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Quite fun!

The thing that makes this so good is how you have interesting gameplay with simple controls. The only thing I probably didn't like was how you only had a minute to shoot things! It isn't even that much of a problem when you have to change colors. There are so many enemies, you just wait for the next ones. At first I thought it was that you could only kill enemies with the same color, but it was the other way around. That certainly makes it easier.

What's also cool is the music which set the tone well. It could have been detailed a little better, but still lots of fun to play. You had a pretty cool name to go with it. I have always enjoyed playing games like this, probably because of how much mobility the player has. Dang, and I still have yet to win any of the medals!

The best of Clock Day!

Dude, I was disappointed that there wasn't a single submission for Clock Day 2011 that I gave a 5 to. I am so glad to be proven wrong with this awesome game! I just loved everything about this game! There were so many awesome jokes about everything this website is about. My favorite would have to be the animutation level. I just love animutation and am sad that few people have made those in the past several years.

The medals didn't show up on screen when I got them. That doesn't matter, because even though this was fairly easy, it was still great to play. It's been so long since I've seen any of the "Zombie" characters. I loved how there was so much great detail put into the enemies. Thank you for bringing back my faith in the Clock Crew! It is also easily the best thing the one and only StrawberryClock worked on.

An odd quiz

I thought that I knew more about the ocean, but apparently not enough. This was a pretty good game, because the graphics were good. It's just that the premise seemed kind of silly. I just don't know why I'm going around bit by bit in the ocean. It might have been better to come up with a more elaborate way of putting the questions up. Some of it comes off as a bit gaudy. It's still far from the first thing I've played.

There's actually a fairly nice amount of detail put into this game. It just has a really goofy looking layout. You should have had more action going on if you were going to make it look like that. At least you tried to give us some good information. I know how deep the world is so it makes sense that the lowest point would not be the biggest presented at ten miles deep.

Rural indeed

This was good for probably the same reasons it wasn't that good. What's cool is how the graphics are so nice and it doesn't try to be too elaborate. Then again, I guess I might have liked it more if it was fairly more elaborate. It's still a good submission, it just gets repetitive. It's still good to get a good shot of everything that's in your path, so you can plan strategies. The worst part is of course turning which really gets you in the end.

My advice is to go as fast as possible and be sure to change direction at the right time. I do kind of think that 8 laps is a bit too much. It's still a nice game as the graphics it does have are really good. Everything seems to be well detailed, especially how the cars drive around. I wish you guys would submit some newer stuff here!

Too few

I was wondering how you would make this when there hadn't been many episodes. I guess I am just disappointed that this wasn't bigger. It's just that I have seen a lot of soundboards, and this is one of the smallest I have found. Of course, I can't really blame you because again, there wasn't much material to go with. It's amazing how many characters they made in this short time. I can still vaguely understand their language!

Their language is really just English being said in a really wierd way. It would have also been better if you had put in some ways to stop the sound. Most soundboards have features like that. Well, I guess it wasn't anything that was a major disservice to the Weebl and Bob series. The sound is good in terms of how clear it is.

Not terrible

The most frustrating part about this was probably how I couldn't understand how to smash the bad clams. You didn't instruct what buttons to push. I was able to at least get some smashes by clicking it and pressing the "X", "C", and "V" buttons. I feel that the graphics could have been better. Of course, this was supposed to be a fairly simplistic game, so I can't blame you for that. I enjoyed slapping the coworker anytime I could.

Hey, I lost fewer points when I got something wrong! It's a great stress reliever. I think it could be improved by making the instructions more clear and probably having better overall graphics. It still is a fairly unique game for what it's worth. Congradulations on your Daily 3rd Place and for me uncovering this one.

Quite a unique game!

I think the thing I liked the most about this game was how cool it was to be able to see how well you were doing. The health bar really helped. Of course, it didn't help that I had little idea when I was going to get my next rank. Of course you would make all of the higher ranked medals secret! It was interesting because I had no idea what was going to show up next in this game. There were such a nice variety of blocks to jump on.

Those pogo sticks and parachutes came in handy. I didn't even know how to fully use them at first. It can certainly get hard when there are fewer ledges on the side to slide down on. It's a game that can take awhile to figure out, as it has such an odd premise. I of course have to give you credit for creativity for this was original.

It seems familiar

This reminded me of "Battleship" a lot. I imagine you could have simply called it that and it would have made as much sense. What I did like was that it actually was a game that had a lot going on. Now, I've only ever played it on Easy Mode, but I imagine it gets harder. What I especially like is how you have so many oppurtunities to destroy your enemy. The sounds, especially the way the missiles sink is pretty authentic.

I also like how it doesn't try to be too flashy or anything. Then again, I might have liked it more if it was flashy. It was still nicely detailed, it just took a bit too long to get used to it. I suggest you maybe try to have more going on in the game and probably just rename it "Battleship". It reminds me of how I saw a poster for that in the theater, yes, they're making a movie out of it!

Fairly unique game

It's easy to see how a person could really have fun with this. What I did find to be confusing is that I didn't quite understand the gameplay. It was probably because I was using this cutout design on the other side of the screen. Then I played the game which was me putting everything together? I didn't understand the gameplay, but it really wasn't bad. The best thing is probably how everything fell into place when it did.

I like how the cards just swirl around. There's really no point in that, except to look cool. At least you seemed to have really created some interesting designs for us to go through. Drawings of high quality are always something to be admired here. I also like how the music has this really sweet melody that gives off peace.

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