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The tankman's name is Captain John? I guess that does make sense. I mean, they would have names. I think I got him, but none of my recent medals have been showing up at all. This was a cute little game. I'm not much for dressup games.

No, not even the ones with nudity. I'm not THAT much of a pervert. The drawings were pretty crude. Well, you still had to work hard for the medals. Wario-Master-Of-Disguise-For-Nintendo_DS is sure long for a tag.

Count-Cannoli responds:

It's the best tag ever made, ever, you're welcome for it!

This has fantastic graphics! I will admit that I didn't like it how there was just one enemy to fight. Well, apart from the people he set. It's still an amazing game. Wow, one boss can really take a lot! Everything was so unpredictable!

There were so many things just popping out everywhere! You had to keep up really well. At least I could get a 25 hit combo. I'd like to see this made into a longer game. It's still a gorgeous one. I was just expecting a platformer.

This was a beautiful recreation of the original game! I'll never get used to seeing those broken balls, though. Didn't quite focus on Pico though. Who cares, it's still a great game. I was just never good at these games. Boy, did it start off hard!

At least there's some tutorial. The graphics were just awesome looking. You don't see that much sprite stuff here anymore. Thanks for the fullscreen option. I really think most games should have that.

HOW DID THIS NOT WIN AN AWARD?! This Is Seriously One Of The Best Games Ever Made! I just play it all day, especially considering how it just goes on and on! There were so many great weapons to choose from! The enemies were so unique as well! This is without a doubt the greatest submission for Pico Day 2021!

Thank God (or I guess you) for having random weapons fall from the sky at the boss fights! I would have been useless without that. It's probably the best Newgrounds mashup I've ever seen period. Pico really does fit well into "Madness Combat". You have great mobility, just everything that should be in any game ever! Authentic music, I could just gush about this all day!

Stepford responds:

I'm glad you had so much fun! It didn't win an award, but that's because there was a lot of other great submissions on Pico Day as well! <3

I have to admit that this didn't that great at first. I mean, it was just you clicking on stuff over and over. There was a hell of a lot of diversity with what was going on! I can see why this has such an immense score! I'm so glad I looked through all of them! Um, did I?

I'd have to count every one. There's too much counting with the one already on screen. I just keep seeing more I hadn't seen before! Again, such a shame this didn't get a single award! It's my favorite Pico Day submission this year! May I wish you a very Happy Pico Day and for everyone who worked on this!

Yeah, I'm too bad at this game to enjoy it. The second level was murder. Like, literally. Well, I guess I wasn't murdered. I just couldn't avoid falling into the spikes.

I could only shoot three shots in one jump. I'd have to train a lot to get better. I guess this just wasn't the Dare for me. Still, it won an award on Pico Day! You deserve credit for that!

Yeah, this definitely needs work. There was no sound. At least put in some music. I wish you could get those thoughts to show up. I just typed "Why are we here?" and "Eat da poo poo". You didn't even need to type them to advance.

Well, someone has to be last at Ludum Dare. Wow, 48 installments? This needed backgrounds. The character design was crude as well. Not crude as in vulgar.

Krac3r responds:

This is my first time doing Ludum Dare, and I was just trying to get this out. I'll try to make the next one better and may make a post jam version.

Well, this game was certainly frustrating. Still, I have to recommend it. I mean, it's a different kind of game. I just wish there was an easy medal. It certainly went deep. The lack of mobility just really frustrated me.

Yeah, there have been jokes made about big swords. It's still pretty unique. Tooth? I don't think insects have teeth! Well, that would be the size of a tooth compared to an insect.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't get into this. It looked like a giant thermometer. I don't like mercury. It was just the same thing of you going down and down. I couldn't get that far, but I didn't really want to. I mean, I do like the layout.

The music's rather appropriate. The title is fairly nice as well. It was too minimalistic for me. At least you got the thumbnail on this dare! Then again, it's the only one.

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