoying with how my gun went out of control. It was too hard to keep it down!

Well, it was more challenging that way. The Christmas theme is nice. I like how you play a girl shooter. We need more of those. The music was good too.

I didn't care that much for this game, mostly because I'm bad at it. It was hard to understand. Well, the second level was killer. I didn't know how to get past it. I can still appreciate the Christmas aspect. I just love Christmas that much.

The sounds were fine. There was definitely creativity in this. I guess it was a harmless enough game. I'm sure there's others who understand the physics better. This was just okay for me.

I was very impressed by this game! I think my only complaint was the graphics. It did seem off. Tails' design was just kind of weird. Still, it was a very authentic Sonic game even if it wasn't as good as the original.

I guess I just wanted more enemies. The music is great. I'm glad to play a scary Sonic game. Or should I say a scary Tails game. It's nice you give him his own game.

I liked this game in a weird way. I mean, it's really annoying how you can't jump. It still ended up being pretty unique. I wasn't expecting that to happen. At least I could get past some parts. I suppose I will say I liked it, but not that much.

The best part is probably how it works in its simplicity. Then again, the graphics aren't that good. I guess in a game like this it doesn't really matter. It's fine for what it is. The music's quite appropriate too.

Honestly, I found this point and click adventure kind of dull. I couldn't get far. I just wasn't motivated. The animation wasn't that good. At least there's nothing too horrible about it. I thought it would be about the apocalypse.

I mean, that's what the name seemed to implied. I'm not into point and click adventure games. It might be my least favorite genre. I just find them boring. Uh, Happy Halloween?

I should have read the instructions at first. I thought you were supposed to just jump. Boy, was I wrong! I liked the unique style. Then again, it turned out to be really hard on Level 3. I was impressed at how it got hard so quickly.

The animation could be better. Well, it's more about the gameplay. It can get frustrating. I like when you show the pumpkins light up as you get them. It's cute.

I was so impressed at how cool this was! There was just so much going on! I didn't know it would be a music game. I didn't seen what it had to do with Halloween. These guys didn't really look like ghosts. They looked more like big monsters.

Well, whatever it's a great game. It's amazing how much you have to keep up. At least you get to look at some great visuals. It'll probably take awhile to understand. It's so creative.

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