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There you go again

I was confused as to why this did not have medals (of any kind) on it. I of course now realize that it was not a game but a cartoon submission and it is interesting to see you doing something new. The coolest thing was that there were simply so many deaths to choose from! There were almost too many! I could be here all day looking at whatever is going to come up next. What matters is that you have a really cool idea and it's a good way of showing off your creativity.

It's amazing how many ways you can kill someone with a soccer ball. There were some flaws, such as how you might have used some music and the animation could be better. At least nothing appears out of whack in the color. I really like the ones where his body parts fall to the ground. Man, how do those bodies supports those heads?

Really fun!

While the graphics were not that great, this was still a very nice game to play, simply because it was so fun. It was amazing how each and every level had a very specific amount of detail put into it. The best part was the goofy sound effects. It was just great to see this bull randomly catch on fire from eating the chili peppers and stuff. It was the first game I ever played that had that many tutorials. It's funny to just see the bull hop around over and over.

Even when you lost a level, it was funny to see the bull have problems with the arrows. The voice in this sounded really professional, like a game show host. At least this game managed to get some recognition from having so many well known people work on it. It's great how you can just use the boomerang and let the game play itself. Using the arrow keys you can even go out of frame!

Good and hard

I can't hate this game because it is very well done! The coolest thing is the graphics. I mean, for a game that's nothing but a screen with some bubbles on it, it is very nice to just look at. Even the actions the bubbles make when you press them are hardcore! What I did not like was just how hard this turned out to be! There were so many different sounds to choose from and even if you listened carefully, you still had to inspect each and every one hoping to get the right color.

I was thinking it would be more like a "Simon Says" game, but man, was I wrong. If this does not make you more aware of music, nothing will. I thought it would be something where you would try to pop bubbles or something. All in all, this is a very sophisticated game and a recommendation for someone who really wants a challenge. It's so difficult it's very highbrow!

GameBalance responds:

It's far not simon. The name fit the game tho, you touch the bubbles haha!
Color in game is random.
The game requires some music ear. But I think it's good because it might train it some.

For those who have no music ear - I m sorry :(

Should have seen this coming

With Charlie Sheen in the news so much lately, I should have seen this coming earlier. I loved how there was such a wide variety of enemies to smash! Each and every one had a very unique design. I especially love how the strippers change their body colors for seemingly no reason and you pick them up in your car. My favorite victims would probably be the goose. It was just great to hear all those squishy sounds and stock stuff like the Wilhelm scream.

The graphics in this were fantastic. There were so many vibrant colors in everything. I guess that was supposed to represent how Charlie Sheen is such a drug addict, huh? It's always great to see talented guys like poxpower and Mockery working together. It got a little slow, but the tiger button more than made up for it.

Nice defense game

This game is very interesting to play because it manages to have such a simplistic appearance to it. Don't get me wrong, it certainly gets harder as the game goes on. The music is also really good and the entire game seems like it's a music game of some sort. I guess it's just how everything flows so smoothly. The coolest thing is when the beams start turning into fireballs. While not the most detailed game, it allows itself to become a straight-up fun one because of the gameplay.

There's little to complain about it, and even the explosions change as the game goes on. I didn't even realize you could choose from different turrents. A big selling point is how much variety there is and how the levels change as you progress. It starts on a blank screen to somewhat prepare you for the more elaborate colors. There seem to be no drawn black lines, just vibrant colors.

Very good game!

I liked playing this game a lot because it just had so much to offer! I could easily see something like this landing on a professional gaming system given how good the gameplay is. It gets a little repetitive, but great besides that. The best part was being able to collect all those weapons and beat up the enemies. I think most of them could be beaten simply by attacking them relentlessly. I think the lead pipe is the one that managed to do the most damage.

Having a cactus be the protagonist was a pretty original idea. It's a pretty surreal game in that way, especially with how weird the enemies look. Whatever the purpose is, it's a very fun game to play and has everything you need. The controls are fairly smooth and the game is kind to you as it goes on. There's so much detail put into the backgrounds, too.

What a maze!

When I first heard of this game, it seemed like you were going to do one where you would not hit the sides. I guess I should have listened to the title better. The cool thing was how you had no idea what was going to show up next in the game. There was a unique design for every level. While this game did not have the most detail, it was still fun to play because the design was simple and you did not need to have elaborate things going on to make a good game. The sounds were cool, too.

There's even a cute noise you hear when you click the "Click Start" button. It is amazing how simple lines can be used to create a fairly complicated game. The coolest thing was how quickly the ball just went across the screen. I am glad this managed to at least get a couple tens of thousands of views. For a maze game, it's all around cute.

Great puzzle game!

I love this game because what it is just seems to completely come out of nowhere. When you first see the screen, you think it's going to be some fantasy story. Well, you could kind of tell it was not from the title and stuff. The best thing was the music and how gracefully you allowed the player to just do whatever he or she needed to beat the game. Puzzle games can sure be frustrating, so it was very calming to hear the birds sing and the water rush along. The shading is great too.

It's actually hard to see this as being 3d because it does not look like that to me. The cube does contrast with the rest of the environment. It's weird how it just floats around in this beautiful landscape. The detail is as good as ever and it is hard to be stressed with all the relaxing music. People should make more puzzle games like this.

Pretty different

Since I have played tons of defense games, it is always great to look for ones with new style. I thought this style was actually quite original in how you built turrets and featured those guys coming up. While it was submitted on Halloween, it did not have anything to do with the holiday, BTW. What matters is that the music is really cheery and there are a fair amount of enemies coming forward. The thing I did not like was how there was this big massive space in the sky.

It just seemed kind of a waste to put it there. The graphics could be better, but they are still adequate enough to recommend. The best thing is that there are so many different enemies you can send out yourself and different levels. I can tell a lot of effort was put into this. You seem to have really made a world of your own that other people can enjoy.

Nice and creepy

As usual, it was a good idea to put forth this game around Halloween time. While it is not that time now, I can still appreciate it. What I really liked about this game is that it is so good at being faithful to the zombie genre. It is everything you would want and expect, being able to just shoot zombies left and right. The gameplay is a bit hard, especially when you have to learn how to move on. It's weird how this was put on the "Action Games" list instead of "Shooting Games".

There are so many zombie games that should be a section itself! Anyway, this was really cool to play also because it did a great job of creating atmosphere with the music. Being alone (well, besides the zombies) in the darkness is always a spooky feeling. I also like how your character has a lot of mobility and flexibility. Keep making this stuff for us zombie fans!

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