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murp is Number 1 today!

I am surprised that this did not get any medals to go with it. I think this might also be the first time I found out your name was Felix Wiesner, as I thought it had a "Maus" in it. Anyway, the "Powerfox" series was one of my all time favorite games on the Internet! It was great to see PF finally back and kicking butt like he should! This game was probably the hardest at least with the Difficulty modes I tried. I understand why you chose India instead of going all around the world this time.

It was because India has over a billion people and their Hindu religion has over a million gods (seriously)! I don't know if that was intentional, but some Fridge Brilliance I saw. I loved the references to your other games, like the giant crab claw. The genie powerups were easily the best, with the Foxzilla powerup the best of them all. You still keep the tradition of so many things going on at one time.

Wiesi responds:

Thank you!

Cute little game

I thought this was a pretty fun game. When I heard the title, I thought it was going to be a parody of the movie "Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs". The coolest thing was that the graphics were great and the overall design was just so adorable. The music was also a great way of showing how cute it was. At first I thought I was trying to catch letters with the green things being giant envelopes. I guess those are intended to be presents.

While Christmas was not mentioned, this certainly reminded me of Christmas. I thought that the name "Pong" meant that the game was going to be similar to Pong. It's neat to have instructions for using on your cell phone. It seems like more Newgrounds games should have instructions like that. It's hard to collect the presents while you move fast as that causes some to fall off.


This game was fairly fun to play, mostly because the graphics were good. It seems similar to the Ashura game that was also released by fortunacus. It was not as enjoyable, as the control just seemed off. The weirdest thing was probably how I am not used to just moving on my own hitting enemy after enemy. The designs of the monsters were good and it was great to have it different on every level. It did still seem repetitive, just destroying the same monsters over and over.

At least you have upgrades which help against the stronger enemies, obviously. My favorite powerup would have to be the shield. I did not even try to put that on, I think it was just something that came with the upgrades. The sound effects worked nice and seemed as authentic as most other games. I liked the design of the protagonist even if it was not the most original.

Good variety

This game was interesting to play because it had a lot going on and you did not know who was going to show up next. It was really cool with how there was a different player for everything. It seems like every icon would be an opponent, but you changed protagonists. I am pretty bad at this game and it can get frustrating for me. The worst part is how it takes forever just for the gun to get the ammo to fire! I guess it's random so it's just coincidence but it seems to take a long time to me.

The animation was pretty good. I think you could work a little on lines and maybe some more shading. It did remind me of the "Pico Roulette" game, a classic on this website and a very good game. While not as good as this, it was still enjoyable because there were many elements to it. Even the way the gun shot the guy in the level was changed.

Nice game

This game was really fun to play and yes, it helped that I was really good at it. While it was not the most detailed thing out there, it still worked because it really created a world of its own. I could fill the entire description by saying how to beat it, but that can be done in the walkthrough. I also love the stylistic music. It sounds like something from "The Pink Panther". Anyway, it was interesting to see how each new level had a new challenge that you learned to overcome.

Thank you for putting gray blocks that are neutral. I think that gray is in fact its own opposite which it why it works perfectly as a neutral color. It's also nice that there is a lot of open space for the player and his stick figures to go around and explore. I am surprised this game did not become more popular. Keep on making quality puzzle games like this.

The portal!

When I first saw the name of this game, I thought it was going to be a simulation of the flash portal! This is in fact probably better than that anyway. It's funny to play a game that appeared in both the Action and Puzzles Games section. I can see why this is so popular, because it is extremely authentic. I have just seen this being demonstrated in popular culture so many times I know all about how to use it. It's great how you can truly create your own world with this game.

While not that detailed, it makes up for in terms of gameplay. It is a great way to express your creativity and it's fun just to see new elements show up on every level. It also helps that this is really easy for me as the instructions are basic. It's so fun and detailed it would make it on any gaming system. Thank you for making so many levels to show off your talent at flash games.

Very decent game

What really helps this game out is how great the graphics are. I seldom see CGI games on Newgrounds, but this is easily one of the most detailed out there! The really cool thing was how there was so much perspective in exactly how you hit the ball. That being said, it was still pretty hard for me to win at this. I guess I got a little cocky in the beginning. Minature golf has always been one of my favorite pastimes (as in the real game), and regular golf has always been super hard for me.

I like how there are a lot of obstacles, even though they seem simplistic. You seemed to really work to make it realistic, even with the stock sounds of the birds chirping. There is also a great amount of detail put into everything. While skirting a little onto the Uncanny Valley, it is still extremely admirable. Every fan of minature golf should enjoy playing this.


When I first saw this title, I thought it was going to be a tribute to "Final Fantasy VII". Dang, that makes me feel as though I need to get out more. Anyway, this was a great game because it was extremely clearcut and you had to simply shoot as many times as you could. The confusing thing was when that red arrow came down. I thought it meant that an enemy was coming up, but it actually meant a mountain came up. Then when it went to the other side, it really did mean that!

The graphics in this were really good and I loved how there was no attempt to be flashy. It works with being realistic, except for that weird lightning weapon. In case anyone's wondering, when one row of planes come from the top single file, the next row come from the bottom single file. Not much of a story, but it doesn't need one. The simplistic style makes it addictive.

Nice quality

As a fan of the zombie genre, this was fairly entertaining to play. What I did not like about it was how it did not really have any action and was more like a sim dating game. I guess it's okay to make something different, but definitley not something I am used to. The game still works because it manages to have some really good detail. I think you can get into these character's heads easily given the conversations they have. It seems like you could just click over and over to get ahead.

Still, really anything done with zombies with fine artwork works for me. I liked the music being played and felt that it gave off a more realistic feeling. It seemed like you were being fairly creative with the different kinds of zombies you talked about. If I play this long enough, I know I will get those secret medals. When they're all secret, I'm bound to at least accidentally get one.

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